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Disclaimer: These characters don't belong to me so please don't sue me!! Just enjoy the story and watch out for some of my other stuff! This story also contains scenes of a sexual nature between two consenting adults of the same gender and reference to non-consensual sex. If this offends you or you're too young to read it leave now!

Dedication: For Dec, Sham, Keith, Suz and Sinead! And for Kaitshee the Pit Mistress Supreme!

Archiving: Help yourself but a mail would be nice!

Constructive criticism to

Xena sighed wearily as she climbed down from her horse. The gold palomino mare nuzzled her mistress gently and Xena patted her on the neck.

"You'll be glad to see her too won't you Argo," said the tall warrior gently. The horse whinnied and nudged Xena's shoulder. "Alright, let's go see what she's up to."

The Warrior Princess slowly walked the last few yards to the tavern door. She had been gone for almost three full days and regretted having to leave her best friend at this inn, however, it had been necessary that she get to Arcus quickly to stop the warlord Marantius and she needed Gabrielle to take care of loose ends here in Malath. Xena pushed open the door of the inn, ducking her head as she entered. She looked around the large dining area but saw no sign of her friend.

"Excuse me, you're Xena aren't you?"

The warrior turned to face a petite young woman, only a little older than her best friend.

"Yes?" Xena replied with a raised eyebrow.

"My name is Liza. I have a message from Gabrielle."

Xena straightened with concern.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Gabrielle received a message that she was needed urgently at home. She asked that you follow her there as soon as possible."

Xena nodded slowly.

"Do you know why she was summoned home?" she asked, absently flicking her raven-black hair away from her eyes.

Liza shook her head.

"I'm afraid not but she looked a little upset when she was leaving."

The warrior felt a knot of worry form in her stomach.

"Thank you Liza. I'll leave before dawn tomorrow."

The younger woman nodded and left Xena to her thoughts. She went to the bar and sipped a mug of wine as a number of scenarios ran through her mind. What could be wrong at home that would make Gabrielle's family send for her? After an hour of musing, Xena retired for the night and slept fitfully as her worries asserted themselves in her dreams.

"C'mon Argo. Gabrielle needs us."

The sun had not yet risen but Xena was already riding out of the small town where she had left her friend four days previously. It was a good two days ride to Potedaea but Xena pushed Argo hard, apologising to her and promising her a good rub down that evening. The day passed quickly and uneventfully and the warrior only stopped for the night when she could no longer see the road to ride. She didn't bother with a fire and after rubbing her horse down and eating some trail rations, she curled up on her bedroll and willed herself to sleep.

Again, Xena was on the road the next day before dawn and she made Potedaea just after noon. She jumped off her horse and hitched her outside Gabrielle's parent's house but, as she walked up the steps to the door, she heard a low voice behind her.


The Warrior Princess turned and saw Gabrielle's mother, Hecuba approaching the house, carrying a large bucket of water and some shopping bags. Xena jumped down the steps to take the bucket and two of the bags from her.

"Good to see you Hecuba," she said as she flashed her dazzling smile.

"You too Xena. Where's Gabrielle?"

Xena's face dropped and she immediately felt the knot in her stomach tighten.

"You mean... you mean she's not here?" she stammered.

"No, she hasn't arrived yet," the older woman replied. "I thought she'd come in with you."

Xena shook her head thoughtfully.

"No, I was away in another village stopping a warlord. I left Gabrielle in a tavern about two day's ride from here, but she left before me. I thought she'd be here by now."

Hecuba grinned.

"Maybe she got lost. She was never good with directions."

The warrior bristled.

"Gabrielle is not the naïve little girl who left here five years ago," she growled angrily. "She's a skilled warrior now and I know she would never have got lost this close to home. I'm going to look for her."

Xena turned to leave but Hecuba put a gentle hand on her arm. It took all of the warrior's willpower not to pull away from her best friend's mother.

"Xena, I'm sorry. I didn't realise... look... I don't know my daughter anymore. That's one of the reasons I sent for her. Her cousin died four days ago and I wanted her to come back for the funeral. I hoped I could spend some time with her... and you... while you were here. I know how much you mean to her."

Xena looked into gentle green eyes, so much like her best friend's and took a deep, calming breath.

"It's ok. Don't worry. I'll find Gabrielle." she replied and smiled again. She turned to leave but had an afterthought. "She means a lot to me too," she said without turning.

Then she mounted her horse and headed back the way she came. She rode more slowly this time, peering into the trees on her left and right to see if her friend had ventured off the road. Xena had ridden for three candlemarks before she got her first clue to what had happened to her friend.

"Whoah," she said as she saw something between the trees. She jumped down from Argo and walked into the thick foliage.

"Gabrielle!" she shouted.

She couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched and her hand closed reflexively over the hilt of the sword on her back. She moved quickly and quietly until she saw what she had only glimpsed from the road. It was her friend's scroll bag, hanging from a low branch of a nearby tree. Xena ran to it and looked at it carefully but her stomach almost turned over when she saw the blood that was staining it.

"Please gods no," she whispered as she looked frantically around her.

"GABRIELLE!" she yelled as loud as she could but she heard nothing apart from the flapping of birds' wings as they flew away in fright at the sudden noise.

"GABRIELLE!" she yelled again but this time, her sharp hearing picked up on a weak voice nearby.


The warrior spun, trying to pinpoint the location of the sound.

"Gabrielle, where are you?" she called.

"Xena, I'm over here," the bard called back, a little stronger this time.

"Don't move, I'm coming!"

Xena ran to her friend and as she crested a tiny hill, she sucked in a startled breath at the sight before her.

"Oh no, Gabrielle," she said, her voice cracking with emotion.

Her eyes took in every detail as she saw that her best friend was tied spread-eagle and naked between two trees. Her body was covered in bruises and her knees had long since given way, leaving her no choice but to hang by her arms. Her biceps were taut and straining and her upper body and face was trickling sweat. Xena found that she was rooted to the spot for a few seconds but her friend's voice spurred her into action.

"Xena... help me... please..."

The Warrior Princess ran to the younger woman and held her gently as she cut the ropes binding her to the trees. Gabrielle collapsed into her arms, using her remaining strength to keep herself conscious.

"Xena, I couldn't stop them. There were too many of them. I fought them until they had me surrounded..." her voice broke and tears fell from her emerald green eyes. Xena's heart broke and she sniffed back tears of her own, knowing that she had to stay strong for her bard's sake.

"Ssshh, it's ok. I'm here now. I'm not going to let anything else happen to you Gabrielle," she crooned as she held her younger friend tightly and stroked her short, sweat-soaked blonde hair.

"Xena, I was so scared."

The whispered words sent a lance of pain through the warrior's heart and her piercing blue eyes filled with tears until she was no longer able to hold them back and they fell unchecked over her sculptured cheekbones. Warrior and bard cried together holding each other tightly. After a long few minutes, Xena looked deeply into her friend's eyes.

"Let's get you cleaned up," she said gently. "I'm just going to get my healer's bag. Will you be ok?"

Gabrielle nodded slowly but Xena saw the fear in her eyes at being left alone.

"I'm just going to the other side of those trees. I promise I'll run there and back ok? I promise I won't be long... Hey! You'll hardly miss me!" she added in a cheerful tone. She was rewarded with a small smile from the bard.

"I missed you so much Xena," she said.

"I missed you too Gabrielle," the warrior replied, trying desperately to hold back the fresh tears that threatened to spill. She got up quickly.

"I'll be right back," she called as she ran to Argo.

Xena retrieved everything she needed from her horse and ran back to the bard. She spread their bedrolls and blankets on the ground and gently lifted Gabrielle onto them. The bard stifled a cry of pain and bit down on her bottom lip.

"Gabrielle, I need to check your injuries ok?" said the warrior, her heart breaking at the obvious pain her friend was suffering. The bard only nodded. Xena used her fingers to gently examine her body. After a few minutes, Xena smiled.

"I'm glad to report that you have no broken bones but you do have badly bruised ribs." Gabrielle couldn't meet her friend's eyes.

"Xena, my back..." she said and the warrior sucked in a deep pained breath as she lifted her friend.

"They whipped you?" she growled through gritted teeth. Her face was a mask of anger and hate but Gabrielle still couldn't meet her friend's eyes. Xena shook her head and took a deep breath. She needed to stay focussed and the most important thing was to treat Gabrielle's wounds and get her back to a warm bed at home. The warrior carefully cleaned all the cuts, bruises and scrapes she could find, wincing at the bard's stifled cries of pain. When she was finished, she gathered the still naked Gabrielle into her arms and held her as she sobbed her pain and anger.

"I love you Gabrielle and I'm not going to let anything happen to you," she said in a choked voice.

"I love you too Xena," the bard replied and looked deep into her best friend's piercing blue eyes. Xena's breath caught painfully as she felt the depth of the emotion that passed between them and she had an almost overwhelming urge to kiss the soft, full lips so close to her own but she managed to pull back and regroup.

"Um, do you think you can ride?" she asked but the bard shook her head.

"I'm sorry... I'm kinda sore... you know..."

"Don't apologise Gabrielle, I should have thought... I'm sorry," Xena replied, cursing herself for her lack of tact.

"No, it's ok."

Xena looked around her and saw some small trees that would be easy enough to cut down.

"How about I make you a litter? We're only a few candlemarks from your home village and it would be easier on you."

The bard nodded.

"Alright Xena. Whatever you think is best," she replied.

