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From the Past... To the Future

Disclaimer: Once again, the main characters of this story belong to Renaissance/Universal Pictures and so on, not me. This story also contains non-graphic scenes of a sexual nature between two loving women. If you don't like that or are too young to read it then go away right now!

Dedication: For my four good friends - Nuala, Gill, Keith and Sid.

Feedback: Questions or comments to

"I will not allow you to do this!"

Gabrielle was pacing back and forward, her hands perched on her hips as she yelled at her best friend.

"You won't allow me?" Xena replied, her mouth quirking in amusement.

She was leaning casually against the doorframe of their tavern room, her arms crossed over her brass breastplate. The bard paused in her pacing and glared at the six-foot tall warrior.

"You expect me to just stand by and let you go? Alone? Xena, I thought we got past this years ago."

Gabrielle was upset and her voice was uncharacteristically shrill. Xena unfolded her arms and took a few steps towards the bard, placing her hands on her shoulders and ducking her head to look into her eyes.

"Gabrielle," she said softly in her gravel on silk voice, "I'd love nothing more than for you to come with me but this is going to be dangerous. I have to go after an old soldier of mine and he's known to be ruthless. Gabrielle, I made him that way. He was a young man when he joined my army and I turned him into a murderer. It's up to me to stop him."

The bard ran a hand through her short blonde hair and sighed.

"Look, I understand that you want to stop this guy but you can't do it alone. He might have an army. Ok, ok, I know you defeated the Persian advance guard alone but this is different. I want to help you. Please... let me help you."

Gabrielle reached out her hand and rested it lightly on Xena's shoulder. The tall warrior put her larger hand over the bard's and smiled.

"Ok Gabrielle but please be careful and stay close to me."

"No problem Xena. I'm not anxious to die anytime soon."

The warrior grinned and then moved Gabrielle's hand to her lips, kissing the back of it.

"Alright, let's get some sleep. We'll leave at first light."

The friends went to bed but Gabrielle found that she wasn't able to sleep. Her mind was racing and she felt a knot of worry in her stomach. Eventually, she fell into a fitful sleep and dawn came all too soon.

"So tell me about this man," asked Gabrielle, breaking the silence between them. Xena looked at her carefully and then shook her head.

"I'd rather not talk about it," she said.

"Xena, what's going on? You haven't been this secretive in a long time. There's something you're not telling me."

The raven-haired warrior ran her hand over her chakram, letting the cool metal reassure her. Then she led her horse, Argo, to the side of the road. Gabrielle followed with her horse and saw Xena sit down on a large rock.

"You want to know what's going on? Ok, I'll tell you."

Gabrielle settled herself on the rock beside Xena and placed a gentle hand on her forearm in encouragement.

"Soran was a young man when he came to me, little more than a boy really. He was eager to be a warrior and he hounded me for a week before I let him stay with my army. I have to admit that I took more than a casual interest in his training and I actually honed his skills myself. He was eager to learn and as the years passed, he become more than another soldier to me. We ended up as lovers until he betrayed me with one of my servants and I told him to leave. He did so and I didn't hear anymore from him until about five years after that when I came across his army. I met him on the battle field and I gave him a little something to remember me by."

"What did you give him?" asked Gabrielle, interrupting for the first time.

"If you see him, you'll notice that he has a scar on his face and he's missing an eye."

"Oh," said the bard, grimacing slightly.

"Yeah. Anyway, my army defeated his but he promised to meet me again one day. Meanwhile, I was drummed out of my own army and you know the rest."

Xena fell silent and watched as Gabrielle bit her bottom lip in thought.

"Xena, how long were you together?"

"Um... Two years I guess... give or take," the warrior replied.

"Did you love him?"

Xena got up suddenly and walked back over to Argo.

"Come on Gabrielle, we should be moving on."

The bard shook her head and moved toward the warrior.

"Hey," she said softly. "I asked you if you loved him."

Xena stared into her deep green eyes for a few seconds.

