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Hello to anyone who have dared to visit a site put together by a muppet and a very warm welcome to people I've already met from here or yahoo and have actually decided to come back. Anyway, this is my personal site dedictated to.....well, nothing in particular really (although I am going to write a bit on the the best football team in the world later). I have got another site in yahoo, anyone who especially wants to visit can at, and below I'm going to explain the reason why I moved on.

Now we've got the introductions out the way, we can get on with the realtively fun stuff. In my previous site I said I'd explain why I am called the muppet, and this time, on this website, I will. At some stage. I promise. As well as being a muppet I am a student and have got a lot of fun stuff stories to tell about student activities (if you can't guess, it mostly contains beverages of an alcoholic nature).

And before you go on, I apologise if any of you find this as boring as hell (as I'm sure you will).

About myself
As I have already mentioned, I'm Rick and I am the muppet. I am nineteen, a 5 foot 10ish short arse with short messy brown hair, not green I'm sorry to say. I am at the moment at nottingham uni studying drinking and enjoying life as a free individual. Oh yes, I do a bit of chemistry on the side as well. I enjoy playing lots of sports badly, although I especially enjoy playing cricket and I bowl a bit for the Sunday second side at my local club, which I'm quite proud of. The team I play for, caterham CC, has got a webpage and it displays my fantastic stats. I think you should go there, the web address is,

Before I go on, please sign my guestbook! I have got a pitfull two entries so far, which I am not pleased with.

When I'm away from uni, I live with my family in a-little-town-you've-probably-never-heard-of called Kenley in England. If you have got some knowledge of English geography this is near Croydon, and if you haven't, it's just south of London. The members of my family that actually live full time in Kenley are my parents and my younger red headed brother, Chris. I've also got an older brother, Steve, that has just about finished a degree at Cambridge reading economics. He's just got a job for a merchant bank (no pun intended) in London so I'm going to live off him for the next decade or so, whether he likes it or not. The next predicted addition to the family is my brothers fiancee, Cat, who is also at Cambridge studying Law.

Well, that's about it for now about me, but stay and see what other stuff I've put on here. Enjoy.

Right. Coming back after well over a year I feal I should make some adjustments. My older brother is now living in a flat in London still with Cat after going off to the US to do training course (I'm not jealous, of course I'm not). My younger brother, Chris, has just just gotten into the school that me and Steve went, God help them. I am still at Nottingham in my second year and going sort of strong. I must of admit I STILL haven't sorted out the "muppets" page, but I will. Scouts honour. Cya.

Life at university
At university I live in one of the 12 halls of residence on the main university campus, called Hugh Stewart, which has the cheapeast bar on the entire campus. Which is nice. I have represented the university at a sport since I've been up here, at a lesser known sport called handball (I must point out that I have only played one one game so far, because if the president, a mate of mine saw this and he thought I was implying that I was playing on a regular basis he would open a can of whoop-ass on me).
Me, sort of.
What have I got?
The answer to that question has to be, at the moment, quite a lot and not much at all. I've got a lot of stuff planed, but I've got everything finished at the moment.
Not all of these may work....

The best team in England, Europe, the world.....
Random photos
Student stories
How the muppet mind works
Well I got onto this subject eventualy. If you looked at the the previous site you might be wondering why I moved here, as most of the stuff on that site I have reproduced here, with some additional bits. And so you should wonder my intelligent friends and s thus I will explain. The first reason I moved is a little bit petty, the yahoo site has a page builder, which is basically a point-and-click method of building the page and it was just soooooo easy. I wanted this to be a challenge (I know it's stupid, but hey, I'm the muppet), and already I'm getting pissed off at this fucking HTML script! (I've already had to start again after putting three days work into this page). Now I've got that that out my system I can get onto my real reason on why I moved my site here, when I signed up for yahoo I had to agree not to put anything insulting, vulgar, offensive, obscence......get the picture? I can hardly do a decent student site with those restrictions can I? Thats the reason why the previous site is so boring, I was just waiting to learn HTML script so I could do a decent site on a network without those restrictions.
Hope thats cleared that subject up.
The muppet wants mail
Is this the best site that ever graced the intenet with it's prescene or should I take it's programing out and burn it for the utter shit that it is? I'd much like to know, and I'd like to know of any suggestions you've got for this site, so give the muppet a bell at:

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