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Things You Didn't Buy on Ebay...satisfaction2020

For one reason or another you forgot to bid on these fabulous, deluxe, wonky items while they were on auction at Ebay.

I can't imagine why. Okay, I can *imagine*, still...

camouflage panties

I kinda ran out of money so I am offering up some of the best things I own. This is a pair of camouflage panties. They are tremendous!

Here’s the skinny: The underwear is made of stretchy lace in a camo pattern. The leg openings are edged in orange stitches and the camo is fluttery rather than tight. The top edge is bright orange elastic with a bright orange bow. That’s so gun-toting lunatics don’t shoot you. It is deer and wild turkey hunting season right now! I LOVE these. I like the idea of becoming invisible, although you really aren’t invisible UNLESS you are out in the forest, then Yep you would be. The size is marked L, which is junior sized so I think that is about size 7 in real numbers.

If I wasn’t cash-poor I would definitely keep these because they are great. Maybe you would like them as much as I do. Or if you are a man maybe your girlfriend or wife would like them and you could be a big-game hunter.

Or if you are a really rich person then maybe you could buy them and secretly send them back to me for Christmas. I would REALLY like that.

Anyway here they are…enjoy...freshly-washed in lavender water.

Buyer to add shipping of $3.50.

Okay. The reason you didn't get to buy these is because I had them on auction for a short time and decided to end the auction early because I couldn't bear to part with them. So, sorry.

Frida Kahlo Painting

”Frida's Last Look” by LooLoo

from the Red Box series.


mixed media

This is an ORIGINAL work, not a print or copy. The auction is for the actual painting. Image rights remain with the artist. It is unframed.

LooLoo has artwork in collections throughout the United States. The artist is represented by Gallery 219 and Gold Coast.

This fine painting is being offered at No Reserve. Value: $250.00

Buyer to add shipping/handling fee of $6.00. Postal insurance is available for $2.20. This fee is optional. Seller not responsible for uninsured items.

One night, actually early morning, I had insomnia and just finished this painting and slapped it up on ebay. Well who looks at stuff on ebay at 3:44 a.m.? I know...bad timing. So I am guessing that no one even saw this truly excellent painting :(


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Price List