"No," she said and then climbed onto Argo, indicating that the conversation was finished. Gabrielle mounted her own horse and followed the Warrior Princess.

The silence was killing Gabrielle and she kept looking at Xena's back as they rode. The warrior knew she was doing it but just ignored her. Xena was too wrapped up in her own thoughts to make idle conversation, even if it had been one of her many skills, which it was not. That evening, after they had set up camp, Gabrielle disappeared off into the woods. Xena got worried after about an hour and stood at the edge of the clearing, looking for some sign of the young bard. She found her tracks and followed them into the darkness. What she found shocked her to the core. Gabrielle was sitting on a piece of deadwood, her face buried in her hands as her shoulders heaved with sobs. Xena ran to her and pulled her into standing.

"Gabrielle? What's wrong? Please tell me!" she asked frantically.

The bard pulled away from her and walked back towards the camp. Xena followed her, trying to stop her.

"Xena, leave me alone," said Gabrielle, wiping the tears from her beautiful face.

"No! Not until you tell me what's wrong!"

"I miss you ok!" Gabrielle yelled.

"You miss... I don't understand," the puzzled warrior replied.

"You've barely said three words to me in the past week. You're supposed to be my best friend and you've been keeping me at arms length. Then you spring this guy on me and expect me not to ask questions. Xena, I want to help you. Why are you pushing me away? You haven't been like this in a long time and I can't go back to tip toeing around you."

Xena pulled her into her arms and stroked her hair.

"I'm sorry... I didn't realise... I'm so sorry..." Xena stammered.

"I don't want an apology Xena. I just want you to tell me that you still love me and want me with you."

The tall warrior held her tightly.

"I'll always love you Gabrielle. You own my heart, you always have. You're my best friend. I'm sorry I've been cold lately. I'm just worried about tracking Soran down and stopping him once and for all."

"Xena, it's more than that. There's something on your mind isn't there?" Gabrielle gathered her courage. "Is it something to do with the fact that you kissed me last week?"

Xena's mouth dropped open in shock and she let the bard go, backing away from her.

"You... you know? You were awake?" she stammered.

Gabrielle looked down.

"Yes. I'm sorry Xena. I didn't want you to be embarrassed around me so I didn't say anything."

"No, I'm sorry Gabrielle. I shouldn't have done it full stop. You didn't ask for this and..."

She was cut off by the bard's finger over her lips.

"Sshh, it's ok Xena. The question though is whether you want to pursue this," she whispered, moving close to the tall warrior. "Because I do."

Again, Xena was shocked and she swallowed deeply.

"I... I can't," she replied, barely quashing the urge to turn and run away as fast as she could.

"Why not?" asked Gabrielle in a low, husky voice.

"I'm afraid..." the warrior whispered and Gabrielle saw unshed tears in her piercing blue eyes.

"What are you afraid of Xena?" the bard whispered back, wiping away a lone tear from Xena's face with her thumb.

"I'm afraid... of... losing you, losing our friendship."

Gabrielle snaked her arms around Xena's slender waist, looking up into her eyes and, for the first time, the warrior saw passion and desire for her dancing in them.

"You're not going to lose me Xena. I love you."

The words were quietly spoken but loudly felt and the warrior's knees turned to jelly. She willed strength into them and tried to still her trembling body as her heart soared.

"I love you too," she replied.

Gabrielle smiled tenderly at her but Xena felt she should say something.

"Gabrielle..." she started.

"Sshh, it's been said. We can't hide anymore."

"I don't want to hide Gabrielle. I just want you to be sure that this is what you want."



"Shut up and kiss me."

A pause, then a grin and the Warrior Princess leaned in, brushing her lips softly against the bard's. Gabrielle's hands snaked up Xena's chest, over her breastplate and behind her head, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss, moaning softly as Xena's tongue slid gently into her mouth. Their tongues parried teasingly, moving slowly, caressing gently until they parted, each woman breathing heavily.

"Gods, I've waited so long for this," said the bard, resting her forehead against Xena's chest.

