Human Being or Computerized Contact Vehicle

      Having said all that I have thus far, let's look at just what "This" is.

      As I've described, I am a spiritual entity locked inside a physical body, "This". So, if I'm in here, and I'm me, why refer to This as a separate entity? Because it is.

      As I stated earlier, when This was created, it knew nothing. Everything it knows was etched into its brain beginning at its initial conception, or at the point of the creation of the fetus where it was possible for the brain to begin accepting information to be more accurate. Since we, as physical beings, are who our memories tells us we are, each one of us is a unique, individual "person". Even if one spiritual entity can be inside multiple physical bodies at any given moment (I know, alot of you are saying "Whoa! What was that?". Bear with me and I'll come back to how this is even possible later.), we are each unique because we each have different memories or maps inside our heads telling us who we are.

      The Human brain has been referred to as the most advanced computer on the face of the planet. I'd like to expand upon that notion. Not only is it the most advanced computer on the planet, but it also runs an artificially intelligent operating system. This operating system is the separate entity I constantlyrefer to as This. So, am I nothing more than a computer? First, This happens to be a very powerful computer. I however, am a spirit locked inside this chassis that houses this computer. However, whenever the average person refers to "me", they're talking about this operating system. I'm not calling all of you readers computers either, it's simply a matter of awareness. Your "Higher Self", the spirit that is within you is the real "you". This spirit also affects your life, your decisions and what you know through experience, extrapolation, or just plain devine knowledge. Your spirit gives you the drive to want to be a dancer, mechanic, doctor or whatever depending upon which aspect the spirit feels a desire or need at any given moment. In short, you go through the things you go through because your spirit needs you to go through them so it can know what going through them is like, or so it can change something somewhere else so it won't have to go through them anymore.

      So, is your spirit God then? No. Your spirit is a child of God to say "Son" or "Daughter" of God would be inappropriate seeing as how sexuality is a physical issue - something required to make more of these physical bodies. It is your spirit that was created by in Genesis 1:26-27, for God is certainly a spiritual entity. Therefore man, created in His image, was created a spirit. The physical you was then created by the spiritual you (most likely using a design created by God), making you the son (or daughter) of a son of God. Or the grandchild of God if that's easier to understand. Hopefully, this clarifies the importance of Jesus, being He was, in fact, the Son of God: Therefore derived directly from Him.

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