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Welcome to Cook County General Hospital!!

Well, it may not really be County General, but it is for all those who, like me, watch every Thursday, even the repeats. For all us devoted fans of Kerry, Carter, Abby, Greene, Corday...okay I won't name them all!! If your favorite star is missing, I probably couldn't find a picture. If you have one, e-mail it to me and I will post it for you!

Laura Innes, Dr. Kerry Weaver
Kerry is my personal fave from "ER", so I had to start with her! I have loved Kerry since she started as just a recurring role. I think watching her face off with various others over the years has really been great. When Kerry realized she was a lesbian in season 7, it showed us a total different Kerry, scared and uncertain. Laura Innes is a very talented actress, and played the part perfectly.(Remember the look on her face at the end of season 7's finale, as she realized that she had just outed herself to Dr. Romano? If I didn't know better, I'd have sworn it was real!) Also, I like the way that Laura defends her strong-willed character. In the December issue of "The Advocate" magazine, she "proudly defends her often-abrasive character.'Kerry seems to me truer to form of how an ambitious person behaves....I'm completely unafraid of seeming like the bad guy. I'm much more an advocate of this complex, contradictory person then of someone who we get to like all the time.'" Kudos also go to Elizabeth Mitchell, who plays Dr. Kim Legaspi, Kerry's love interest last season, who is supposed to return soon.(Laura also told The Advocate:"Women are bigger pigs than men!...They were so into Kim for her physical appearance. I expected there to be all these progressive women looking at the real person, but they were like, 'oh, she's such a hottie.'") I think it will be interesting to see how Kerry's heart reacts to Kim when she is now interested in Sandy. Only time will tell, so keep watching!


Well, Kim never did come back, which I wasn't too happy about. (I liked Kim...I said that if I ever needed a psychiatrist, I'd hope to find one just like Dr. Legaspi!!) But the Kerry/Sandy stroyline really grew on me, and I think they make a nice couple. I especially liked the scenes in the episode The Letter where Sandy talked Kerry into going to the bar with the ER gang to remember Mark. Kudos to Lisa Vidal, who plays Sandy Lopez, and welcome to the ER fanily!

Alex Kingston and Anthony Edwards
Dr. Elizabeth Corday and Dr. Mark Greene
Elizabeth and Mark are also favorites of mine. I loved when Mark proposed to Elizabeth with the ring in the ice compartment in the new refrigerator (such a sweet scene!). I also love the emotion that Alex Kingston portrays so well, like when she realized that Mark had killed the murderer in the elevator (not for nothing, but WHEN is anything going to happen about that? No one figures this out??) the emotion she put into those scenes was really amazing. I also LOVE her accent! (Accents fascinate me. I also have the tendency to speak with an accent if I hear it, so I usually talk like a Brit for a while after watching ER.) I will be sorry to see Mark go when he leaves at the end of the season. He's been on so long he's like a good friend you get to visit every Thursday. Anthony, we'll miss you! (I hope Alex isn't leaving, too. I haven't heard anything yet, so hopefully she's staying around for a while!)
Click here to read Mark's letter to the ER staff from the episode "The Letter"!


I recently heard from a spoiler site that the Powers that Be at ER are considering an Elizabeth/Romano romantic storyline!! EEEWWWWWWWW Dear God, please tell me this isn't going to happen!!!! Hopefully they will come to their senses! (I also heard that Alex said that since Mark just died, she thought it was too soon to get Lizzie involved with anyone, so hope to God that they listen to her!!)

Noah Wyle, Dr. John Carter
John Truman Carter has "grown up" on ER, from Benton's punching bag to a talented doctor (with quite the sense of humor...who else would put a dildo in Kerry's locker??) His stabbing and the following "survivor guilt"/drug addiction story lines really let him show off how talented an actor he is. One thing though...WHEN WILL THEY FINALLY GET JOHN AND ABBY TOGETHER?!?!? Wake up NBC!! They have "super-couple" written ALL over them!!!


