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Ryanne... Enchantress of Norrath

Sitting in My room, white study robes falling freely around slippered feet. Wondering how to approach them… starting with the words once again… “Freedom is worth everything. That is why when I was given My SOL quest, it was a perfect fit in description to what I needed to do even with myself. But there are so many that do not understand it, it is not an easy task... but that is fine by Ry. Fighting for Freedom is usually NEVER easy, if it was then it would not mean so much when it was achieved. Nor does it ever come at a cheap price... it takes time and work and maybe even losing your own life over, but for the greater picture... it is worth it... if I had to know that to have My freedom I would have had to die for it a moment later... it would have all been worth it for that moments peace... and knowing that it was my own... all MY own.” Shaking my head and pacing the tiny floor once again, swearing to myself I will find the right words to make them understand… but it must be done with respect… and tact… and without the blond roots… settling at the small desk thinking maybe if it was written to them, they could read it at their own time… and then call Ry in privately if needed…wishing my Mentor was here so that I could speak to her of things, so much has happened. Writing slowly… I voice my opinions too much though… I am trying to learn to temper it… Growing up a young girl, I never feared hard work... but I did people. I guess sometimes I still do, I take my responsibilities very serious and do not lightly joke of holding peoples lives in my hand. It is sometimes a joy to know that there are those that may trust Ry and want to know her.... at other times it is very scary to see the lives that have been before Me. These Halls echo with Their words, wisdom and taunts. I accepted My quest knowing nothing about it, it was what was given to Me to do. As far as I am concerned Sirs, that is still all there is to it. I have heard the wispers, I have seen the heads shake. I was slave, I am now ~you~. Gilla must be revenged. Picking it up and reading it again and again… and thinking no, still to strong, still to boastful. Starting it all over again. I have arisen nearly thirty years since I was first taken into the SOL as an acolyte. The time comes so quickly here some years… and some… so very slowly… but at the 65-year… time seems to slow greatly for these that are Soldiers… and another sort of time seems to take over… They seem to greatly celebrate each time one grows though… Pings, Dings, and WOOT’s are heard nearly everyday somewhere in the Halls, grounds or lands of Norrath. I wish to be one of these. I will do whatever task is given to Me for quest… I shall do it happily and complete it in the time set to Me or die trying. There, short, sweet and to the point… I hope. Looking up to see the time, I slip out of My room and pad down the hallway, seeing Dart, (hee) dart by… thinking that is great I must tell Him that later. I hope the sun has not yet risen, I have chores to be done before I start research again for my spells and go to see if I can pay some of the locals to help Me go and kill more Cave Lords. I leave the Scroll outside of the doorway where I hear the voices inside, and scurry back as quickly as I can to dress for the day and continue helping free those that are in bondage… no matter what else is given to Me to do…I must take up the Revenge of Gilla.

Sneaking back into the great Hall, changing out of the dirty worn robes, washing quickly and into the clean white robes of study, she races down the hall towards the library and the now neglected studies. Pleased with herself that the second sash was obtained… Peering to the great board of messages and seeing nothing new for her, she ties up the long lush locks of hair into a braid, puts the circlet in her hair and enters the library to begin again. Too entranced into her studies to notice at first. Suddenly she sees and hears someone at the window… peeking around and then looking up to see whom it is… It is Erg… and friends shouting something about Droga… eyes deep set from lack of sleep, Ryanne quickly races back to her room, putting on again the old dirty robes, grabbing her spell book and bag of supplies and makes a mad dash for the doors of the hall… Nodding and bowing as she should to those that are above her… sticking out her tongue to a couple of those that are equal to her, all seeing such a blur. Fighting down into the lair again… knowing that none have gotten a sash this day or the last eve… her chances are good. They fight fiercely, as men strive for right, and pure of heart, as they are brave. Feeling so happy to have good friends and the fellowship of not having tried this alone again, she thanks the group as they get yet another Lord to come. Shivering to remember the previous day’s fight of trying it alone and nearly dieing, again and again. Knowing now you can’t charm them, you can’t have a pet fight them and you certainly can’t try and root them for that long at her level. Almost as if a dream… they kill it… and figure it to be naked as well… but low and behold it was there, the third sash. The group jumps with jubilee and celebration and lots of drinking ensues… but knowing the hour… she must head to bed… later that day will begin the track to FV… and the revenge of Gilla will be complete. Rising early that day to complete her chores… knowing she has a long trek ahead. Having no idea what to say, Ryanne ask for help from those that know more then she does. Surefire gives her some words to help and she is off like a flash. Ceri’s sure steady feet take her in long strides to the cavern that will take her to FV. She leaves Him there and runs the rest of the way through the cave to the other side… remember the spider encounter, she makes her self invisible, in the shape of the wolf, and levitates herself to get over the spiders and across the waters. Running into the city she excitedly bumps head first into Gilla. Eyes alight with merriment and mirth… quickly Hailing her, speaking to her for a moment and giving her all that had been so long to gather… telling her I am sorry that it is all that I can do… for now… she gives Ry something back. a necklace. Actually an amulet… Gilla tells her it is her reward for a job well done… and Ryanne with all the glee of the young girl that she still is… dashes back to show those in the Guild Halls what it is she has done.. Gilla has been avenged.

