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Best Friends

This webpage is dedicated to my best friend in the world, Stephanie. We've known each other ever since kindergarten. That's 9 years. And we've been best friends since 6th grade, only 4 years. I know it seems like kind of a short time for best friends, but that's it. I love her so much...but now she's all the way in Clermont. I miss her soo much I don't know where I'd be without her. Although she's far away, we're still best friends forever. I made this webpage to show her how much I care... and so everyone else will know too. Distance to me doesn't matter. We still have the computer and the phone and we'll never loose contact. Steph... you have all this and all our memories and my poem to remember me by... the one thing I ask you is that you never forget me...cuz you can bet your ass I'll never EVER forget you.