It took the warrior a candlemark to make and fit the litter and she lifted the bard gently onto it, being very careful of her bruised ribs.

"Now, let's get you home," she said in a soft voice and took Argo's lead line, pulling the litter out onto the road. Gabrielle cried out a few times as the road jolted the litter sending red hot shots of pain through her body and each time, Xena stroked her hair and whispered loving words to her.

Two candlemarks later, Xena was banging on the door of Gabrielle's parent's house. Her father Herodotus opened the door and his hand moved to his mouth as he saw his daughter's condition.

"In Zeus' name, what happened to her?" he cried angrily.

Xena placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"She was attacked Herodotus but she's doing ok. I've tended to her wounds and what she needs now is plenty of bed rest."

The older man nodded and went to his daughter's side, taking her hand gently.

"How are you feeling Gabrielle?" he asked her.

"Like I was run over by two speeding chariots. I'll live though," she replied.

The Warrior Princess knelt at her side and made sure the blanket was wrapped tightly around her before lifting her up and carrying her into her old bedroom. Xena lay her on the bed, careful not to jolt her battered body and then sat down beside her, tenderly taking her hand.

"Gabrielle, do you want to tell me what happened?" she asked quietly. The bard shook her head and looked away.

"It's ok Gabrielle. I'll be here for you when you're ready to talk ok?"

The younger woman closed her eyes and nodded. Xena helped her put on an old sleep shift.

"Thanks," she whispered.

"Now get some sleep," the warrior growled playfully and got up but Gabrielle caught her hand.

"Don't leave me!" she cried, the terror evident in her face.

"Hey, it's ok," Xena crooned. "I'll stay with you Gabrielle. It's ok, I'm here now," she said as she gently rocked the sobbing young woman. Xena lay down on the bed beside her friend and held her tightly. They both fell into a fitful sleep but Gabrielle woke screaming three times that night and each time, Xena held her and rocked her as tenderly as she would a child from her own womb. The warrior was only beginning to understand the depth of her emotion for the bard and found it hard to go back to sleep as she thought about the look that had passed between them back in the forest. She played the scene over again and again and all she could come up with was the fact that she loved the bard more than anything and that for the first time, she had seen that love reflected in her best friend's eyes.

The next day, the two women slept late into the morning until Xena was woken by a gentle shake.

"Xena?" came a whispered voice.

"Yeah?" she whispered back, surprised at the fact that Hecuba had been able to sneak up on her.

"Is she ok? Is my baby ok?"

The warrior looked at Gabrielle closely and saw that the bruising on her face had worsened and her eyes were more swollen than they had been the night before.

"She's going to be fine. Get me some cold water and a cloth please," she said and gently extracted her long limbs from blankets and bard. Gabrielle stirred a little but sighed and fell into a deeper sleep. Xena smoothed her short hair away from her bruised forehead and felt her eyes burn with new tears. She was so deep in thought that she started slightly when Hecuba spoke.

"Xena? What happened to her?"

The warrior turned slowly to face Gabrielle's mother.

"I'm not exactly sure. I only know she was attacked."

Hecuba's anger was obvious.

"I thought you said she was a skilled warrior! She shouldn't have been alone Xena." she whispered fiercely.

"She is, but no matter how much skill you have, if you're outnumbered, you haven't got a chance. Besides, Gabrielle is a grown woman. She can take care of herself."

"Mother, Xena's right," said Gabrielle in her low silky voice. "I was outnumbered. There were twelve of them. I managed to take out six before they knocked me unconscious." Gabrielle's voice shook and she closed her eyes.

"Go on Gabrielle," said her mother but the bard shook her head.

"No, I can't. Please go Mother."

Hecuba looked hurt but Xena walked her to the door.

"Hecuba, I don't think she wants to talk about that right now. Give her some time ok?"

The older woman nodded and went to leave but she stopped suddenly.

"Xena, she doesn't want to talk about it in front of me. I can understand that. Please try to get her to talk about it. I want her to be a whole woman after this."

The Warrior Princess nodded and smiled.

"Don't worry. I know Gabrielle. She'll tell me when she's ready."

Hecuba left the room and Xena went back to sit beside the bard.

"So... um... do you want to tell me or will we just sit here for a while?" asked Xena, coming to the point as usual. Gabrielle smiled despite herself.

"I was walking along leading my horse when I came across a group of soldiers. I didn't recognise their markings so I mounted my horse just in case. As I was riding by, one of them grabbed the reins and the horse threw me. I must have hit my head because the next thing I knew, they were standing over me. I flipped into standing but they charged me. I took six of them out before one of them clubbed me from behind. I went down, gods, I thought my head was split open and then... I... I..."

Xena took her hand as her voice started to rise in panic.

"Take it easy Gabrielle. Take your time," she said softly and the bard took a deep breath.