"I know how you feel. I was starting to think that you'd never give me any sign, even though I suspected it."

"You did? Suspect I mean?"

"Yeah, I saw you looking at me one day while we were bathing and you licked your lips a little," said Xena with a grin.

The bard blushed a pretty pink and Xena hugged her tightly.

"You're cute when you blush," she stated and then fended off a playful cuff from the young woman.

"Hey, I've told you before about teasing me," said Gabrielle and suddenly tickled the warrior in her one and only tickle spot. Xena tried to run. Xena tried to hide, but Gabrielle wouldn't let her go and suddenly, the warrior found herself lying on the ground with the bard lying on top of her. They just looked at each other, panting as they tried not to laugh again.

"Hey," said Xena, stroking the bard's cheek.

"Hey," said Gabrielle, brushing a lock of hair from the warrior's eyes.

That was it. They were suddenly wrapped around each other, tongues and hands roaming, dropping their clothes to form a pile beside them and, at long last, soft noises and then loud cries broke the silence of the dark forest.

"Wow! We definitely should have done that sooner," said Gabrielle lifting her head from the warrior's chest a little and Xena chuckled as she lightly stroked her lover's back.

"There he is," Xena whispered, pointing at the tall scruffy looking man emerging from a large tent. Gabrielle followed him with her eyes taking in as much detail about him as possible. She noted that he was wearing a patch over his eye and shuddered a little at the thought that the woman she loved had done that to him.

"Are you ok?" Xena whispered to her.

"Yeah, I'm fine," the bard whispered back.

Xena jerked her head and they crept back soundlessly through the bushes and long grass from where they had been hiding.

"What do you think Xena?" asked Gabrielle.

The Warrior Princess shook her head.

"I don't know. It looks as if he has quite a number of men, judging by the number of guards that he has patrolling the camp. I'm not worried about them though. I just want to get Soran and get out of here."

"Agreed. I presume you have a plan."

Xena grinned sheepishly.

"Um, not yet. Give me time."

Gabrielle was about to retort when she saw the grin fade from the warrior's face. She looked around and suddenly knew what Xena had sensed. Gabrielle pulled her sais from the holders on her boots and spun them skilfully in her hands as a group of Soran's men crashed into the clearing where they were standing.

"Son of a Bacchae," Xena cursed under her breath and pulled her sword out of its sheath on her back, spinning it in a few vicious arcs in her hand, her left hand held out for balance and protection.

"I take it this wasn't part of your plan," said Gabrielle dryly and ran to meet the first soldier. She ducked as he swung his sword and lashed out with her leg, knocking him to the ground and punching him in the temple, knocking him out. She bounded to her feet and jumped as another man tried to take her legs out from under her. As she jumped, she spun and caught him in the jaw with a spinning heel kick. Blood sprayed from his mouth as he dropped like a sack of oats. Xena was toying with six men, holding them off easily while keeping Gabrielle in her peripheral vision. The bard was fighting against a man about two heads taller and twice as broad as she was but Xena grinned as she saw the man fall to the ground, rolling around and holding his injured groin. Gabrielle slid her sais back into her boots and confiscated his sword, taking on the next man. He lunged at her but she parried his blow, her strong shoulders absorbing the impact easily. Xena leapt into the air, trilling her warcry and somersaulting over the soldiers' heads. She landed, spun and cut them down, one by one. Suddenly, she heard a cry and saw Gabrielle collapse to the ground. She had taken a blow to the head and was out cold.

"Gabrielle!" Xena cried and started to run to protect her but bright lights exploded in front of her eyes as she was clubbed from behind. The last thing she saw was a soldier picking Gabrielle up before she sank into the darkness of unconsciousness.

