---------'GWA Promotion Studios'

-------The GWA Production Studios...I'm ready to do some advertising telling kids not to do this at home. With all these little backyard kids trying to imitate the Great, Trent Blaze. They better listen to me. Especially this goofball director with the baseball cap..Who does he think he is? Spielberg? Tarantino? Haw! He’s pathetic. I’d wipe my feet with that hat if I had the opportunity. I can’t believe I got sent here to do this. I mean look around me, there’s a group of rookies all waiting to do this commercial. I guess this is a requirement to be even considered to be accepted into GWA. I tell you what it is…it’s bullshit. I’ve got to wade through a commercial skit of bullshit, but now I’ve got to wade through it with a bunch of rookie suckers. Oh great, here comes the director…

The Director, Scott: Hey, Trent. I need you to repeat this. “Dear Kids at home, I am a future GWA superstar. And I’m here to tell you the dangers of professional wrestling when you’re not a trained professional.” And then we’ll cue a video clip of things where guys are getting hurt.

Trent Blaze: That’s cool, But I have a question. What’s this deal with all the other guys here? You don’t think I can cut it by myself?

The Director, Scott: Well just in case you can’t..

Trent Blaze: Incase what? I can perform. I’ve performed in every venue you can ever think of jerkoff!

The Director, Scott: just in case you can’t stay the whole time. Damn don’t get crazy Blaze.

Trent Blaze: Oh sorry about that. I am just on the edge a little bit here, I haven’t had my coffee this morning. So let me get this right. “Dear kids at home, I am a future GWA superstar. And I’m here to tell you the dangers of professional wrestling when you’re not a trained professional.”

The Director, Scott: That’s great. Just say it like that!

Trent Blaze: Alright let’s get these cameras rolling.

The Director, Scott: Okay, just let me get back in my chair……anddddd Don’t Try This At Home…Take One.

Trent Blaze: Dear kids at home, I am the GWA Champion.

The Director, Scott: CUT CUT CUT! You’re not even in the GWA yet, how can you be the champion?

Trent Blaze: Oh right…good point. Let’s try it again.

The Director, Scott: Don’t Try This At Home… Take Two.

Trent Blaze: Dear hot mommas at home.

The Director, Scott: CUT! Trent…what the fuck was that?

Trent Blaze: I’m sorry I just saw that fine little broad over there staring at me while I’m trying to do this and I guess I just started thinking with Little Trent.

The Director, Scott: I’m going to unleash my trouser mongoose on your trouser snake and we’ll see how much attention you pay to her after that.

Trent Blaze: Hey Scott, I don’t swing like that dude!

The Director, Scott: Alright…Don’t Try This At Home… Take Three.

Trent Blaze: Dear kids at home, I am a future GWA superstar, and I’m here to tell you about the dangers of having anal sex.

The Director, Scott: Cut…GODDAMNIT! What the hell was that?

Trent Blaze: Sorry sorry sorry! The girl bent over and I saw her ass and I was just like DAMN! And I wanted to hit that in the middle of the taping so I improvised…

The Director, Scott: Okay, let’s try no improvisation, and stick to the script!

Trent Blaze: Okay okay.

The Director, Scott: Don’t Try This At Home…Take Four.

Trent Blaze: Dear kids at home, I am a future GWA superstar, and I’m here to tell you about the dangers of walking around in a construction yard with out a hard hat on.

The Director, Scott: I give up..I quit! This is utter bullshit!

Trent Blaze: Wait wait wait, you can’t quit!

The Director, Scott: Why the hell not?!

Trent Blaze: Because, You’re a great director, I just keep getting distracted!

The Director, Scott: Well I’ll stick around and try and work through your distractions.

Trent Blaze: Thanks a lot, I promise you won’t regret it.

-------Who does he think he is? Trying to quit on me. Nobody quits on Trent Blaze…NOBODY! I mean, Scott? What the hell kind of a name is that? Does he not have a last name or something? Or does he think I’m an internet stalker who’s going to look him up and hack his computer? I give everyone more credit than they deserve….HEY!

Trent Blaze: Scott?? Camera men??

The Director, Scott: We’re over here, some construction company is trying to cut down the forest about 15 miles away from here. And some people are tied up to the trees trying to stop them.

Trent Blaze: Isn’t that like Hippie Land? Don’t they go there…for things like..uhh..to hug trees…take nature hikes…roll up doobies and stuff like that?


Trent Blaze: Hey, we’re supposed to be doing a commercial here jackasses! This isn’t your personal break to watch a hippy massacre! I’m on the clock here damnit!

The Director, Scott: Alright alright, let’s get focused people. Camera crew, back to your cameras. Me, back to my director’s chair. And Blaze get back on your stool.

-------Again…who does this guy think he is? Telling me to sit on my stool? Is that some type of gay pick up line? Damn, I’m up to take five already Ha Ha Ha, oh well, I still get paid for however many takes it takes. Haw, no pun intended right there. Well since this guy isn’t listening to me..and there’s a camera over there. Damn idiots watching the hippies getting their bodies peeled off the trees.

Trent Blaze: Now let’s look at the situation I’m in. I’m sitting here in a chair, makeup people around me, I’ve got a dipshit director, and a lazy camera crew. Their watching hippies get put in body bags and taken away as guys in yellow jackets bulldoze trees in the forest. Now what the hell is that? I’m first in line to do a commercial, and I make a few mistakes and they immediately look for the first distraction to take their minds off of it? Well I’m Trent Blaze…I’m a rookie. And I could give a shit about who thinks I suck just because of that fact. So if there are veterans in the GWA that think they can just walk all over me, think again. I don’t stand for that type of bullshit. I never have, and I damn sure never will. You know, when you’re in the ring …I’m talking to everyone on the roster… And you hear ‘The Fight Song’ by Marilyn Manson you damn near better be shaking in your boots. I’m the man…and I don’t think that you should have anything against me just because I’m a very politically incorrect term: “newbie.” Trent Blaze…sits the bench for no one….

-------I got to do this damn commercial now…

----Date of Roleplay: July 26th, 2002
----Location: GWA Promotion Studios
----Time: 9:25 A.M.

----Current Record: 0-0-0
----Next Opponent: None...
----History: None With Opponent