"I woke up a short time later and I was tied to those trees. They had taken my clothes off and were standing around me, leering at me. I could feel their eyes roaming over my body and I felt repulsed. I started yelling for help but they hit me until I stopped." Gabrielle unconsciously touched her nose at the memories. "I think I passed out again because when I came to, one of the men was... um... he was..." She shook her head and Xena squeezed her hand encouragingly.

"Go on Gabrielle. You can tell me."

Tears started to fall from the bard's eyes and her voice became flat and husky.

"He was biting my breasts. I tried to head butt him but he managed to move away in time and he punched me in the stomach. Xena, I've been punched and kicked in the stomach before but I've rarely felt anything like the pain from that punch. When I managed to look at him, I saw that he had actually punched me with the hilt of one of my own sais."

Xena closed her eyes as she imagined the pain her best friend had had to suffer.

"I couldn't stand after that and they came to me... one by one... and they... they... I couldn't stop them... I...I... couldn't defend myself... Xena... they... they..."

The bard's breath was coming in shallow pants as the memories and fear washed over her. Xena held her tightly and stroked her hair.

"Say it Gabrielle. You need to say it..."


"You need to get it out Gabrielle. Tell me what they did to you..."

"They raped me!" Gabrielle screamed. "They beat me and whipped me and then they left me there to die!"

Hecuba stood outside the door, tears streaming down her face as she heard her daughter sobbing. Herodotus had been standing behind her but he turned and ran out of the house, vomiting as his pain and anger overwhelmed him.

"It's ok Gabrielle. You're safe now. You're here with me. I love you and I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

Xena held her best friend for a long time until she finally cried herself to sleep. The raven-haired Warrior Princess lay her back down and covered her up with a blanket and then kissed her on the forehead. Then she went outside, pulled out her sword and attacked the nearest tree. Tears ran unchecked over her face as she swung, leaving deep cuts in the bark of the tree trunk.

"Xena!" Hecuba cried as she came running out at the noise. She knew better than to approach the warrior but she stood nearby and waited for her to tire herself out.

Eventually, Xena discarded her sword and dropped to her knees, sobbing. Hecuba knelt down beside her and pulled her into an embrace. The warrior tried to resist but Hecuba cradled her head and whispered in her ear.

"Sometimes, even warriors need to be held Xena."

At first she thought that Xena was going to keep resisting but then she tightened her hold as the Warrior Princess wrapped her arms around her and held her just as tightly. They stayed like that for a long time until Xena finally pulled away, a sheepish look on her face.

"I haven't cried like that in years," she said quietly.

"Sometimes it's good for the soul to be soft," Hecuba replied with a smile.

A look of wonder crossed Xena's face.

"Gabrielle said that to me five years ago. Now I know where she got it from," she said with a smile. "She loves you very much Hecuba."

The older woman smiled.

"Almost as much as she loves you Xena."

"I... I..."

Hecuba laughed out loud at the warrior's embarrassment.

"I can see it Xena. When did you fall in love with her?"

Xena looked down.

"I don't know. Maybe it was the first time I saw her... I really don't know. All I know is that I love her and I'd give up my life for her."

"And when did she fall in love with you?"

Xena looked away again.

"I don't know if she is in love with me," she answered quietly.

It was Hecuba's turn to be shocked.

"You mean you two haven't..."

"No, we haven't. It's complicated..."

Gabrielle's mother scoffed at what she considered to be an absurd idea.

"What's so complicated about it. You love her, she loves you... you should be together... making love and being happy. Look at you Xena. You're miserable without her. How long do you think she's going to wait for you?"

Xena got up and wiped her face with a shaky hand.

"I don't know. Maybe you're right..."

"I am right. Now go in there and tell her how you feel about her!"

The Warrior Princess cleared her throat nervously and nodded. Then she turned and strode toward the house, gathering her courage as she did so.

Gods, I can fight any warlord, god or beast but I can't admit three tiny words to Gabrielle.

Xena entered the bedroom quietly and sat down on the bed beside Gabrielle. She stroked her hair away from her forehead and smiled as the bard whispered something inaudible. Then she stirred and opened her eyes. When she saw Xena she flashed her widest smile, the one that Xena loved and knew was reserved only for her.

"Gabrielle," Xena began nervously. "There's something I want to tell you. I've actually wanted to tell you for a long time but I was afraid."

She paused and looked at her friend. The smile was gone.

"Xena, you're not... are you leaving me?"

Xena almost fell off the bed with shock.

"Leaving you? Gods no! Gabrielle I'll never leave you... never again... I love you. I'm so in love with you."

"Did you just say you're in love with me?" asked the bard, blinking incredulously.

"Yes, I did but I don't know how you feel about me so..."

She stopped at the bard's raised hand.