Rising early in the morning, the sun rise the most beautiful she has seen here yet… Crisp and still is this day. The birds sing loudly as Ryanne starts running quickly to wash, as the cold ground slides quickly underfoot… eyes still blurry from lack of sleep the night before. Ryanne thinks to herself , Only a few more spells. Peering left and then right as I leave the towel and fresh robes at the foot of the Temple… The tall slender form easily climbing up the edge of the ramp, and sneaking around the corner of the Tower, towards the edge…one at a time, nimble feet prance upon the slick stones, til I reach the right one…. Dropping the old robes down the side of the tower to the ground below then disappearing at the last second. Taking a giant step towards the side and sailing down to the warmer waters below, landing in a large but silent ~swish~ into the lake. Swimming across to the other side holding my breath for as long as I dare before surfacing once again to gasp for breath and then diving again to finish the rest of the journey across the lake. Surprised when I surface to see I have gone farther today then even yesterday, pleased with Myself I do not even take the time to climb the other side but swim back quickly to where I have left My robes and dressing again after washing quickly and plaiting My long lush locks into the braid of the student. The pure white robes glistening nearly as much as deep dark damning orbs do. Eyes dancing with delight at the new necklace, putting it on proudly, but under my robes, as I do not wish to seem to be showing it off. Gathering up some of the wild flowers nearby and hurrying back into the Great Hall to run and grab my books and back pack, and chest still heaving to and fro from the long run…leaving the flowers outside of ‘His’ door. Giggling as I run off to my studies… I nod to the Cook at the Tavern as I stop by for some fresh fish and bread and milk. “Good Morning Lovely Lady” Seeing her turn she flips up her nose at me as she has done every day for the past years. Paying the owner and stuffing them hurriedly into my bag. “Have a great Day, Lady!” Shouting it softly as I rush off to the Plane of Knowledge, and walking slower as I Pass by the bank to check on My funds, seeing I need to take out some hired work again… and paying off My debts as they were owned. Smiling to the Banker as he growls a bit at me… muttering something about High Elf’s being the death of Him. Wondering what this day will bring, what new adventures will hail her, and still remembering the night before… being thrown, like a child’s rag doll across that huge room. Having been so proud of herself for not having let her self be hit… that was… until right at the very end… seeing her life flash before her suddenly… still sore from smacking the wall so high up… and still being alive as she feel to her death looking at them, embarrassed and ashamed. Well that was never going to happen again… then finding the note in her books as she settles at one of the tables in the great Library… and reading it… eyes opening wider as she shoves it back down into the bag, peeking left and right to make sure no one else saw it. .

