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The journal of an obsessive yet deprived fanatic ...

Is there no way to watch the proper version of PotC?


So many loverely scenes were cut ... and we were left staring at blank spaces ...

And at night, during REM, my brain churned out a (rather slashy) PotC parody of the Titanic.

Will listen to Celine Dion, now.

- Sunday, September 21, 2003

I saw PotC! *flails* LOVELINESS! I love Captain Jack Sparrow, vwee!

A lot of the scenes were cut here. A lot of slash, evaporated. Jack Sparrow was never almost-hanged, and Will and Elizabeth were smooching out of nowhere.


- Saturday, September 20, 2003

They couldn't have gotten away with it.

They could delay, they could postpone, they could hold the reels of film an inch away from my face and hold me back, bound cruelly to a post and laugh while I scream in agony. But, they had to eventually do it.

The Pirates of the Caribbean! Released! Yesterday! Two tickets! TODAY'S! Show!

Six months late? Not certain. But eventually, I get the hype, too.

Mostly, anyway. *waves tickets in the air, and skips off*

- Saturday, September 20, 2003


- Saturday, September 20, 2003


Lyrics on title image copyright Dido, from her song Thank you. Although the ones used here (and also on the page title) are from Eminem's Stan. How do we tell? We just know.
Rulinian copyright to Rulinian. Erm.