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Gabriel and Beth's Wedding
Home Bride's Page Groom's Page Our Engagement Current Activities
Thank you to all of you who have helped so much with the planning and preparation of this wedding. We are currently in the process of getting the major components of the wedding set. We have chosen June 26, 2004 as our date to be married. We were officially engaged as of July 21, 2003. Some of you knew much sooner than that and I do appreciate all your hard work in keeping this a surprise for Beth. It was a very special evening. You can read more about it in our Engagement page when it finally gets up and running.

Please feel free to email Beth or Gabriel with any questions. Please check back often as we plan to keep this site updated very often. More pages will be added as soon as I get some time to get them perfected and put up here. Thanks again for all your support and your prayers. Beth and I certainly appreciate everything you all do for us.

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days 'til our Wedding!

This site was first created on July 28, 2003 at 9:56PM (Texas time)