"Xena. Don't even bother saying anything. The answer is... I'm in love with you too. I have been for a very long time. That's why I feel so ashamed of myself. I wanted only you to make love to me but now I'm dirty. I'm disgusting and dirty."

Xena's heart broke at the tone of self-disgust in the bard's voice.

"Gabrielle, what happened was not your fault. There was no way you could have stopped all twelve."

"But Xena, you defeated the entire Persian advance guard by yourself," Gabrielle pointed out.

Xena shook her head.

"I fought them on my own terms. You had to cope with everything being stacked against you. There's nothing to say that I would have done any better than you did. As far as I'm concerned, you are one of the bravest women I know and I love you for it."

She pulled the bard into her arms and held her tightly but as she looked down into her face she got that urge again.

"Ah oh," she murmured.

"Give in to it."

"I fully agree," said Xena and claimed those full, soft lips for herself.

Gabrielle moaned softly as she opened her mouth to receive Xena's tongue and moved against it with her own. She snaked her hands up over the warrior's chest and entwined her fingers in her long raven locks, pulling her closer to deepen the kiss. When they finally broke apart, they were both breathing heavily.

"Whoah," said Xena with a smile.

"Whoah indeed," the bard agreed and pulled her new lover in for another passionate kiss.

Xena's hands moved involuntarily to the bard's breasts but she suddenly froze and whimpered, scooting back up the bed away from Xena.

"Don't touch me!" she cried a terrified look on her face.

Xena stood up slowly and backed away, her hands held up in a soothing gesture.

"It's ok Gabrielle. I won't touch you. I'd never hurt you."

Gabrielle slowly relaxed and shook her head.

"I'm so sorry Xena. I didn't mean... It just brought back..."

The Warrior Princess smiled tenderly.

"I understand. It'll take a while Gabrielle but I'll always be here to hold you when you need it. You know that don't you?"

"Yeah, I do."

Xena turned to leave the room but Gabrielle stopped her.



"I love you."

"Me too. Now get some rest. I'll be outside if you need me."

The bard lay down, wincing at the pain from her ribs and fell into a fitful sleep. Xena went to the kitchen. She realised she was starving and sat down at the table near where Hecuba was stirring something in a large pot. Gabrielle's mother turned and smiled at the warrior.

"You must be hungry Xena. Forgive me, my mind is far away."

"I am, a little," the warrior replied with a smile and her stomach growled as Hecuba placed a bowl of thick soup and a hunk of bread in front of her.

"How did it go?"

Xena blushed slightly and pushed the vegetables around the bowl with her spoon.

"Um... it went well... kinda. She does love me. She's tired though. We'll talk later."

Hecuba nodded and then turned away as she started to cry. Xena was on her feet in an instant and pulled the smaller woman to her for a hug.

"She's going to be ok Hecuba. Gabrielle has a tremendous inner strength and I'm going to help her through this."

She pulled away slightly and looked into green eyes brimming with tears.

"Do you trust me?"

Hecuba held her gaze and nodded.

"Yes," she whispered.

"I love Gabrielle and I'm going to take care of her and you. Understand?"

Again, the older woman nodded and then she wiped her eyes on her apron.

"Thank the gods you came Xena or I might have lost my baby."

Xena almost laughed out loud at the irony of that statement. If only Hecuba knew the number of times both herself and Gabrielle had died and come back again. Instead she placed a small kiss on the woman's forehead.

"Hecuba, I'll always be here," she whispered and then went back to her bowl of soup.

"Xena, I know we don't know each other that well and I have to admit that I was frightened of you when we first met but I want you to know that I'm glad you came into our lives."

Xena smiled again.

"You have no idea how much that means to me Hecuba. Thank you," she drawled as she felt her own tears brimming.

"You're welcome. Now eat up before it goes cold."

The warrior attacked the bowl of soup and Hecuba laughed as she saw her almost inhale it. She gave Xena seconds and then went to check on her daughter.

Gabrielle was awake and sitting up in bed, staring out the window. She was very scared and angry. She felt the anger deep inside her and she couldn't let it go.

"I'm going to get them..." she growled out loud as her mother entered the room.

"Get who honey?" asked Hecuba, startling the bard out of her own thoughts.

"Nothing Mother, forget it. Where's Xena?"

The older woman sat down on the edge of the bed.

"She's eating at the moment. She'll be back soon."

Gabrielle nodded and looked away, again lost in her own thoughts. Her mother was frightened when she saw the look on her daughter's face.

"Gabrielle, don't do this to yourself," she whispered.

The bard gave her mother a very good likeness of Xena's 'look'.

"I wasn't able to stop them on my own Mother and I'm going to make damn sure they don't do this to someone else."

"Gabrielle, please..."

The bard jumped out of the bed.

"No! I will not let this happen again!"