"Aww gods!" Xena rasped as she came to. She blinked a few times to clear her blurred vision trying to ignore the little man pounding the big hammer inside her head. She looked around for Gabrielle but she was alone in her cell. She was chained to the wall and her shoulders and neck were aching. Xena stood slowly, rolling the tension out of her neck before testing the chains, pulling against them. After a few minutes she gave up knowing they wouldn't budge. She looked around the cell, her warrior instincts taking over as she searched for a means of escape. There was only one heavy wooden door and no windows, which led her to believe she was underground. The cell was small and damp and lit by two torches, in opposite corners to each other. The warrior could smell damp dirt and she looked down, scuffing the ground with the toe of her boot but it was hard and tightly packed. Xena stiffened momentarily as her sharp ears picked up the sound of footsteps approaching the door and she pressed her back against the cool damp wall, listening intently. She heard the rattle of keys and the door creaked open. Xena's eyes widened and she jumped slightly as someone was tossed into the cell with her. Panic rose inside her as she realised who it was.

"Gabrielle!" she cried and moved towards the whimpering form huddled in a foetal position on the ground. The chains stopped her about five feet from the bard and no matter how she strained, she couldn't get close enough to touch her.

"Gabrielle!" she cried again but the bard just lay there unmoving. Xena was relieved when she saw that her love was breathing. After long minutes, Gabrielle groaned and rolled over slightly. The warrior gasped and tears ran over her cheeks when she saw the lashmarks on the young woman's back.

"Oh gods," she whispered and sank to her knees reaching out helplessly to Gabrielle.

"Xena?" the bard whispered groggily and Xena called to her again.

"Gabrielle! It's me! I'm here!"

"Xena?" Gabrielle repeated, stronger this time. She raised herself slightly and cried out as her broken ribs screamed blue murder. Xena strained against the chains again wanting nothing but to hold Gabrielle in her arms. The bard fixed her green eyes on Xena's blue and tears ran down her beautiful face. She dragged herself painfully to the warrior and Xena held her gently, careful not to hurt her any further.

"I couldn't stop him Xena," she whispered and the warrior crooned into her ear, trying to soothe the trembling woman. She lay down and pulled Gabrielle on top of her, using her own body as a cushion against the cold ground while trying not to irritate the welts on her love's back. Xena's mind was racing. She knew that Gabrielle was going into shock but there was nothing she could do except try to keep her as warm as possible. She felt fear course through her as Gabrielle's blood ran over her fingers and she saw that she had passed out again.

"Artemis help me," Xena whispered in despair. She just couldn't see a way out. She closed her eyes briefly, trying to calm down but she suddenly felt a burst of warmth and opened her eyes to find a woman standing in front of her, dressed in ornate leathers. She had a silver bow and quiver on her back and she was smiling kindly.

"Xena, I never expected to hear you call for my help," she said.

"Artemis," said Xena. "Your Chosen One is in trouble. I'm asking for help on her behalf."

The goddess of the hunt and protector of the Amazons crossed her arms.

"Xena, why is it so hard for you to accept the gods?" she asked.

"I've had enough dealings with immortals to know that most of them can't be trusted," Xena growled.

"That's not true Xena. You've just been unlucky in your dealings. I believe that Aphrodite is your friend is she not?"

"Yes, she's my friend. Are you?" asked the Warrior Princess warily.

"Alright Xena. You asked for my help and you'll get it. One thing though. I demand that you catch the man who did this to my Chosen One."

Xena let a feral smile spread over her face.

That won't be a problem," she replied.

"So be it," said Artemis and disappeared in a flash of light.

Suddenly, Xena's shackles fell away from her wrists and her weapons, along with Gabrielle's appeared beside her. Xena also saw her healer's bag and a waterskin nearby. She rolled the bard over gently and reached for the waterskin. She lifted Gabrielle's head and trickled the water into her mouth. The bard come to and drank greedily wincing at the pain lancing through her body as she swallowed.

"Gabrielle, I have to tend to your wounds. I need you to be strong ok?"

"I'll try," the young woman whispered and Xena kissed her on the forehead.

