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Miscellaneous Quotes About Orlando Bloom

Dominic Monaghan at Collectormania 4

Question: You all seemed to get on very well, but who annoyed you most?

Dom: It was tough, man. Everyone's tired. We were all tired. We're all guys. There's a lot of testosterone kind of flying around you know. It can get kind of claustrophobic. Orlando and I nearly had a fight one night! And I love Orlando and we are so, so close. But we went to Auckland for the weekend. Me, Orlando and Billy. And myself and Orlando had been working out really hard because we were coming up to the third movie. My triceps were just absolutely killing me to the point where I was having to kind of hold my arm slightly bent because if it went like that it was murder. And I told the boys and for the whole weekend where I would do anything that would annoy Orlando he'd just pinch my tricep, which was absolute agony. We were in a bar and we'd had a few drinks and we were winding each other up and he came up behind me and he pinched my tricep and I just kind of went round and said 'Heh! Don't do that!' And he kind of went 'Oooooh!' and did it again. I just fucking booted him across the place. He came back and we squared up and we just started pushing each other and fooling around and then Billy, being the beautiful wise boy that he is, just came inbetween us and said 'Uh. Whaat?!' And then we kind of had a hug and a kiss and a drink. But you know, there was a lot of testosterone, there's a lot of guys - there was only Liv, Cate and Miranda that are the girls, the girly element, so guys together they tend to get a little bit 'Rrrrrrrr'.
Ian Smith's Transcript Of Collectormania 4

"For some reason, they think putting Orlando Bloom in a little tunic will help sell tickets to the film – I don't know why,"
- Geoffrey Rush explaining that Orlando Bloom could not attend the premiere of Pirates of the Caribbean because he was in Malta filming Troy. Quoted in the New Zealand Herald

“So there I was on the sleeper plane from New Zealand to Los Angeles, and I woke up and looked around me, and I was surrounded by Orlando, Liv, Viggo, Elijah… So much beauty. And I thought I must be the luckiest man on earth,”
- Ian McKellen
Press Roundtable at LA Premiere of ROTK

Also thrilled with Empire’s Rings coverage was Karl Urban (Eomer in the trilogy) who revealed himself as a huge fan of the magazine. “I always read it to see what new role that bastard Bloom has got now,” Urban jested.
The Empire Online - London Premiere of ROTK

Q: Are you surprised by the celebrity of Orlando Bloom at this point?

Dom: No, no…

Sean: We predicted it. We predicted it on day three when he fell in the water during canoe lessons.

Dom: I mean, he's six foot, he's beautiful, he's talented…

Sean: He doesn't have any hair on his body.

Dom: He's got a great smile. He's a movie star, dude! He's Errol Flynn.

Sean: It was maybe 20%…maybe 3,000% faster than I thought it might happen.

Q: He fell out of a canoe?

Sean: He and John Rhys-Davies did. They each blame each other for it. I think it was Orlando's fault.

Q: And at that moment, you knew?

Sean: Yeah, that was the moment for me when I knew he was going to be a star. There was something about the way he was gurgling water. [laughs]
- Interview with Dominic Monaghan and Sean Astin while at Comic-Con 2003
Full Bloom Archives

Apparently, the Fellowship's Oscar good luck charms worked. All were wearing New Zealand green gemstone necklaces. The trick is that the charm doesn't work unless it's given to you.

"I was given mine by Orlando Bloom," said Astin. "And that makes me the envy of a few million women." A smiling McKellen added, "And a few million men!"
U-Daily News: Spywitness (Los Angeles, CA); 3/2/2004 - Byline: Elizabeth Snead - HAVE STATUE, WILL PARTY

"When we started shooting, no one really knew who he was - he'd made Lord of the Rings but he looked so different in that.

"Halfway through shooting Troy, Pirates Of The Caribbean came out. It was pretty extraordinary to witness someone going from basically nothing to having girls screaming whenever we stepped out the door."
- Diane Kruger
"Kruger Stunned By Suddenness Of Orlando's Fame" - Teen Hollywood April 8, 2004

Q: Is there a famous person you think is real cute?

