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Hunt for United States
an Internet Treasure Hunt on United States

created by Latosha and Linda
College of Saint Mary

Introduction | The Questions | Internet Resources


Do you want to know more about the United States? Then grab your coats and we will wisk you off to an adventure of discovering more about where you live. This Hunt will take you to places that you may never get to visit, so fine tune your brains and your fingers to do some net surfing for fun and interesting facts about the ole U.S. of A.


  1. Locate a copy of the U.S. Map.
    a. What is the population of the U.S. as of 1999?
    b. How many states are not connected?
    c. Name the states that are not connected.

  2. Name the Presidents that are carved on Mount Rushmore.
    a. How tall is the Mountain?
    b. Who began the drilling?

  3. What years did these Presidents serve in office?
    (Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln)

  4. What does D.C. stand for?
    a. Who is the Mayor?

  5. Locate and copy the United States Flag.

  6. How does the first sentence for the United States Consitution read?

  7. How many Executive Branches of the United States Government are there? List them?

  8. What is the title of Nebraska's State Song? Who wrote it?

  9. How many Honolulu newspapers are there? Name them.

  10. What city in California is the '' web site published?

The Internet Resources

The Big Question

What facts have you learned about the United States that you did not know before? How can you find more factoids?


 created by Filamentality Content by Latosha and Linda,
Last revised Fri Mar 1 8:06:57 US/Pacific 2002