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Alone in the dark
The only sound
My own breathing
Silent tears
Trace paths
Down my cheeks
As I wish
Something could be done
To end the pain

Please Touch Me

Please touch me, thats all -- I ask no more of you.
Just touch me and let me know -- I’m worthy through and through.
I don’t want much - I don’t think
Just a little more - than a nod or wink.
Just touch me please and let me know that
what’s inside is safe to show.
I need to know somebody cares.
I need a place my heart to bare.
I’m reaching out in hope and fear.
Please give me love and dry my tears.
I don’t need much - just a hug or two.
I don't want much - just a touch from you.

Please....touch me.

Something Must Be

Something must be wrong with me
with all this hurt inside,
always bursting with anger,
and never any pride.

Something must be wrong with me
if all I do is cry,
I can't stop this pain
all I want to do is die.

Something must be wrong with me
if my emotions run wild,
all this confusion does
is make me feel like a lost child.

Something must be wrong with me always there and never gone
depression is what it brings.

Something must be wrong with me
if I can't stop these thoughts,
all this pain does
is turn my stomach in knots.

Something is truly wrong with me
when I think there's only one way out,
"Let this pain end,"
is all my heart will shout.

Why did God make this my life?

I guess he feels I 'm strong enough
to endure this pain and strife,
to hold together my self-esteem
and make something of my life.
I know I have the strength
that others often lack,
I worked real hard to get here
no plans on going back.
Some days are so much harder
than the ones before,
If I can hold on a little longer
my strength will grow much more.
For everyday that I endure
it makes me that much stronger,
allowing me to save myself
from the pain, the hurt, the tears,
to help me find some peace in life
and cope with all my fears


What do you see when you look at me?
A person who's down, always wearing a frown.
Why you might ask does she look so sad,
because this disease i have is so bad.
As the pain's inside it's easy to hide,
until you see me bent over clutching my side.
This horrible disease is ruining my life,
Will my partner ever ask me to be his wife?
The tears and emotions i just can't take
ENDOMETRIOSIS i really do hate.
I want to be happy and smiling again
for once and for all get rid of this pain.
But until someone clever comes up with a cure
this damned Endometriosis i have for sure.

This Poem was written by: Barbara-Anne Rowe