DAKOTA: I think Orlando Bloom is cute. I met him at an awards show. I was actually nominated and I won that one. When I went up on stage, they didn't have a step for me to step on at the Critics Choice Awards so he had to hold me up. He held me for a LONG, LONG time! (Laughs)
INTERVIEW: Dakota Fanning from "Man on Fire" from

"I was there for two months and I shot nine days, so I did this karaoke thing even though I'm the worst singer. It was bad. Orlando (Bloom) isn't bad and Sean Bean is good. He's a good singer."
-Diana Kruger
Kruger Turned Troy Downtime Into Karaoke Contest May 10, 2004 - World Entertainment News Network

"The guy can't be photographed badly -- he's a gorgeous specimen of the human form. Even with a Mohawk he looked gorgeous."
- Sean Astin
Entertainment Weekly, Special LOTR Edition, May 25, 2004

Q: You have Orlando Bloom as your little brother in this movie [Troy].

A: That was perfect. I already loved Orlando like a little brother before we started shooting. We did spend five months together in Morocco during "Black Hawk Down". And you have to take care of Orlando. He doesn't even know how to make coffee. (Starts imitating Orlando's voice) Do you want coffee, Eric? How is it done again? Do you put the coffee in the water? Or in the filter? Can you make the coffee, Eric?
- From the Swedish Magazine FilmGuiden, reported by Selindë to Orlando Bloom Multimedia

"One thing about Orlando is that he smells of bubblegum. Always. He's bubblicious."
- Billy Boyd, SFX Magazine Christmas 2004

PREMIERE: Dom, weren’t you telling me that there was a real boys club during the making of the movie?

Monaghan: Yeah, how there were no women there.

Wood: Well, Cate Blanchett came over.

Boyd: And Orlando, who’s quite feminine, was there.

Wood: Yeah, he was kind of the girl of the group, wasn’t he?

Boyd: He was a bit of the bitch.

Monaghan: He would tidy up for us.

Boyd: We had parties, and we’d dress him up in an apron.

Monaghan: And he would have to clean up afterwards. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be invited to the party.

. . .

In separate interviews with each hobbit, they’re constantly getting calls from one or the other (or from Bloom, who dubs himself “an honorary hobbit” and who, by the way, denies he wore an apron. “Maybe in their wet dreams,” he says. “They’re suffering from elf envy. But it’s hard when you’re three foot six”)
4 Hobbits Walk Into A Bar - Premiere Magazine

"I love doing impressions for people, but you have to be careful who you drag with you when you’re working. I had to be really careful joking around Orlando Bloom because he’d get carried away and we’d be off.”

Actually, Bloom happens to be one of Bana’s latest spot-on impressions, and with a little coaxing, he does his Orlando for me. “Orlando’s quite fidgety,” he says gleefully, getting into character, wringing his hands, and raising his voice to a high pitched middle class cockney accent. “He’s like ‘You can’t beleieeeve it. It’s ridiculous. I mean, it’s the best... what’s happening. (Bana’s eyes flutter up toward the ceiling.) Don’t get me wrong...”

“I do Orlando quite a bit. . . .Brad enjoyed my Orlando." - Eric Bana
Brentwood Magazine Online, Jan-Feb 2005

"At Helm's Deep, Orlando Bloom was out in the rain all night and his ears collapsed. It took an hour and a half to put new ones on." - Norman Cates of Weta Workshop
Effects master has the formula - STUFF 16 July 2005

"He (Johnny Depp) has this way of listening to you when you're doing your bit as if he nearly understands what you're saying but not quite.

When Orlando had to come out with a particularly convoluted bit of pirate talk at one point I spotted Johnny who was just doing this very kindly look, like someone who was trying to understand but it was such bollocks that he couldn't quite grasp it. And it is very, very witty.

He does stuff like that all the time and it is a serious challenge keeping a straight face. . .

I had to wear a pyjama computer suit with white bobbles all over it and white spots on my face and a very sad little skull cap with a bobble on the top which is averagely hard to front. Especially when you're standing next to Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom which is tough enough on a good day. But they ran out of jokes on about the third or the fourth day, which was a big day."
-Bill Nighy
Exclusive Interview with Bill Nighy - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest By Joe Utichi, FilmFocus

While you were making Dead Man's Chest, Orlando Bloom took quite a beating in the press for the perceived failure of Kingdom of Heaven and Elizabethtown. Did he talk to you about that?

He mentioned an article where he'd been chosen to be the whipping boy, and he was a bit down about it. Ultimately, what can you do? Coming up the ranks like that, it's so easy to get pigeonholed. You've got to really watch yourself, because at a certain point if you allow them to do that, they'll never let you out of that box. That's a real danger. That's a real limitation.
- Johnny Depp
"Depp Thoughts" by Josh Rottenberg, Entertainment, Monday, July 10, 2006

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