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So the way things have been going lately, I've decided to once again rework the site. After a long pause due to my trip to WA, I've finally started to work on the final stages of my Elven Archer Outfit. Please excuse any broken links for the moment, I'm in the process of changing a few things.

Note: I do NOT sell costumes, these pages are merely here for 1. referance/aid on your own outfits and 2. my own personal entertainment.


1/8/04 - Like the new layout? If so, check out the links below to and!
11/1/03 - The Helm's Deep Armors gone great so far, unfortunately I left it back in Cali so I havent been able to work on it. Unfortunately missed my Oct 31 aiming date..and even more unfortunate, I completely missed RingCon in Tacoma even though I was like 5 mins away from it *sighs at how close I was to Craig Parker, yet oh so far away* Anyhow, any updates I have will most definitely come in very slow.
10/12/03 - I've started doin the remodeling of the site a little, so bear with the broken links til then.
9/01/03 - C.D. section finished, now for updates.
8/29/03 - Costume Design is getting a new layout.
8/26/03 - Majorly reworking everythings thats here. The broken links will be working hopefully soon.
8/25/03 - Reformatted the TTT:Ex and ROTK preview pages and made em all nice and perty.

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