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Webmaster Tools
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  Link Popularity dari MarketLeaps (Page rangk: 7/10)
    Fasilitas dari website untuk mengetahui berapa link popularitas kita di internet, didasari oleh Jumlah link yang terhubung ke website kita yang di generate oleh searching engine utama di internet semacam Yahoo, Google dan MSN, Masukkan 4 buah alamat domain utama pada form yang tersedia
    Masukkan Access Kode yang ada kemudian click Generate, Akan menampilkan link-link yang terhubung ke website kita dan kita akan dpat mengertahui berapa jumlah link yang terhubung ke website kita.
    Link popularity check is one of the best ways to quantifiably and independently measure your website's online awareness and overall visibility. Simply put, link popularity refers to the total number of links or "votes" that a search engine has found for your website. Marketleap has designed this link popularity tool to help website owners find out who is linking to their site, but also to give a useful benchmarking report to quickly show where you stand in comparison to competitors and other major online players.
    Link Popularity dari Submitexpress (Page rangk: 7/10)
    How popular is your web site? This tool will show you how many other sites are linking to you. The more links to you the better your rankings will be in most search engines as most search engines use this data to calculate how popular your website is. You can even provide some competitors' URL's to compare your site to theirs.
    Link Popularity dari (Page rangk: 7/10)
    Link popularity is the total number of web sites that link to your site. Because good link popularity can dramatically increase traffic to your web site. Well placed links are an excellent source of consistent and targeted traffic. And due to recent developments, they can even generate additional search engine traffic to your site.

Most of the major search engines now factor Link Popularity into their relevancy algorithms. As a result, increasing the number of quality, relevant sites which link to your site can actually improve your search engine rankings. There is still no one "secret trick" to getting good rankings, but boosting your site's popularity may give it the edge it needs.
Knowing who links to your site and increasing the number of quality links is an important part of any web site promotion effort. This free service allows you to query Google, Altavista, and Hotbot and reports on link popularity.

    Link Popularity dari (Page rangk: 8/10)
    Link Popularity is the number of links to your site from other web sites. The Link Popularity analysis tool searches several search engines ( AllTheWeb, AltaVista, Google/AOL, HotBot/Inktomi, MSN) to determine how many pages are linked to your web page. The more links there are, the easier you are to be found and the more traffic you will get.
    Knowing who links to your site and increasing the number of quality links is an important part of any web site promotion effort. Good link popularity can dramatically increase the traffic to your web site. Well-positioned links are a perfect source of continuous and targeted traffic. And due to recent developments, it can even generate additional search engine traffic to your site. The more popular your site is, the better it is ranked on the search engines.
    Each time, when you use our Link Popularity tool, we save the link popularity result for your web page and you can use your Link Popularity Report to see how your web page link popularity changes over the time. If you check your Link Popularity every day, you will keep your Link Popularity Report current and you will have powerful tool to quantifiably and independently measure your website's overall popularity. This could be your most powerful tool to improve your position, boost your marketing efforts to get better rankings and popularity.
    Link Popularity dari (Page rangk: 4/10)
    Link popularity, Website menggunakan bahasa jerman
    Webmaster Toolkit (New)
    tells you how many websites are linking to yours. Website popularity is an important factor in your search engine ranking. The more popular your site is, the better it will be ranked on the search engines.
    Page Rank Dot Net (Page rangk: 6/10) (New)
    PageRank has designed a series of Search Engine Optimization Tools to help each webmaster in search engine optimization and submission process. With PageRank cutting-edge search engine placement techniques and strategies, our innovative search engine optimization tools provide better placements than any other search engine optimization tools around.
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