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Today's the day! (I hope...)

Well, today I hope Darren comes on, as he told me over the telephone. I called him 15 minutes ago, and he wasn't home, so I am guessing he went to pick up the PC from the repair shop :-D Anyway, let's pray he comes, and comes QUICK! :)

    - Thomas Ruble

Some interesting info...

Well, looks like I'm busy today with house guests :-( But on the bright side, everyone's got until AUGUST 4TH (Saturday Night) at 11:59 PM RPBT to post their RPs for SOTF! WHOO! :-P

On another topic, I have thought of several PPV names. One if to replace Battle Clash (though it would start at 3, as it would've been Battle Clash III), another is a November PPV name, and finally, one of the PPVs would become a fan oriented one, but depending on how Darren decides to move DWF, this one would be uncertain.

Anyway, back to catering my guests! :)

    - Thomas Ruble

Hey all, Survival Card, and my real name....

Well, just wanted to say "hey", so hey! :-P Anywho, I changed my email address on Contacts as Netaddress is becoming paying soon... :-( I'm looking over the site, and trying to do some last minute improvements before Darren comes back, and hopefully Survival will go through smoothly, though I doubt it will occur this month, so we may have to pull a Wrestlemania (having 2 PPVs in one month) :-/ Anyway, see ya all later, and if you need to talk to me, my AIM is: mrbocal =)

Also, I have released the identity of Real Name, so check it out Here to find out! :-D

Finally, we have the Survival of the Fittest final card up! You can check it out by clicking Here. RP Deadline is 11:59 PM RPBT on August 1st, 3 RPs, and if DWF does turn Angle, then Angles will play a critical role in the PPV so it might not be the exact survivor you'd think :-P Anyway, check it out!

    - Thomas Ruble


Whoo! I had a nice trip down in Maryland. Visited D.C., and I may be transferring to U. Maryland at College Park next Semester....but anyway, back to business. Darren told me (over phone :-P) that his Modem got fried and he'll have the modem fixed and Cable Tower thingie up by Monday. But he intends to go to friends house later in the day today or tommorrow to finish up some work for the site. Anyway, I'll keep you all posted on what goes on with him :-D

    - Thomas Ruble

Going Home...

Finally, tomorrow I am going home. As mentioned yesterday, I may not be online very much until I get a connection working. I found out that the tower we have to get is like 50 feet tall. But, I think I should be able to get almost everything(except scripts) working and looking good enough to launch for when I get my connection working again. Gotta run, I'll post another headline once I get to a friends place.

    - The Owner, Darren

Darren update!

The camps finally finished yesterday, so I'll have free time now. :) About that Highspeed Wireless Internet connection I was talking about, it requires us to buy a tower for it... which is about $600-700(CDN). We are probably going to go for it, but it will take time to setup and such, I do not know how long though. Tuesday I go home, and take in our computer to try to get our modem fixed again. If fixing the modem is unsuccessful, I will be w/o the internet once again until either the modem is fixed or we get the highspeed internet setup. But, Sunday(tomorrow), Monday and a bit of Tuesday, I will be able to work on Dream Wrestling. :)

If you need to contact me, you can email @ Would the owners of and please also email me, I need to contact you guys. Thanks.

    - The Owner, Darren


Tommorrow is the day. I'll be gone from Tommorrow morning to Tuesday Evening, as I stated earlier this week. So, I guess this is goodbye until then! :-D

    - Thomas Ruble

Ah... The End is Near.

That is right y'all! Tomorrow(Friday) is the last day of the IBM Computer Camps! So does that mean I will be home on Saturday? Nope, I'm staying here until Tuesday, but I will have access to a computer to do some updates and such.

I can't wait to get home either. After testing our range yesterday, this morning the Wireless Highspeed Connection was suppose to be installed, this has not yet been confirmed as I am having problems contacting home right now(everyone there is gone to work!). I will keep you posted.

I'm also kinda scared to come home for one reason. My E-mail. I haven't been able to check any and accounts since... June 15th... that is like 5 weeks. So, I should have a couple thousand email messages to receive... thats why I'm crossing my fingers that this highspeed will work.

    - The Owner, Darren

Super Clash III

     Super Clash III
  DWF Proudly Presents, Super Clash III. Super Clash III is a smaller PPV that takes place at Aloha Stadium in Honolulu, Hawaii. Super Clash III is destined to happen on June 17. The Main Event is Chainz (champ) vs. Doozer vs. Caged Explosion for the Dream Championship... in a triple threat match.

Special Thanks to Dusty for this mini logo and the new main DWF Logo, and make sure to visit his site: Acid Designs.

Poll Question
How Many of you think this e-fed went down the shitter a long time ago?

This last event.
When Johnny died

  Featured E-Wrestler
Canada's Hero:
At Sunday Night Slaughter, Canada's Hero managed to not to only win the DWF Extreme Championship, but to defeat the apparently unstoppable Mike Extreme's win streak. Here is his Roleplay: Can He End The Streak?

  Featured Roleplays
The T-Father: Part XV - Joey T 
No Respect
- A-Train  
The Accident [Part 1 of 1 for SNS]
- Mike Extreme  

  Dream Champion
Defended it 0 time(s)
since 06/17/01

  Web pages
Slide - Dazz  
Acid Designs - Dusty  
Your Site Here  
What did you do on July 1st or 4th?
Watched Fireworks  
Went out with Friends  
Watched TV  


Click for Recent Polls -

Dream Quotes
"I used to respect you and but now i know"