The Warrior Princess searched through her healer's bag and pulled out various bandages, a small knife and her herbal salve. She was surprised and relieved to find that the items were miraculously replaced immediately and she silently thanked Artemis for her help. It took almost an hour for her to attend to all of Gabrielle's wounds but the bard went through it almost silently, biting on her bottom lip to stifle any cries that threatened to escape. The last thing Xena did was bandage her broken ribs and Gabrielle grabbed her shoulder, scrunching her face up in agony as she did so and then she collapsed back against the wall when the warrior was finished. Xena let her drink from the waterskin again and then the bard lay down and fell into a fitful sleep. The tall warrior got up and slid her sword into the sheath on her back and then hooked her chakram at her side. She went over every inch of the cell trying to find some way to escape but there wasn't even a crack in the wall. She went back to the slumbering bard and shook her gently.

"Gabrielle, wake up."

"What? What is it?" she asked and Xena saw a look of fear in her eyes.

"It's ok. I'm going to get you out of here. I have a plan. I'm going to pound on the door and try to get the guards' attention. When they open the door, I'll take them out and get you out of here as quickly as I can."

Gabrielle nodded and Xena helped her stand, supporting her around the hips as she remembered her broken ribs.

"Ok, you ready?" she asked.

Gabrielle nodded and Xena raised her fist to bang on the stout wooden door.

"Xena, wait!"

"What's wrong?"

"I just... I wanted to tell you... in case... one of us doesn't make it. I love you Xena."

"Oh Gabrielle, I love you too," said the warrior and kissed her gently.

"Now, go on," said the bard and released herself from the warrior's embrace to stand on her own.

The Warrior Princess pounded on the door with her fist.

"Hey! Somebody help me! I think she's dead in here!" she called.


"Hey! Come on! Don't leave me in here with a dead body!" she called again.

Still silence.

"Come on! Please, get her out of here!" she yelled as loud as she could.

Xena grinned as she heard footsteps approach the cell. Again she heard the rattling of keys and braced herself against the wall, coiling every muscle in her body, ready to spring as soon as the door opened. As the guard stepped inside, she swung her arm and caught him hard across the chest. He slammed into the ground on his back and Xena peeked her head out the door to see if there were anymore guards. There were none so she hit the pressure points on his neck and held him by the front of his tunic.

"Awwright," she drawled. "I've just cut off the flow of blood to your brain. You've got thirty seconds to live unless you tell me what I want to know. Now, where's Soran and how many guards has he got?"

"Last bedroom... second floor... two guards" the man wheezed.

"Thank you," said Xena sweetly and then released his blood flow. The man sank to the floor panting when she let him go but she punched him, knocking him out and then shackled his hands to the wall and gagged him.

"Come on Gabrielle," she said and half-carried the bard out of the cell. They walked as quickly as Gabrielle could manage and only came across a guard once. He found himself face to face with the Warrior Princess' fist and Xena decided it was time for him to sleep. They emerged into the courtyard of the enclosure and Xena scanned the area, wincing in the bright sunlight. It was deserted.

"Dammit, this is too easy," she said under her breath as she moved warily along the wall keeping her back and Gabrielle's to it. She came to a corner and looked around it carefully, jerking her head back as she realised why the courtyard or at least that section of it was deserted. She chanced another look and took a rough guess at eighty when she saw the men practising their sword drills in front of what looked like some sort of instructor.

"Hades!" she cursed as she realised that the only way to the gate was to walk right through the men.

"What is it," asked Gabrielle weakly.

"We have to find another way out," Xena whispered and lead the bard back the way they came. They walked around the perimeter of the courtyard and Xena felt the panic start to rise again as she found that the gate was the only way out.

"This is bad isn't it?" Gabrielle whispered.

"Well, it ain't good," the warrior whispered back, trying to keep her expression light but not fooling Gabrielle for a second.

"Xena, leave me here. I'm slowing you down."

"No way. I'm not leaving you," the Warrior Princess replied fiercely. "Don't even think about it," she continued as she saw that the bard was about to protest. Gabrielle nodded and smiled.

