de_dust2 ct side:


ok for ct side, i play in the middle ill usually stay right in the middle and watch for which way they go, if i dont see anyone after a few sec i push up to lower b tunnels, if thats clear i then push up middle about half way to catwalk. After i call b tunnel clear i need the guy in "B" to push up to b tunnel so i dont get flanked. If i dont see them in the cat or in middle i will assume theyre going long A. Back to the start, if i do see them in the middle and i call there going B, ill go outside usually thru the window. If i see them going catwalk, then ill go thru ct spawn. If i see them going long A then ill go thru the cat. If i see them going middle i will call mid and run back to B or right outside of B. Or, if any of you call which way there going, ill do the same as if i saw them myself. - - - now, thats the strat for me, everyone should read this and memorize how i play it, everyone needs to type how they play each position. after everyone types it out and well all read it, then well make suggestions to the others on how we could play that spot better.

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