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Ok ...afterlife according to Phil Mitchell

There are many different theories on what happens after we die ..some believe that we move onto a different plane ...some that we move to a parallel life ..or that the spirit continues to live in various states .........Native Americans believe in survival of the spirit ......well here's my ideas may accept them or cast them aside , but one thing they will do is make you think ...make you wonder as to the validity of rebirth .

I do firmly believe that yes the spirit does live on , but it is firmly in the deceased persons families hearts assume that the spirit lives on like some sort of Ghost would demean the deceased persons life .....Yeah people have been know to see their loved ones after death and why not as the image of them is firmly engraved on the memory ...therefore it would not be unreasonable for them to see the deceased when in a state of grief you maybe know it is said that a deceased will not come to those left if they grieve to hard if you think about this any images in the persons memory would be masked by the intense grief and only when this grief subsides would the images of the deceased return and sometimes with so much intensity that the person would appear to be standing or siting in the room with them ...on occasions the deceased person would appear in times of trouble this again is due to an intense need to see the person and maybe ask questions of them , but of course having spent time with the deceased you already know how the deceased would have answered the questions... As a psychic I am in total harmony with the spirits held inside each individual persons hearts ...much can be seen in a persons eyes as they have a direct link with every part of the body including the heart ........

The one thing that is for certain is that the body is only a husk for the spirit to live in ..

So if you need to talk to the one you loved then look into your own heart ...because thats where they are living on for as long as you wish them to do and in whatever manner you wish then to do .......

Phil Mitchell 1998 <