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 /////// Live Life in the Present Moment .... Right Now

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Choices is the result of years of stress and struggle, of battles waged, fought and lost, of few victories and many setbacks. All to the glory of God! What was hidden is now revealed. With an open heart - eyes can see clearly and comprehend what is seen and every ear can clearly understand what was once garbled and confusing. Gods will be done through His unconditional and never ending love. Receive Gods gifts of unconditional love and forgiveness. Take it in, integrate into your heart, accept Gods gift of His being ness in us. Claim the victory and the power. Accept the council of the the Holy Spirit. Put on the whole armor of God. Give God thanks each day for the gifts and blessings we all have been given.

I choose happiness, peace and joy!

What do you choose?

So, what’s in it for Me?

Choices is about every day life, about the freedom to be ourselves, about the choices we make that affect the course of our lives whether we are conscious of the choices we make or not.

The key is to recognize we all have the power to change our lives by exercising intentional choices every day instead of putting our lives on autopilot and letting life’s current sweep our energy away.

Its all about our vision of ourselves, our place in the universe and our sense of worth, not as we have been led to believe by others, or others believe, but from another prospective, one which we have either not considered, are not aware of or have chosen to ignore or forget.

Surely our life is more valuable then just chasing vainly after the wind - you think?

So, then what is our higher purpose for being?

And, how can we live more productive, peaceful, joyous, fulfilling, loving lives?

You have questions, we don’t have all of the answers either, but perhaps we can search out the answers to life’s questions as we journey down the road of life together.

Some valuable tools and resources for our Journey.
Can you suggest any others?

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