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Eönwë is [perhaps] the strongest of all Maia. His power is second [perhaps] to his spouse, Ilmarë, the handmaiden of Varda Elentári, Manwë Súlimo's spouse. He resides in Manwë's palace [Taniquetil] upon the highest peak of the Pelóri [Mountains of Defense].

He led the forces of Valinor in their assault on Melkor [Morgoth Bauglir]'s northern and southern fortresses of Utumno [The Underworld] and Angband [Hells of Iron]. His deeds in bringing about the downfall of Melkor, though he did lose the Silmarils afterwards to the remaining two Sons of Fëanor [Maedhros] [Maglor], got him the status of General [of Valinor's armies].

Although his wrath is quickly brought, he takes pleasure in times of peace. He often sheds his physical form and wanders naked about Middle Earth, watching over its inhabitants. Though he is the herald of Manwë, he looks to both Manwë and Tulkas Astaldo [The Steadfast] for advice, Tulkas being one of the two Powers Melkor feared [Tulkas] [Oromë].

OOC Note
This char is RPed inside the Yahoo!Chat/CheetaChat rooms. Specificly the Entertainment/Arts section.