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Sadie's Site!

OMG SADIE WAT THE?????????????HOLD ON WAT THE HECK IS GOING ON ?!?!ure such a hogger when it comes to writing 2 other ppl on aim and google…gosh sadie omg jk lol….and I just wanna say:badger badger badger badgerMUSH ROOM MUSHROOM……omg y wont u let me talk 2 other ppl on ure list I wasn’t even saying ne thing mean…omg!!!!u betta listen up…..cuz im SPEAKING UP ……ya that’s rite homedog….yeaahaaha rite….lol…jk…ya I no ure strange u just sed it…lol… u talk 2 ure self…..hahahahahah we really laughed r heads off 2ite….omg!!!!.......sadie didn’t ure mom say that we had 2 like go 2 bed…at like 11:45!! 3 hrs ago…..omg….its like 1:30 almost lol AM. … now girl……crack ure toe muscles IF U GET ANGRY lol….. in the words of sadie: lol every body just needs to calm down….take a break…and eat a cookie!!!!yum…just don’t say ewwwwww on im 2 david and make up a *stupid * jk lol excuse saying ….”oh ya I sed “ewww” becuz I just bit into a burnt cookie and then lie somemore … ok?... I don’t talk 2 mi self ….i just like 2 hve conversations with the human contact ….lol…ttscfl no 1 will ever no wat that means cuz me HALEY made it up …lol…..jason PARK URE CABOOSE …..carry a suitcase in class…..not!!....and don’t stick ure but out 3 ft from where ure standing ….lol!!!....ok I wanna stop typing cuz …..mi left shoulder really hurts reallllly bad from this position ….and sadie keeps on saying flip***OMG Y DID SHE SAY THAT?!!?!?!?!?lol……sadie stop… u….wat did I do…o great there u go again lol….wat…?..talkin 2 ureself….sadie girl wat u talking bout….we watched mean girls 2nite so Gretchen weiners and the otheres like regina george and Karen smith and cady herin want 2 say “watch out bioooooocth * lol JK lol.,,,,,,,,,,,,,……………..ya…bby …I was jk….dont tell mi parents!!!! …please!!! lol…ok…bby…!!...oh ya and I almost 4 got I got skeiiiiiiioolllllssss(4 those who don’t understand:I sed I got skills lol) and ok ya mi skills in typing r like wickded fast….and so r sadies !!!! im 2 kool 4 skool!! o k …c ya all…at skool..or somewhere else lol…o ya and sadie leme tell u something!!!!lol…..NOW u no how it feels when u hve 2 stare @a screen 4 5 STRATE HOURS !!!!!!LOLX1233445566!!!!!!YA BABY……jk … not realllyyy …lol ..kool..o k bby then already…LEAVE ME ALONE!!stop typing…I cant…ok bbyyyyyyyy..bby!! xoxoxxo 2 all mi homesss love ya jk no really love ya jk lol bby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!love HALEY *thats wat happens when u give haley lindseys laptop for 15 minutes*
