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Harper Creek Speech Club Meeting Minutes

Speech Club Meeting Minutes
Started 6:00pm - Ended 7:30pm on 9/20/05
Attending: Paige Beauchene (Speech Director), Amy Niendorf, Ian Davis, Rebecca McNeil , Sara Sabbani , Steven and Sue Tink , Randy and Daniel Peterson, Kim O'Brien

- A $50 participation fee has been decided on. If a family cannot afford the fee, than the speech club will cover costs, but more volunteering will be encouraged of that family. We discussed one fund raiser for covering the $50 dollar participation fee if a family cannot afford payment. If a family has already paid the fee and participated in the fund raiser, the money would go towards a future out of town tournament hotel bill. The Lakeview Square Mall coupon book sale is the event we have earmarked for the above reasons.

- Mrs. Beauchene's out of town hotel expenses will be covered by the Speech Club funds

- We are looking for a Publicity Volunteer. Duties would be minimal and would include: pictures of students placed in shopper with listing of names and award status or place of student, confirm school announcements are made after tournaments, and to promote and recognize the program.

- Total funds available and raised to date were discussed at the meeting. Total amount comes to $ 6764 as of today as listed on agenda.

- More fund raising is still needed. Target goal is set at about $10,000 for one school year. If there is an overage for the year, which would be great, this amount would be left for next years program.

- The Wrestling tournament fund raiser is on Dec. 10th. We will be providing Concessions. The Speech Club Varsity students and Mrs. Beauchene will be out of town on that day so the balance of students and parents will be expected to help out on that day. We will purchase all of our own products and keep the profits. Rebecca McNeil is looking into GFS discounts for food (see below)

- We will be participating in a Barnes and Noble gift wrapping fund raiser dates set at meeting for 16th and 17th of December, pending approval by B & N. Again we are asking for someone to step forward and help organize the volunteers for this fund raiser. You will get more information about this in the near future.

- The Volleyball tournament (8 teams) fund raiser is on Feb. 11th. We will be providing Concessions on that day.

- Other fund raising discussed; B & N book fair, Car wash (Sue Tink leading) coming up SOON, Gordon's Food Service donations of food/gift cards (Rebecca McNeil looking into this), Walmart $100 monthly donation (need point person for contacting Walmart, see Randy Peterson if you can help). Also discussed was a tournament to be held at Harper Creek, the selling of Lakeview Square Mall coupon books (covers participation fee and/or hotel costs), as well as an international dinner on a week night in the cafeteria (we would pre-sell tickets for this event).

- To open a checking account for the Speech Club, the Club will need to become a Non-Profit Organization. Needed for Non-Profit status is a President, Secretary, and Treasurer. President will be Randy Peterson and our Treasurer is Amy Niendorf. The position of Secretary is still open. The position of Vice-President is also available and welcome, but NOT required for Non-Profit status.

- Also discussed and agreed upon was minimum commitment of 5 events for volunteer opportunities for Parents and Students. Events to be discussed. Some listed above and on agenda. Talk to Randy Peterson for more information about events.

- Look into free / discounted pop from Coke-Cola as donation to Speech Club for concession sales at fund raising events

- Other donors we will be looking into are the Harper Creek Optimist Club and Beaver Boosters

- The possibility of Speech Club T-Shirts was also discussed

Please let me know ASAP if you can volunteer for any of the above opportunities.