(((((MoO's HaIr)))))

.::A lot has changed since we last left off. So if you are reading this anticipating the epic conclusion to one of the most interesting cliff hanger in literary history… Well, lets just say you can’t always get what you want… The scene starts off with a camera panned on a tight navy blue shirt. As the camera zooms out the surrounding still remains a bit sketchy. We are in a dark lit room, with a spot light on a man. A man whose faced ridicule, overcome adversity, faced obscurity and conquered it all… The camera fully pans out on this sole man sitting down on a lawn chair with a smug look on his face, with nothing but darkness behind him. This man… This man’s name is Dae Wu. As we stated earlier Dae Wu is wearing a tight navy blue shirt, exposing his rippling muscles . Dae Wu is sitting at what appears to be a long table with a bunch of crumpled up papers in front of him. On the top of one of the papers it clearly says in bold, 2011 FANTASY DRAFT! Some say history repeats itself. Others would state there is a method to Dae Wu’s bold madness. Others would call this stupid. Dae Wu has a smug look on his face. That same smug look he gets when u just want to punch his face!!! 5 minutes have now passed. But nothing has changed. The camera is still spot lighted on Dae Wu, that stupid look is still on his face, and more surprisingly he hasn’t even moved a muscle! 2 more looooong minutes has now gone by and finally the 2011 Fantasy Football Champion speaks!::.

(((Dae Wu))) For my first pick in the draft… I take non other than…

.::Dae Wu pauses. A minute goes by. Finally a voice coming from the right side of Dae Wu Angrily Shouts::.


.::The camera zooms out as the lighting which was originally only spot lighted on Dae Wu, is now lit up normally. The scene begins clear, we are located at Phil’s house, inside Phil’s garage. Tables and chairs a lined up all together as a group of extremely handsome gentlemen are gathered around these tables. I ncase you haven’t figured it out by now. Ladies and gentlemen we are at the 2012 Fantasy Football Draft!::.