Arising early in the morning after a long fitful nights sleep, Ryanne reaches into the backpack once again… taking out the note slowly and carefully reading it again, alone, in the dimly lit chamber she now calls home. Pondering a moment over the words carefully as it is read once again and then re-reads… putting it always finally back in its place in the pack, along with the letter from Dart. Correcting his spelling and thinking to give it back to him later. Wiping sleepy from deep dark damning orbs and dressing in the day’s attire for Hunting. Thinking she just needs to get out some… and ponder all that has happened and that is going on. The previous days events never far from her mind, she hurriedly runs down to the tavern for her fish and milk… not seeing another sole in the Halls. She thinks once again Dragons… she had to hunt and kill Dragons… they were going to kill her… they did almost kill her… and the beasts in that cave… 4 times dead… four times brought back… still weak… and then the note… it was just too much. Stopping by the temple to pay homage to Tempus and ask guidance in where to go next. She sets out on a journey that will take her three days time… and nearly all patience and frustrations gone at the end of it. Spending much time in meditation and practice, she betters some of her skills… and sets about coming home again… Slipping into the Great Hall after washing she sees the note on the boards… be on the grounds. In her whites. She knows she must do the wash before then. Hair unkempt and looking rather rag-a-muffin she passes His door… the flower still there, now dead… she frowns… Then sees another room is emptied out… and hears the walls rumbling with sounds. What has happened? Hurriedly scribbling on the backside of the note, she hails a runner in the Hallway. “Take this back to where it came from. Tell them... I ~am~ home.” She pays the man quickly and goes back into her room… eyes still dim, but alight with hope.

Sleeping in for a bit this morning… she arises and sneeks through the Great Hall… the idea having come to her in the middle of the night… A fish frye… yes… tell everyone to bring their favorite thing to share, be it food or story or song… and have a fish fry. Knowing deep in her heart it maybe like some of the other things she has tried before, she hopes this one too shall not fail. She makes her way to the great boards to post her request and hopes to find response or a date posted there after her chores are done this day. She flies back down the hall to the tiny stone room and starts to tidy it as best as she can. Books piled nearly as tall as the little enchantress are stacked neatly in the corner, the desk covered with them too. She makes her bed, and slowly brushes out the long locks carefully. Plaiting it up in the fashion of the day shall need. She then checks the robes of gleaming white that she washed for so long last night, and find them drying quickly in the tiny sunlight that seems to stream and flow through the small window of her room. The doll tucked neatly away under the straw bed, a smile crossing her face. She checks her bags and restocks them from her three shelves as best as she can, knowing that she needs to fish some anyways for some experience and money. She will need to pay the tavern again this moon’s cycle and then there are spells to research. The Lost Dungeon or Norrath was helpful last night, but for the failure to finish, still not understanding how the main puller could just leave like that. No sense of duty or honor did he have? She gathers up a few things and heads back out of the room again. Swift nimble small slippered feet nearly match the pace that the deep dark damning orbs have with watching to see whom she may see in the Halls… finding no one, she goes to clean up the flowers that are now dead outside of His door… tossing them into the fire pile, thinking at least someone should get to enjoy the smell…she glides back down the hallway nearly silent and slips Dart’s note back to him once again, spelling corrected and the tiny dictionary attached with the note. Once back inside the tiny room again she checks to make sure that the circlet is strait in her hair… and she smiles at the tiny piece of silvered glass for a moment. Glad to see the pride back in the steel grey orbs. Having but heard a short quick word for her Mentor on the way back to the Great Hall yesterday, she hopes for more soon. Wondering just how badly she has embarrassed them, hoping not at all. Knowing that the time will grow short quickly she checks to be sure she has the second set of bags ready for tonight. Mad, Mav and the others will be counting on her, and her word is all that she has. Pulling out the map for this place again, thinking once again, somewhere new… a place I have not yet faced death… it shall come soon enough. Then turning to gather up the first bag, and place it upon her back, fishing pole in one hand… spell book in the other. Heading first to the tavern, wondering if the Master has left her any fish this late morning, and buying only one with some bread and bait and heading out to find the sands… and this place they call the Great Fishing Hole… the days adventures await her.