Thank you ER!!!! Lockdown was soooo perfect for all us die-hard Carby (Carter & Abby) fans!! It's about time they had a little lip-lock! :o) Thank you, thank you, thank you!!...Oh and by the way, if Maura Tierney ever gets sick, I'd fill in for her any day!! (LOL...I'd pay big money to be in her shoes for just one little day....*sigh*...Guys like John Carter only exist on the NBC soundstages...)

Sherry Stringfield, Dr. Susan Lewis
I wasn't too sure if Susan's return was going to be a good thing or a bad thing at first. I thought they were going to use her to split up Mark & Elizabeth, and that would lead to Mark's departure. But, all in all, it's been okay. She has really been there for Mark, even when John was giving her grief about it. I was glad she didn't tell John why she had stayed at Mark's. I think she and Abby could be good friends, which BOTH could use!


Susan was really great in the ER/Third Watch crossover epi's...and she was such a great friend to Mark!!!! If I am ever terminally ill, I'd hope to have as great a friend as Susan was to Mark. Kudos to Sherry! Glad to have ya back!

Goran Visnjic, Dr. Luka Kovac
Luka...the Croatian hunk with the awesome accent! And who didn't love the scene where John was trying to remember a scene from Hamlet, and Luka just took over and did the whole thing in Croatian. When that scene was over, I turned to my mother and said "I have no idea what he just said but I sure wish he'd say it again!!" It was just so beautiful!!...But excuse me ER, why is this guy alone? And I don't mean putting him back with that blonde bimbo (Nicole? I think) Give the guy a nice girl...hey Susan's not seeing anyone...

Maura Tierney, Abby Lockhart, RN
I really love Abby...she is my second favorite character (after Kerry!). She is such a nice person, even though she is always getting dumped on...everything from her ex not paying her tuition, to her manic-depressive mother's suicide attempt, to being beaten up by her abusive next-door neighbor...Is it any wonder she is drinking again?? Poor Abby...maybe John can help get her back on the wagon.


Like I said up at John/Noah's spot...THANK YOU ER!! Lockdown was such a great epi!!!! Thank you for making all us Carby fans soooo happy!!
Click here for pics of THE KISS!! from Lockdown

Ming-Na, Dr. Jing-Mei Chen
I used to think Jing-Mei Chen was okay, but now...Lord I would LOVE to see Kerry "accidentally" trip Jing-Mei with her crutch! She has become amazingly annoying. Like Kerry told her, if Jing-Mei was a competent doctor, she wouldn't have needed Kerry there in the first place. It took Carter only mere seconds to figure out the patients problem. Jing-Mei should have been able to do that as well. When she was laughing at the desk when Sandy kissed Kerry in front of everyone, I wanted to smack her. I know how hard it was for my sister to come out to us, her own family, and coming out to co-workers who you are with day in and day out till they seem like another family can't be much easier. It is not a funny situation. Jing-Mei needs to grow up...and go back to med school cause she must've been out sick the day they taught medicine.


Jing-Mei doesn't get on my nerves as much anymore, since she and Kerry realized that even though there was anger and hurt feelings, etc., between them, they could put that aside, let Bygones be Bygones, (sorry couldn't resist using an epi title there!) and manage to work on patients together efficiently.

Paul McCrane, Dr. Robert Romano
Ahh, Dr. Romano...the doc we all love to hate. Dr. Romano is a homophobic egocentric who is way too vocal in his opinions on everything from surgical procedures to lifestyle choices. My personal favorite Romano scene was when Kerry was bawling him out for firing Kim and he tried to get away from her by going in the mens room...and Kerry followed him right in! As much as I hate Dr. Romano, I have to say Paul McCrane is a very talented actor. (If he wasn't, we wouldn't hate him so much, now would we??) Ever since season 7's finale when Kerry outed herself to him, I can't help but wonder if, homophobe that he is, he will try to get rid of her (like he did Kim, and Maggie Doyle before her)especially when Jing-Mei came back fighting and "exchanged words" (so to speak) with Kerry over the page she didn't get (when her pager was left behind in the ladies room) that led to a preventable death. Although I have to say that if Dr. Romano was a real person, and I met him at a hospital I'd probably end up smacking him, I also must admit that he does make for some very interesting episodes. Like I said before, he's the doc we just LOVE to hate!!
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