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Unicorn Paradise

Unicorns... There is so much one could say. Where do I Even Begin?
Do you believe in unicorns?
If you are like me, your answer is immediately yes.
There are many proofs that they are or were real. For
one thing, the Bible mentions them nine times. If you
believe the Bible is completely real, then you have no
choice but to believe unicorns exist or did exist at one time.

Of all the creatures of myth and legend, the unicorn
is unique. Its beauty has inspired artists the world
over. Its combination of great strength and great
gentleness compels the human imagination. In Western
culture, it symbolizes purity and solitude; in Chinese
legend, wisdom and good fortune. In Europe, for
centuries almost everyone believed that unicorns
really existed. They were described in detail in the
books of that time, along with whales and elephants
and giraffes-- creatures far more preposterous than
the sublime unicorn.

Most Europeans never saw any of these extraordinary
animals. But some cathedrals in Europe had, among
their treasures, a beautiful ivory spiral, often six
or seven feet long. The horns were real; they existed.
They were sometimes displayed in public. Why not,
then, believe in the unicorns that grew them? Why not
believe in strength, purity, beauty, rarity?

It almost seems, even now, that unicorns must be real.
Most unicorns in the Bible were mentioned in places
around Egypt and Middle Afirca. So maybe in those deep
jungles of Africa, unicorns still exist unnoticed.
Perhaps, in a remote and quiet part of the world, a
traveler is stopping at the edge of a calm pool.....
In the pearly light of evening, a white creature with
delicate hooves steps silently down to the water,
gently dips its slender horn and drinks.

A dream? A wish? A legend? All these, and more: the unicorn.

According to legend, only the pure of heart can touch
a unicorn. These days we don't believe in most of the
things we cannot see or touch. Most of the few people
left that are "pure of heart" are the children. So the
legend says in other words you must have the heart of
a child.

If you have a King James Version of the Bible (not New
K.J.V. but original K.J.V.) Then you can look up the
following verses. All of them contain unicorn. So look
these up!

Numbers 23:22~~~Numbers 24:8~~~Deuteronomy 33:17~~~Job 39:9~~~Job 39:10
Psalm 22:21~~~Psalm 29:6~~~Psalm 92:10~~~Isaiah 34:7

Now! Want to see some unicorn pictures?
Follow the Links and have fun! Unfortunately
I do not own any of these images I just distribute them.
If you want any removed because they are your
Originals, tell me and they will be down in a sec!

Gallary Page 1

!!IMPORTANT!! If you came here from my other page
~~~On The Wings Of Horses~~~ please note
the above link is the only way back to that page.
Sorry for the inconvenience. ^_^