After returning from two days fishing with the biggest load ever caught in FV at one time, she thanks the men that helped her bring back the fresh fish, ready for cooking. She races to the tavern for them to start to prepare the largest one’s and salt dry the others. Ryanne is most pleased with herself having gotten back just in time for another adventure with her Guild mates and those in the Brotherhood. A dragon, another dragon, she sighs softly but dresses in her robes, grabs her magic book and heads off, not even time to wash, before the big adventure. She is buffed and briefed and grouped with people she has never seen… she does not wish to tell anyone but she trembles with anticipation and terror at having to go up against a dragon again. There is not even time to be afraid though before she is ported to His lair… deep dark damning orbs start to focus… and she finally sees Him. Nearly glowing and surrounded by golems, the stone like creatures she has fought before. Ryanne becomes feared… without realizing it she is running like mad… she does not even know to where… and falls… looking up to meet the creature almost face to face, she blacks out… and prays to Tempus that the clerics will find her before He does. Screaming out as she is awoken… they are gathering outside of the Lair. Kripsin has raised her and is healing here. Others around are giving her buffs of protection and prayers and songs for strength. Standing, weakened and now truly afraid, she is determined not go to down that way again. Once more she is ported down into the deep dark dankness that is the lair of A.D. She trembles one more but is looking this time with grit and determination… she finds it… a very tiny place in the rocks, she can cast from here… and maybe not be seen… but as she reaches it. She hears once more the battle cry.. and watches Kila go rushing off into the face of the Dragon. She is nearly breathless as she watches them go down, one by one… this time she at least gets off a spell before fear takes her once again on a run… but she realizes it more quickly this time and runs back against the walk of cold bloody rock. Trying to regain her breath. She realizes she sees no one else standing. Are the all dead? It can’t be… then she hears the sounds, quiet thumps at first… she makes herself invisible… it does not work, the smell her, sense her, they are still coming for Ryanne. As if even without thought, she stands and runs… strait at Him…. Eye to eye with A.D. and prays that he will not bother with one as small as she… she gets to the underside of the dragon… knowing he can’t breath on her there and she is safe from his tail. The rock creatures seem to stop for a moment in confusion before rushing in on the creature looming above them… but the drive to have her is finally too much and once again they charge… She screams out for help… but no one hears… she runs too and for under the beast for what was seconds… and seemed like hours…. Before coming face to face with the beast she never expected to see… and he looks at the delicious little enchantress before Him. She turns to run, but does not even complete the pivot on deft feet… and falls… the dragon being the last thing she sees, before Ry once again begs Tempus to save her. When next she regains consciousness, she is exhausted… she eats… and wipes the water from her eyes… She finally finds Kripsin… and he tells her it will be fine. That Erti and Zorz are coming to help… and there are more clerics joining us from the BH. All the trouble now with Dart seems to finally be settled… and Ry finds Shar… I will protect you this time, you shall not fail again. some how she seems to believe the words Shar whispers into her head… then she hears Erti. Ry you need to do this, you can do this, just hide until you are needed, and try and stay out of trouble. Ryanne nods to Him and tells him she will do her best. She then stands once more outside the lair of Aerin`Dar… Poised for battle and ready to cast, she runs once again to the place she stood before. She watches as the Men and women run to fight… she turns and sees them falling, but does not move. She finally stands to cast and starts to run from the rock creature that now seems to almost taunt her to cast… and she hears the call… All is clear, but do not touch anything. Go to the PP and hail Him… then she hears the shout and turns to hear Erti, Good job Ryanne, but it is not done yet… they divide up the spoils of the battle and Ryanne stands to look around what has just been taken. Without warning she falls through the floor into the water below. Swimming with what strength is left in her body she finds herself in a valley between the mountains… and looks around… at her new surroundings… Suddenly they start to run… a rock creature comes at her once again, but she is ready and cast at Him… then on to the next one and once again she cast, running and casting for what seemed like an eternity she sees what they have been looking for. The building is so close in front of her. It is then that she hears Kripsin, Dear, you are not suppose to get the kill shot… bushing and embarrassed she just nods to him and keeps her eyes on the place before her, running up to make her way through the lightening and thunder she makes it to the Hall… and hears the Congrats of friends and family… it is done… she is now given her scroll to add to the others. Erti says Ryanne, welcome to the Halls of Honor.

