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The Fellowship of the Mole


Online Reality Games (ORG)
ezGames Index

Welcome to the Fellowship of the Mole's website! The Fellowhip of the Mole is a Mole game that will have 10 contestants competing against each other, trying to figure out who is the Mole is. The Mole is a double agent selected by moi ,the host, who will try to sabotage the challenges, on purpose, to lower the amount of money the winner wil receive (called the pot). At the end of each round, the players will take a quiz on the identity of the Mole. The player with the lowest score is executed, and must leave the game immediately. Oh, and did I mention all the contestants MUST ENJOY READING? (You don't have to read every single day to qualify, you justhave to like reading.)
Oh, my bad, I forgot to talk about money! Well, unless my math really stinks, up to 1000k (my way of saying I million dollars) can be won! However, this may disappoint you, but all money is fake.
If you have questions, my AIM name is Myra Goof, MSN Messenger name that's also my e-mail.
5-1-03: APPLICATIONS HAVE BEEN CLOSED! The game will start ASAP. If you applied and I've talked to you since then, please e-mail me so I can send you more information on the game!