"Ok, we're leaving together," she said.

Xena looked around again and spotted the stables. She smiled slightly and closed her eyes as a plan began to formulate in her mind.

"Come on Gabrielle," she whispered and helped the bard to the stables. Once inside she sat Gabrielle down on a bale of straw and let her drink again from the waterskin. The young woman gritted her teeth and tried to ignore the pain that was wracking her body. Xena counted the horses in the stalls. Twenty... not quite as many as she'd hoped but it would have to do. She saddled one horse and helped Gabrielle climb up onto it.

"Ok, Gabrielle. Wait for me here. I'll be back in a minute." Xena opened all the stalls and led the horses out one by one so that they were standing around in the stable. Then she picked up the torch that was giving her a little light and set fire to the straw in each stall. The horses could smell the smoke and started to move nervously around, whinnying their protest. Xena waited until they were sufficiently agitated and then flung open, the doors of the stables.

"YAH, YAH!" she yelled and the horses all bolted for the door... and straight towards the men in the courtyard. Xena ran to Gabrielle and vaulted up behind her grabbing the reins and kicking the horse hard. It took off after it's friends and Xena grinned as she saw the men scattering to get out of the way of the stampeding animals. She bellowed her war cry as she rode past.

"Alalalalalalalalalalalalalalala! Cheeeeeeeyyya!"

Some of the men tried to follow, but with no horses left to ride, they had no chance of catching them. After about twenty minutes of hard riding, Xena slowed the horse to a walk and just about caught the bard as she started to fall off of the saddle. The jolting of the ride had been too much for her screaming ribs and she had passed out. Xena slid down from the horse and lifted her down gently. She carried the unconscious woman to the cool shade of the trees at the side of the road and then led the horse into the cover of some bushes, hitching him to a low tree branch. When she returned to Gabrielle, the bard was lying on her back, her arms wrapped around her injured ribs. Xena held her, rocking her gently and whispering soft and loving words in her ear.

"Did we make it?" the young woman whispered.

"Yeah we did," said the warrior with a grin. "We rode out right past those idiots. Gabrielle, I'm going to get you to the nearest town and then I have to go back."

"Back? Why?" she asked, the terror evident in her voice.

"I promised someone that I'd get Soran," Xena replied evenly.

"Who did you promise?"

"Sshh, I'll tell you everything later. Now I have to get you to a healer."

After giving the bard another drink of cool water and then emptying the waterskin herself, Xena lifted Gabrielle up onto the horse and got on behind her, holding her across her lap and trying to cushion the journey a bit. Gabrielle leaned into the warrior's chest and let herself drift into the slumber that was calling to her. Xena kissed her on the forehead and smiled as she heard her love's breathing deepen and regulate as her exhaustion overcame her.

"That's right Gabrielle. Sleep now. You'll feel better when you wake up."

Damn, that rooster is loud. Doesn't it know that people are trying to sleep here?

Gabrielle opened one green eye and then the other. She didn't recognise her surroundings and a wave of fear moved over her.

"Xena?" she said nervously.

"Oh, you're awake. It's ok. You're safe."

Gabrielle saw a petite woman standing over her.

"Where am I?" the bard asked.

She noted that the woman had a kind face and relaxed... but just slightly.

"You're in a village called Malorus. I'm the village healer. My name is Cerara. Xena brought you in last night. She asked me to give you this when you woke up. Gabrielle took the piece of parchment and tried to sit up. Cerara helped her and then went to get her something to eat. Gabrielle unfolded the parchment and immediately recognised Xena's neat handwriting.

My Love (it said)

You know where I'm going so all that's left to explain is why. When we were trapped in the cell, I couldn't see a way out so I asked Artemis for help. She appeared to me and helped us escape and what she asked in return was that I get the man who hurt her Chosen One, namely you. I made a promise to her and I have to keep it (not that there was ever any question of me letting him go after what he did to you).

