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About Carlos

Carlos was born on July 6th, 1977 in El Salvador. His parents Marco and Dilma Fuentes are also the

proud parents of Freddy and Patty. Carlos is the middle child, although maturity wise he is by far the youngest

Go Patty :) At 27 years old, he is 6 years older than I am. We couldn't get married in May 2005 (which was my

first choice) because that is when the new Star Wars 3 is coming out, and well we just might have chose the date

that it is premiering and that would have been just wrong. He is the most caring, loving, wonderful person a girl could

wish to meet. When I first met Carlos I knew he was extra special. He can always cheer me up when I'm down,

he's supportive of "most" things I do. He has a cheeky li'l smile that he seems to somehow save just for me,

it makes my heart melt. When he isn't spoiling me rotten, he's hugging me close. No words can describe how I

feel about this most amazing wonderful man. In my heart he is what love is and always will be.

He is very expressive and creative (see novel below). :)

About Marie

Marie was born on May 30th, 1983 in Toronto, Canada. She is the firstborn and has the pleasure of having a younger

brother P.J. who is also the Best Man. From the moment I met Marie, after playing peek a boo behind an alien,

I knew that she would always keep me smiling and on my toes. When she finally came out from behind the alien

I knew I had a special encounter, and in fact it has been that way ever since. For one, with her photographic memory

I will never get away with anything again.

Oh! And I will never get to finish reading a paragraph before she finishes

reading a book either. But along with this comes her loving and playful sweet self. Her ability to be herself

...including when she randomly breaks out in songs that don't make sense... is one of the greatest parts that I treasure

the most of her. She has a way of having everybody love having her around. She has inspired me to

express my love for her when she least and most expects it. The internet tests say she's 35% normal, and

I will hold on to that for the duration of our lives. If you find out what the rest of the 65% of her is let me know.

Click here for our engagement story.

Click here for the details of our wedding.

Click here for our pictures.

Click here for our photo gallery.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Our little angels

we will never be able to hold them in our arms, but they will be in our hearts forever.

Due date April 2, 2006.

Lost forever Septemeber 16, 2005