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Hey there!! My name is Richard, and many people used to call me Razor, but not so much anymore. I'm 24 years old, but I started this website when I was 18 and in my OAC year of high school. I live on my own in my newly-classified "bachelor pad". And I love my life.

I work as a senior accountant and business analyst at Siemens Hearing Instruments in Cambridge. I am now officially a full-time employee after spending more than 2.5 years working there at 5 different contract positions.

Outside of work, I try to hang out with my friends as much as we can. We are all still friends from Highschool or before, and extremely close...It's awesome.

Over the years, I have participated in many sports activities. In high school, I was a member of the soccer team, the badminton team, and the swimming team…If only they had a cycling team. I've played soccer since I was 6, but haven't really played since grade 12, until I joined an indoor league this winter with Tom and his brother and other Greeks and Harvest Mooners.

I hope you enjoy my website, as much as I enjoyed making it. You can see all the craziness that my friends and I have; it's all great fun.

Today's date is:
That means there is only days until we play Paintball!!

Singing and dancing to Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar On Me" at Eric's Wedding

Jeremy dances to Michael Jackson's "Gotta be Startin' Something" at Eric's Wedding.

What a Worm!!

June 25, 2005 This is what REAL MEN look like

Click here to view The RazorPoll Winner Forum!!

Click here to view The SORTED RazorPoll Winner Forum!!

Please do not vote for yourself on these polls,
that's just stupid.

e-mail me

Some Web Sites to check out!!

Pat's Pixel Punks
Eric's Website
This site has some cool juggling tricks for 3 balls and more.
The results from my Try-a-Tri in Guelph
I go to this site to find track lists of any album
