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Jesus Rep Home

JesusRep's Mission We are a team of teens bringing Christ to the internet. We don't care who you are or where you at we just want you with us. We are looking to just amass a whole bunch of people with the words JesusRep in there SN and become a team of one doing ministry through the internet. We need christian's who are not shy or unsure of their belief's. The ones who will not quit, will not hinder, and will not falter. We support one another and are a team if you have a problem with some on the team you work it out with them or tell another member of the team. We are the brave, the strong, we are THE JESUSREP'S (in case you're wondering no there is NO SPACE.) I ask only a few things if you elect to join The Jesus Rep's. The first of which is do not join to critize other christian's. This is rude, disrespectful, and personally if this is why you are joining i would rather you not. Second, if you have a problem with another JesusRep please work it out dont let it destory you, them, or the other JesusRep's. If you can't tell the person you have a problem with your problem tell another JesusRep. We are a group to encourage one another. We are here to befriend one another, to help a friend when he\she is down, and not to destroy one-another. Besides this feel free to do what ever and enjoy yourself.
The JREP Matrix


If you are going through tough times
Current Members
JesusReps Testimony's
