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Welcome to my Journey!

Hello everyone! My name is Kristine, and welcome to my website about my weight loss journey. This is me when my journey began back in October of 2001, when I weighed 294.5 pounds. I decided that enough was enough, and joined Weight Watchers shortly thereafter.

Through the support of my wonderful family, as well as my "Weight Watcher pals", I've had a consistent and rewarding weight loss. It hasn't been an easy journey, but I knew that I wanted to live a healthier life, and that the hard work would pay off!

About five months after starting Weight Watchers, I had lost 60 pounds! Here I am with a couple friends in March. I'm the one on the right, and I could already begin to see a difference.

Only 5 months later, in August 2002, after many Fresca's and fat-free bologna sandwiches, I lost enough weight to fit myself and my daughter in my old pair of jeans! Here we are together, and I'm down to 197. Sometimes I'm amazed at the difference in the way I look as the weight comes off. I'm very glad I kept this old pair of pants to remind me of what I was wearing, and to keep my motivation high! That's always the biggest struggle that I've seen with myself and my friends -- how to keep going week after week. This certainly helps!

Here's me in the same pair, without my daughter!

Down 6 Sizes!!

My journey is not yet over, as I would still like to lose about 30 more pounds. I very often find new ways to re-motivate myself, even if that means "splurging" here and there on some clothes. I bought this jacket I'm wearing LAST season, when it was too small. This season, I'm down to 186 pounds, and the jacket's too big! WOO HOO! My friends tell me I look like a different person!

Many people ask me what my "secret" is to my weight loss. Althought I like to kid about it being fat-free bologna, in all honesty, Weight Watchers WORKS if you FOLLOW THE PROGRAM! That's the secret, plain and simple. No cheating, no "tweaking", if you follow the plan, you will lose weight!

My current motivation now, is to post pictures when I'm at GOAL!! That will be coming soon!!

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