Having spent so much time near death, Ryanne decides to spend some time studying more of what it means to be a Soldier of the Light. She rises haistly one morning and rushes into the hall to check the boards. Still no word on the fish fry, she hangs the tiny solemn head and nods, figuring that no answer is still an answer. She runs back to her room and gathers the needed supplies to go and bathe for the day. Washing hair and plaiting it in the style of study, she slips into the beautiful bright white robes. Wondering why she went and sat in that spot for so long. She had been told it was the grounds where the message said to meet. So much she still does not understand… making her room neat and tidy she once again heads out of the Great Hall. Stopping by the Tavern for the mornings usual, she tells the Inn Keep to just sell the fish and keep the profits for what she will owe on this month’s tab. After completing the few chores she has, she turns toword the Temple of Temps and heads into one of the lower sections to study the archieved books of the SOL. Opening one she finds this quote: "To honor the fallen, to continue the fight with courage and valor, to be true to the Light. These ideals are to be carried on as they have for these many years. It is the true measure of a Soldiers of Light." Curious for more, she reads on: The guild has always been a relatively small, close knit group of adventurers. Soldiers and Acolytes hunt together daily to gain experience to help us in our travels. Even though where we reside does not allow many opportunities for brotherly bloodshed, we still hold events that bring us back to our roots. We engage in battles in arenas throughout Norrath and hold guild wars to add a little spice when things get dull. During Soldier Ceremonies you can always count on some great action within the guild itself. SoL is also a part of an alliance made up of two other guilds: Crimson Dragons and Crusaders of Drunken Might. The Brotherhood of Fennin Ro, as it is called, comes together to form a powerful force, battling evil in each new land we encounter. It takes a strong Soldier to balance both the tight knit feel of the guild as well as the heavy raiding style of the Brotherhood, therefore our recruitment to the guild is very selective. Very confused by these words she shuts the book with a swish and goes to pull the other book that the Librarian has found for her. In it is listed the Charter for the SOL. Finally she has found purpose… what does it read… With the conquering of new worlds the need for SOL is paramount. As more new lands open so do opportunities for evil doers. Our primary purpose is to keep the worlds in which we travel safe for all the good people of all the lands. We value honor, courage, respect, wisdom, and loyalty above all other virtues. These govern everything we are and do. They are our life's blood, more sacred to us than life itself. Bring honor to yourself and the guild through your actions. Show courage even in the face of the gravest odds. Respect all, especially your enemy. Show wisdom in your actions and above all loyalty to your guild mates and your guild. Justice is our heart and soul. No person who ever espouses anything but the virtues of good over evil is ever accepted into our ranks. All are welcome, all have a place in SOL. Not all are meant to be Soldiers, but soldiers cannot survive without the support of the citizens which we serve. Tears trickle down Ryanne’s rosy cheeks as they fall from her eyes silently. She reads… grabbing for her notebook she suddenly starts taking notes. She must talk to our leader soon… her mentor, anyone that will listen. The Hall itself, the voices in the Hall themselves, they will have to listen, they are who sent her here in the first place. She thinks out loud reading and speaking nearly at the same time. Honor she feels her heart swell with pride… she is in line to complete her task and become a soldier. Courage the means to look death in the face and laugh as you rush into a fight knowing you are destined to die? Respect she can feel no more then she does from those that she is learning from in the guild. From the guild leader to the officers and even her mentor, the little she has gotten to see of her… she respects all that are above her, for she only can slightly understand what it took to get them there. Loyality……. Family, friends and guild… These things Ryanne knows of… Wisdom… this comes with time and lives lived… this she still must learn. But that last one… Loyality… to Guild and god and country… that is what breaks the tiny heart of the enchantress… do they not understand, do they not see, do they not care? What does it mean to them? Ryanne reads on a bit further, needing to make sure she understands… Soldiers of the Light, fight for the good of all, not just for the good of our guild and ourselves. While it is not a dishonor for a soldier of light to fall in battle, we prefer to reserve that fate for our enemies and live to tell the tales of victory! A Soldier, however, is not afraid to pay the ultimate price in the service of justice or to avenge a fallen comrade. We fight with fairness at all times. Never has the code of chivalry been more appropriate then for a Solider of the light. No doubt is left in her mind now. She knows she has lived as she should, and done what was suppose to be done. Hear head hangs in the sorrow though for those that do not understand, or have maybe forgotten these things. Hopefully time will remind them of what it is that They truly are. Just as she needs to remember whom it is, that she is becoming, and never having forgotten where it is that she comes from. She reads on through the day and night, forgetting to eat, drink, everything. Ryanne becomes consumed by the laws, regulations and statues that she did not even know of and makes notes on those she wishes to ask about later.