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Hero of Cheshire, England

Tim Curry

His subtle, shy, and enticing smile has envoked a love for years to come from me. Being an
Aries - April 19th, 1946 - he keeps you
hopping with his never ceasing energy and lack of self respect: only meaning he lets cameras catch him
doing anything just for the sake of his art, acting. Which is not exactly a bad thing (LoL).

To tell you the truth, I don't even really remember the first time I saw him. I just remember when I was around
the age of fourteen and seeing an advertisement for Muppet Treasure Island and saying,"I don't know who that guy
is, but I've always LOVED that guy! Hmm . . . where did I see him?" Then upon seeing him in Rocky Horror Picture Show, Clue and Disney's The Three Musketeers, I was hooked. I from there on in wanted to view every scene he
ever acted in, every song he sang (I am the proud possesor of two recoreded tapes of his from the heinous eighties)
and every fact that I could discover about this interesting British Villian/Butler Actor.

But alas, this man is a private person, which is quite understandable. After his gutsy performance in RHPS he
has been hounded by fans and curiousity seekers alike. Even his sexuality has been questioned and he has just
pulled fully into a protective shell of silence. Even though you are quiet and conservative now, Timmy, I still respect all
your work (even if they are now all tending to be animations where I can't SEE you) and hope that one day, I may actually converse with you over a quaint cup of tea out in L.A. And to think that I had read some where that if you hadn't have become an actor, you're next choice would have been a writer . . . . .


  • Tim's Filmography
  • Tim Curry Tribute
  • Tim Curry & RHPS Webrings