Gabrielle, when I'm finished with Soran, they'll have to soak up what's left of him with a sponge but, if anything happens to me, remember that I love you. I always have and I always will. Be safe and I'll see you soon.

All my Love,


Tears ran down the bard's lovely face as she read the note again and again.

Please be careful

Cerara returned with some hot tea and a plate of bread and cheese for Gabrielle and the bard polished it off quickly.

"Thanks," she said still clasping Xena's note in her hand, "You've been very kind to me."

"I owe Xena a favour," said the healer with a smile. "She saved my son's life a few years ago so it's my pleasure to have you here... Gabrielle is it?"

"Yes, Xena's my... um..."

"I understand," Cerara replied with a wink. "She's really something isn't she?"

"Yeah," the bard replied with a painful grin. "So... um... what's the damage then?"

The healer's face turned serious.

"Well, you have two broken ribs on your right side and one on your left. Your right cheekbone is fractured and you have a number of lash marks on your back not to mention various other cuts and bruises but you'll be fine."

Gabrielle closed her eyes as she remembered the agony of being whipped and tears spilled out from under her fair lashes. She longed for Xena to hold her and she stifled a sob as the trauma of the previous two days finally caught up with her. Cerara sat on the edge of the bed and stroked her hair.

"It's ok Little One, it's over now and Xena will be back before you know it."

"I hope so..." Gabrielle whispered, rolling over and tucking her legs up under her.

Xena strolled up soundlessly behind the guard who was relieving himself at a nearby bush. She tapped him on the shoulder and punched him out when he half turned to look at her. The warrior shook her head and grinned when she saw his soaked pants.

"That'll be embarrassing," she murmured under her breath.

She now had a twenty-foot wide opening in the perimeter and she crawled forward on her hands and knees and then her stomach, her dagger between her teeth until she reached the wall of the courtyard she had been in the day before. Under the cover of darkness, she climbed the wall quickly and jumped off the top, somersaulting twice and landing with a soft thud. She ducked behind a barrel and waited as a nearby guard came to investigate the sound. As he passed her, she grabbed him and put her hand over his mouth, quickly slitting his throat. She dragged him behind the barrel, wiped her knife on his tunic and then looked around for anymore guards. The nearest man was at least thirty feet away and she smiled mirthlessly as she watched him move even further away from her. Xena moved like a ghost across the courtyard, her booted feet making not a sound on the hard dirt ground. The tall warrior replaced the dagger between her teeth and crept into the fortification. She thought back to the man she had put the pinch on.

Last bedroom... second floor... two guards.

Xena saw the guards standing outside Soran's door and paused to work out what she was going to do. She slid the dagger into her boot and stepped out into their view.

"Psst, hey!" she whispered. "Looking for a bit of fun Boys?" she asked, seductively trailing her fingers across her chest and into the valley between her breasts. "Only five dinars!" she added for effect. The men looked at each other and then walked toward her. She stepped back into the shadows and as they passed her, she jumped out behind them and smashed their heads together. After pulling their limp bodies behind a long tapestry, she moved quickly to Soran's room.

So far so good... she thought to herself and tested the handle of the door. It moved easily, though not very quietly and she froze as she tried to determine if she had been heard. After a long minute, she relaxed and continued to open the door. Xena heard snoring coming from inside the room and pushed the door open a little wider, slipping inside. The room was dark but she could make out various shapes of furniture and other items in the weak moonlight. She made her way to the edge of the bed and recognised that it was indeed Soran lying there. She took her dagger from her boot and jumped on top of him, pinning his arms down with her knees, holding the dagger to his throat and putting her free hand over his mouth. He jerked awake immediately, his good eye wide. She saw a glimmer of recognition in it and smiled grimly.

"Hi Soran. Remember me?" she whispered.

He nodded and tried to say something against her palm.

"Ah ah ah," she scolded. "I'm doing the talking here."

She felt her anger bubbling under the surface of her calm as images of Gabrielle's battered body flooded into her mind. She suddenly moved her hand and jabbed a pressure point on his neck, putting her pinch on his voice.