Her body was shaking with rage and her fists were clenched at her sides. Xena suddenly came running into the room and frowned when she saw her friend out of bed.

"Gabrielle!" she said in a raised voice.

The bard's head snapped around to look at her.

"Calm down Gabrielle and get back into bed."

"I'm going to get them Xena. I'm going to stop this from happening to another woman at their hands."

Xena's face dropped as she had a sudden flashback to when Gabrielle's husband Perdicus had been killed. The bard had tried to go after Callisto and had almost been killed herself. Xena moved to Gabrielle and stroked her face gently.

"Gabrielle, listen to me. We'll handle this together ok? We'll stop them once and for all but you need to get some sleep first."

A look of fury crossed the bard's face.

"Don't treat me like I'm a child Xena!" she yelled and stormed out of the bedroom. The warrior rolled her piercing blue eyes and went after her.

"If you don't want to be treated like a child, then stop acting like one!" Xena yelled back.

Gabrielle froze in her tracks and slowly turned.

"I'm sick of this Xena. I'm sick of you! Get out of my village!" she said in a low and threatening voice. Xena couldn't believe what she had just heard.

"Gabrielle..." she began as she moved closer but before she even saw it coming, the bard had punched her solidly in the jaw. The warrior's head snapped back and she could taste blood in her mouth. Her heart broke as she saw the cold stare coming from the woman she loved.

"Awwwright Gabrielle," she drawled. "I'll go. It's been nice knowing you."

The last sentence was said in a sarcastic growl and it wasn't lost on the bard.

"Only sometimes," she retorted angrily and then went back into the house.

Xena unhooked the litter from Argo and threw it angrily into some nearby trees. Then she mounted the mare and took off as fast as she could.

That night, Xena stopped early to camp. She was physically and emotionally exhausted and she couldn't will herself on any further. The warrior had decided to go back to Amphipolis to see her mother but it was a good two-day's ride away. As she sat on an old log in front of her campfire, she thought about Gabrielle's behaviour. She couldn't understand why she would send her away from Potedaea. Xena had seen Gabrielle want vengeance before but she had asked for the warrior's help rather than sending her away.

"I don't understand this," she said as she got up and stroked Argo's neck. "It's as if she's not my Gabrielle at all."

Xena suddenly froze.

"Hope..." she growled and jumped onto a startled Argo.

She rode as hard as she could back to Potedaea and banged on the door of Gabrielle's parent's house. Herodotus answered the door.

"Where's Gabrielle?" Xena asked.

"She's asleep. Xena, what's going on between you two?"

"I'll explain later. Get Hecuba to safety. I'll come find you when it's safe to come back."

Herodotus and his wife left the house and Xena crept down the hall to Gabrielle's old room. She pushed open the door, her sword drawn and her chakram in her hand. She saw someone lying in Gabrielle's bed and crept to the edge but the woman sat up.

"Xena, I thought I told you to leave," she rasped.

"Hello Hope," Xena replied, reaffirming her grip on her sword.

Hope smiled and got out of the bed.

"Well, you figured it out Xena. Well done!" she said sarcastically.

"Where's Gabrielle?" Xena demanded.

"I don't think it's time for me to tell you that yet," said Gabrielle's evil daughter. "My mother is somewhere where she can't stop me from bringing my father into this world once and for all. You've fallen in love with my mother. How pathetic is that?! The warrior and the little sidekick..."

Xena felt the dark side of her rise and the memories of Hope murdering her son and taking Gabrielle away from her drove her to a rage she hadn't experienced in long time. Xena hit Hope across the face with the pommel of her sword, screaming her fury.

"Don't you dare speak about Gabrielle like that!" she yelled.

Hope slowly turned back to face Xena, a wicked glint in her eyes.

"Maybe you should join her," she said and Xena suddenly found herself in a strange place. She looked around, her eyes quickly adjusting to the dimness of the room.

"Gabrielle?" she called out tentatively.


The warrior moved quickly toward the voice she loved.

"Gabrielle? Are you ok?" she asked as she saw the bard shackled against a wall.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Xena, Hope's back. She did this."

The Warrior Princess raised a hand to silence her friend.

"I know. I thought she was you for a while but then she did something that made me realise that it wasn't you."

"What was that?" asked the bard curiously.

Xena smiled.

"She tried to send me away and if there's one thing I know it's that no matter how badly we argue, we would never send each other away."

Gabrielle tried to reach out to the warrior but her shackles stopped her so Xena took her hand instead.

"You've got that right," Gabrielle whispered. "I'm sorry she hurt you."

Xena cringed as she suddenly remembered the passionate kiss she had shared with Hope.

"Not going to tell her about that?" asked Hope in a sweet voice as she suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Hope..." Xena warned.

"Go on Xena. Are you not to tell her how much you enjoyed our kiss?"

