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This page is dedicated to all who have suffered with keloids or similar scar tissue. My first experience happened in 1973 when I had my ears pierced in the summer of 1972 without permission from my parents who were always against me having my ears pierced. After 30 years and ten surgeries I finally got it and struck with until a new and better cure comes along.

In the beginning, the ears were pretty and the different earrings were beautiful. However, without knowing a small keloid was forming on my ear (we sometimes refer to it as a knot) that later turns onto a huge form of scar tissue (known to some as a big tittie). The first surgery was done in a doctor's office and it was successful for two years and they returned. Nine more surgeries were performed which were not successful. Currently, I am using a silicone topical gel which help with the pain. I have notice some reduction in the size of the keloids.

Keloid is an overgrowth of scar tissue which has been elevated on the site of a skin wound. The tissue usually is rounded and firm. Over a period of time the keloid size and shape worsen.

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