"I suppose you're wondering why I'm here," she said conversationally.

He shook his head and whispered to her.

"You want to kill me"

"Very good," Xena replied in a dangerous tone, "But do you know why?"

He smiled and licked his lips.

"Because I whipped and then beat your friend."

Xena froze.

"You bastard," she snarled. "You godsforsaken son of a scab ridden whore!"

She raised her dagger and was about to plunge it into his heart when he whispered again.

"You made me."

Xena face was a mask of pure hatred but she lowered her arm again.

"You betrayed me," she growled.

"You asked for it. Don't think that I didn't know about all the other men... and women... you took into your bed while I was fighting for and in your name. I loved you Xena."

The tall warrior closed her eyes for a second, a single tear creeping out from under her long lashes. She released him and stood up, planning on tying him up and handing him over to the local magistrate. She pulled the cord off some drapes hanging nearby but she heard him jump up off the bed. She spun and her instincts took over as she saw him pull a dagger out of his belt. She flipped her own dagger in her hand and hurled it at him, burying it right up to the hilt in his chest. He collapsed to the floor and Xena knew he was dead.

"Enjoy Tartarus," she snarled and, after retrieving her dagger, crept back out of the bedroom.

Gabrielle was up and about the next day, trying to work the stiffness out of her aching body. She was walking slowly up and down her room feeling her legs loosen steadily as she did so. She was so intent on making her legs work that she didn't hear Xena come into the room. The warrior paused at the door, just feeling her relief and love flood over her at the sight of her beautiful bard. She was in awe of this brave young woman and when Gabrielle turned and spotted her she simply opened her arms to her. The bard covered the distance between them in two steps and threw herself into Xena's arms. Tears rolled down her cheeks and all she could say was one word whispered over and over again.

"Xena... "

"Hey, it's ok. I'm here," said the warrior, rocking the bard gently.

"I was worried about you. I'm glad you're back," Gabrielle said smiling up at Xena through her tears.

"I missed you," said the warrior and then kissed her passionately. The kiss lasted a long time but they broke apart as Cerara cleared her throat.

"Um... I'm sorry... Xena, there's someone here to see you."

"Me? Ok, thanks." She placed a soft peck on Gabrielle's nose. "I'll be right back," she said.

"No way," Gabrielle protested. "I've just got you back. I'm never letting you out of my sight again."

The Warrior Princess chuckled.

"Ok, come on then."

She led Gabrielle by the hand into the adjoining room and the bard gasped as she saw who was waiting for them. Xena smiled.

"Artemis. I did as you said."

"I know Xena. Thank you. I know it was difficult for you."

The goddess moved closer to Gabrielle and stroked her cheek gently.

"How are you feeling my Chosen One," she asked.

Xena almost laughed as she realised that, for once, Gabrielle was at a loss for words.

"Um... fine... much better... thank you," she stammered and Artemis laughed lightly.

"Good, that's good. Well, it's time I was going and remember, anytime you need my help, all you have to do is ask."

She waved her hand and disappeared in a shower of sparks.

"Wow," Gabrielle croaked and Xena pulled her into her arms.

"Wow is right," she said and felt Gabrielle laugh.

"I thought we had this conversation about teasing me before," she said with a mischievous grin.

"No Gabrielle... please," Xena begged but the bard took no notice and fixed her fingers on Xena's tickle spot again. The warrior collapsed into laughter but managed to free herself and run into the bedroom. Gabrielle came after her (slower of course as her legs weren't working that well) and backed her into a corner. She grabbed Xena again and tickled her hard. Suddenly, Xena grabbed her hands and held them tightly. Then she pulled the young woman in for a tender kiss. She let the bardic hands go and they started to roam over the warrior's warm skin.

"Gabrielle, you're still hurt," said Xena against soft warm lips.

"Just be gentle with me..." the bard replied and they sank down onto the bed.

"Gods no Xena! NOT THAT GENTLE!!"

The End

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