Xena looked at Gabrielle, whose eyes were wide with shock.

"You bitch!" Gabrielle cried and strained at her shackles to try to get to her daughter.

"You're blaming me? It was Xena who came to me. She couldn't wait to get into my breeches."

Gabrielle looked at Xena again and the warrior cringed.

"I...I..." she stammered but Gabrielle shook her head.

"We can talk about this later," she said and then turned to her daughter. "Hope, why are you doing this?"

"It's time for my father to come into the world. You stopped me the last time Gabrielle but you won't stop me again."

"Looks like you didn't learn anything the last time we did this," said the bard slowly.

"What are you talking about?" Hope snapped.

"I killed you once Hope. I'll do it again."

Hope threw back her head and laughed but Gabrielle reached into her boot and pulled out a knife, hurling it at her daughter. The knife buried itself all the way up to the hilt in Hope's chest and she fell backward with a cry of pain. She managed to sit up and held her hand out to Gabrielle.

"Mother..." she said weakly.

Xena looked at Gabrielle and saw a look of total hate and rage on her face.

"That was for Solan," the bard growled. "You stopped being my daughter the second you murdered him."

A trickle of blood flowed from the side of Hope's mouth and she collapsed backward, her eyes open but unseeing.

"Gabrielle," said Xena gently. The bard was shaking with shock and she leaned heavily against Xena. "Let's get you out of here."

Xena got up and went to Hope, checking her pockets for the key to the shackles. She quickly found one and opened the locks. Gabrielle got up and straightened her clothes, dusting off her seat while Xena retrieved the knife.

"Come on Gabrielle," said Xena and led her to a door, using the knife to pick the lock.

They walked soundlessly through dark corridors until they came to the ceremonial hall.

"Looks like we're in an underground temple of some sort," said Gabrielle in a low voice.

"Yeah, must be one of Dahok's," Xena replied absently as she looked for a way out. "Up there Gabrielle. We'll have to climb up."

The warrior looked around and saw some large curtains. She grinned as she saw the long rope pulls hanging from them and a plan formulated in her mind.

"Gabrielle, we can use those ropes to climb up there," she said but when she turned around, her friend was gone.


There was no sound except for the crackle of nearby flames and Xena's blood ran cold as she realised what the flames were.

"No," she whispered and ran as fast as she could into the next room. She saw Gabrielle standing at the edge of the pit, looking down into the flames.

"Gabrielle!" Xena yelled and the bard turned to look at her with gentle green eyes. She shook her head and stepped away from the edge of the pit. Xena ran to her and held her.

"You scared me for a minute," she said in a quivering voice. "I thought..."

The bard shook her head and placed her finger over the warrior's lips.

"I'm never diving into a pit again," she replied with a smile. "We have to seal this so Dahok can't get out."

Xena nodded and looked around the room. She saw a large gong hanging on the wall.

"What about that?" she asked and Gabrielle grinned.

"Let's go."

The two women ran to the gong and Xena threw her knife, cutting the rope that held it in place. It dropped and rolled a few feet before Xena managed to change its direction. They rolled the gong to the pit and pushed it over so it acted like a giant pit cap and Dahok's flames were trapped inside.

"It'll take them a long time to get that off him," Xena said with a grin and then hugged Gabrielle tightly. "You ok?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. How about you?"

"I'm ok now let's get out of here."

Xena and Gabrielle climbed out of the cave temple and headed back to Potedaea. They were both exhausted so they went straight to bed after Xena found Hecuba and Herodotus and also located her weapons.

The next day dawned sunny and dry and the friends slept late into the morning. Xena woke first and slid out of the bed as nature called her. She returned a few minutes later to find the bard staring out the window.


"Xena, I think we need to talk..."

The warrior sat on the bed and patted the space beside her. Gabrielle padded slowly from the window to sit beside her.

"Gabrielle, for a long time now I've had certain... feelings... that I can't hide any longer. I kissed Hope because I thought she was you. I love you Gabrielle."

"You love me?" asked the bard, a little in awe.

Xena looked down.

"I'd give up my soul for you Gabrielle. That's how much I love you."

The bard smiled.

"Don't ever do that Xena because your soul is the other half of mine. I love you too."

Xena's heart soared at those words and she pulled the bard to her, kissing her gently but she soon felt Gabrielle's tongue tip off her lips and moaned softly as she willingly allowed it entrance. The kiss lasted a long time and the lovers broke apart, both aroused and breathless.

"I guess this means it's official," the bard stated with a grin.

"What?" replied a confused Xena.

"I've loved you for a long time too Xena. I'm glad we had this... chat."

"Oh no Gabrielle. I think we have a lot more... chatting... to do," said Xena seductively and kissed the bard again. They lowered themselves onto the bed and Gabrielle sighed as she felt sword callused hands caress her breasts, soon to be replaced by soft lips and gently nipping teeth.

