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Compiled By: J.L Riffle

  • Tourettes Syndrome is a neurological disorder, which begins between the ages of 2 and 21. In most cases a person suffering from Tourettes Syndrome will show their full coverage of symptoms before they are 18 years old. The syndrome is characterized by involuntarily muscle movements and vocalizations called tics.

  • Tics are irresistible and they must be preformed. Tics are classified in 2 categories, Simple and Complex.

    Simple Tics Include:

    • Eye blinking
    • Head jerking
    • Shoulder shrugging
    • Facial grimacing
    • Clearing throat
    • Squealing
    • Grunting
    • Sniffing
    • Tongue clicking

    Complex Tics Include:

    • Jumping
    • Twirling
    • Hitting
    • Biting
    • Yelling obscenities
    • Echoing oneself

    Tics increase and decrease in severity, number, frequency, type, and location. Symptoms may subside for weeks or months at a time. The first sign of Tourettes Syndrome is facial tics such as rapidly blinking eyes, moving mouth involuntarily, foot stamping, or body twisting.

    People with Tourettes Syndrome often have additional problems or disorders such as:

    • ADHD
    • Obsessions
    • Compulsive behaviors
    • Learning disabilities- reading, writing, visual/motor integration
    • Sleep disorders
    • Impulse control

    People with Tourette syndrome usually do not take medication for the tics because the medication may calm the tics but start new ones. As of this time there is no medication that can completely eliminate symptoms.

    Recent research has led to several notable advances in understanding Tourettes Syndrome. Scientists have found that the syndrome is more common than previously thought. They have finally found that location of the chromosomal Tourettes Syndrome gene. Investigators continue to study certain neurotransmitter by exploring the role they play in the disease process and provide effective therapies.



Charles Darwin ( 1809 - 1882)

The famous naturalist who wrote On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection probably suffered from panic disorder, based on his description of his symptoms in his journals.

Munch self-portrait

Edvard Munch (1863-1944)

Perhaps the best known of all Munch's paintings is The Scream. In 1908 Munch's anxiety became acute and he was hospitalized.


Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)

Among his many accomplishments, Tesla invented fluorescent lighting and a bladeless turbine. He is credited with developing the fundamentals of robotry, computers and missile science. Following the trauma of his older brother dying when he was only 5 years old, Tesla reportedly developed many phobias and perfectionistic compulsions. He also suffered from panic attack - like symptoms.


Barbra Streisand (1942 - )

She's a highly talented singer, actress, and movie director, but after forgetting the words to several songs during a concert in the 1960's, she became anxious that it might happen again. Her anxiety evolved into social phobia and she didn't sing again in public for 27 years.



Tourette Information

Internet Mental Health

What is Tourette syndrome?

Tourette Syndrome, ADD and ADHD

NOTE: All information on this website was obtained from Internet Mental Health What is Tourette syndrome? Tourette Information