"Gods Xena," she groaned as her clothes were pulled from her body to be quickly joined by the warrior's leathers. Skin met skin and electricity flowed as Xena lowered herself onto her lover's smaller body. She sucked and licked at Gabrielle's pulse point before lowering her head to suck a hardened nipple.

Gabrielle's hands moved to Xena's back and she caressed taut, rippling muscles with her fingertips. The warrior kissed her way down the bard's washboard stomach until she came to soft downy hair. Gabrielle's hips started to move rhythmically and she grasped Xena's shoulders as a warm tongue began to unlock the secrets of her most private parts. The moist heat of the warrior's tongue was driving her wild and as Xena slid two fingers into her she could barely stifle a cry of pleasure.

The Warrior Princess' free hand played with Gabrielle's nipples and as she quickened her strokes and tongue, the bard came in shuddering waves of ecstasy. She gritted her teeth to hold back the long loud cry that she knew would give them away, however, as her second climax peaked, she couldn't help herself.

"Xeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaa!" she cried loudly and the warrior chuckled against her. She moved back up the bard's body and rolled her spent lover on top of her, holding her tightly and waiting for her breath to return to normal to allow her to speak.

"Xena, that was... incredible," Gabrielle whispered after long minutes.

"That's only the beginning my Love," Xena replied with a wicked grin.

"Oh no," the bard replied, "Now it's my turn!"

She took advantage of her position atop the warrior and kissed her passionately, their tongues twirling in each other's mouths like exotic dancers. Gabrielle hands roamed over soft skin and hard muscle as she began her decent. She paused at Xena's breasts to lick and suck the hardened nipples and then continued lower, dipping her tongue into a warrior navel. Xena's breath was ragged and she started to gasp for breath as bardic fingers performed a gentle exploration of her womanhood.

"Gabrielle... please..." Xena whispered.

"Tell me what you want," said Gabrielle, her voice low and husky.

"Your fingers... inside... please," the warrior replied, her piercing blue eyes closing in ecstasy.

"Anything for you my Love," Gabrielle whispered and she slid two fingers inside her lover. Xena's breath caught painfully in her throat. She had never before felt such pleasure... pleasure that was almost pain from her need for release but as Gabrielle's tongue caressed her swollen clit, she sucked in a deep breath, arched her back and shuddered as her climax stormed over her.

"Yes Gabrrrrrriiiiiiiieeeeeeellllllllleeeeeeee!!!!" she cried and then collapsed bonelessly back onto the bed. Gabrielle rested her head on Xena's stomach and closed her eyes as the warrior stroked her short blonde hair.

"I love you Gabrielle," she said as tears ran down her face. "And I can't believe that the most beautiful woman in the world loves me too."

"Forever," Gabrielle mumbled in exhaustion.

"Sleep now and I'll be here for you when you wake up," Xena whispered tenderly.

The bard scooted up her body and they held each other while they slept, Gabrielle's head resting against her lover's shoulder.

It was late afternoon when they woke again and Gabrielle kissed the soft skin under her cheek.

"So you're awake," Xena growled playfully and she pulled the bard up to kiss her passionately.

"Well, that's a much better way to be woken up," Gabrielle replied with a grin.

"I was thinking the same thing myself," Xena replied with that quirky smile that the bard loved. "Come on lazy bones. Your mother will think we've got lost in here."

Gabrielle grinned again.

"Well judging by the amount of noise we made this morning, I don't think there's any chance of that happening."

Xena slid out of the bed and got dressed quickly. She washed her face at the washstand and as Gabrielle got dressed, she raked her fingers through her thick raven-black hair trying to work out the knots. The lovers went to the kitchen to get something to eat and found Hecuba waiting for them.

"Good... um... afternoon... you two," she said with a grin.

"Hello Mother, it's so good to see you," said Gabrielle as she hugged her mother tightly.

Hecuba looked at Xena in surprise.

"That was Hope," said the warrior quietly. "This is Gabrielle."

Hecuba shook her head and went back to her chores.

"You must be hungry. You've slept nearly all afternoon. Had a tiring morning did we?" she asked.

"Mother!" said Gabrielle indignantly as Xena laughed.

"Come on Gabrielle. What did you think I was thinking? That you two were holding hands? I have had sex before you know!"

"Hmmm," the bard replied as she blushed and Xena pulled her into her arms.

"Your mother knows how much I love you," she said after giving her a peck on the nose.

"Yes I do and I'm very happy for you both. Now sit down there and I'll get you an early dinner."

"Thanks Mother," Gabrielle said with a smile.

The lovers sat together and, not for the first time in her life, Xena thanked the Fates for giving her Gabrielle.

The End

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