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Animal Crackers

Meet Lisey and Winkie!!
Lisey (whose full name is Jannelise Lacey) was a 2 and a half year old Angoran Cavy (guinea pig), who is part albino. She had ruby red eyes, and was almost completely white, with a brown face. She was very small, and very inquisitive. She investigated EVERYTHING!! She was also jumpy and skittish, which is because of her albinism. Albinos are known for being skittish. However, she was also very sweet and loving, and gave you kisses the whole time you held her. She loved to eat, especially tomatoes!! She could eat very large amounts in very small amounts of time. My father could never get over how little she was with how much she could eat! Unfortunately, Lisey died about a month before her fourth birthday. I held her until she went up to Heaven. I miss her dearly and not a day goes by that I don't think of her.
Winkie was Lisey's half-brother. He was profoundly blind, and could only see shadows. My mother came up with the name Winkie, because his left eye was sealed shut (there was no eye inside) which made him appear to be winking. Winkie was born blind because his (and Lisey's) mom became pregnant too quickly after giving birth to Lisey's litter. She gave birth to 7 pups, 3 were stillborn, 3 were very tiny, and Winkie was blind. He was completely healthy, though, and very happy. He loved his big sister, and we used to sometimes take them out together and let them snuggle. He loved to eat; his favorrite food was cucumbers. He was much bigger than Lisey. He weighed 3 pounds, and Lisey weighed just over 1! He was a cuddlebug, and a kissyface. He mimicked the sound of kisses by clicking his teeth, and kept clicking them until he decided you had given him enough kisses, which sometimes would be half an hour later! He especially loved his Grandma, my mom, and curled up by her neck and slept all the time.

Winkie died in his sleep on December 27th, 2002. I went in my room to put Honey in his cage and discovered that he had become my own personal Guardian Angel. It took me almost 7 months to be able to update this page. I miss him dearly, and think of him every day. I love you always Mr. Winkums...please watch over me up there, okay? I could really use an Angel.

And...Jansen, Jandria, Twinkle, Fluff and Nutta!!!

In order on their picture are: Jandria, Jansen, Fluff, Nutta, and Twinkle. Peeking in from the side is Alison(you will see more of her later).

Jansen was a self black Peruvian Guinea pig. She was 5 on May 21, 2003. She was our first piggie. We got her when she was only 7 days old. She fit into the palm of my hand, she was so small. If you ask everyone but me(Tanya), they will say she was a prima donna. I think she was perfect. She was like me, she only liked certain foods and only in her way. She thought I was her mom. She loved to give kissies, but she HATED for me to hold any other piggie while I held her. She snapped at them and cried.

Jandria was an Abyssynian Guinea pig. He died in his sleep in March of 2002. He was SUPPOSSED to be a girl but the pet store was wrong. It was not his fault though. He was a sweet boy. He ADORED his grandma the most. He would talk to her on the phone even. We miss him alot. It took me a few months to update this cause it hurt me too much to look at his pic or write that he was gone. It is still very painful. I loved my Jandri with all my heart.

Twinkle is Lisey and Winkie's little sister. She looks just like Winkie but with two healthy eyes. She will be 3 in August. She is technically Pam's little piggie. She loves to be held and LOVES to eat. She will eat anything and everything you give her. Her favorite is mushrooms, which is funny because Pam loves mushrooms too.

Fluff and Nutta were twins. They were a year old last December. Unfortunately, Fluff developed a brain tumor and died. It was very heartbreaking for all of us. Nutta died several months later. We miss them both bunches.

Twinkle and Jandria nosey kissing!


Kate was our little blue parakeet. She flew into my mom's school and was not claimed so we took her in. She was very scrawny when we got her, but she grew to be very healthy. She didn't trust people too much. She acted like she had been hit before and thats why she snapped at us. She loved my dad and always acted nicer to males so we think she was abused by a female. I loved her even though she seemed to enjoy biting me.

Feline Zoo!!!

The 4 cats, or kibbies as we call them, are named Alison, Sappho, Ethel and Chloe.

Alison will be 2 in April. She is a tortoiseshell cat. She is technically Robin's cat but we all love her. She travelled with her to RI in a 15 hour car ride. She has lived here for about a year and a half now. She is very particular about her food, her litter, who pets her...EVERYTHING!!! She is a sweetie though, even if she does like to hiss and swing!! She is all talk and NO action. She figures if she makes enough noise she will scare everyone into thinking she is all big and bad. She is really a big chicken though! She talks to us all the time(sort of the way a parrot talks). She adores Pam.

Alison & Tanya,
Napping together!

Sappho will be 1 on March 15, 2002. We have had her about 10 months now. She is a tortoiseshell kibbie too. She is a very sweet gentle kibbie. She has a very soft voice. She loves to be held and pet. She LOVES to eat!!! She has a chubby belly and looks so cute!! She likes to be at your feet so you can pet her with your foot. I have NO idea why!! She is my(Tanya)little baby.

Ethel is about a year old. She is all black and part Siamese like Aly. She has a scratchy voice. She was in a "foster" home through a group called Attleboro Friends of Animals that take animals from shelters that are gonna be put to sleep and keep them in "foster" homes until they find a good home for them. In Ethel's case the good home is ours!! She eats even more than Sappho!!! She goes crazy if you are eating and you dont give her any. She stares at you in your lap and purrs like a motor boat!!! She turns to Robin to help her if she loses her toys.

Chloe is our new kibbie. She is about 3 years old. She lived with her first family until recently when they were moving and unable to take her with them. She is a tabby cat with beautiful almost aqua eyes. She is learning to get along with the rest of the kibbies and learning to love us as much as we all love her. We will take good care of her in her new home.

Bitty Babies!

Robin has 2 baby mice, Sandy Eostara and Sylvah Esbat. They are about 4 month old now. Sandy is the golden male mouse and Sylvah is the dark gray male. She has had them since they were just about 2 months old. They love to run in their wheel and balls and make her chase them to get them out of their cage. They like to chase the cats when they are in their balls around the living room!!! They are both sweet, active little boys."

Meet Honey!

This is Honey. When we bought him, he was a tiny little fluffball who tripped on his ears when he walked. We were told he was a "dwarf mini-lop", which meant he would stay tiny, since mini-lops only grow to no more than six pounds, and he was supposed to be a dwarf mini-lop. Well, boy were they wrong!! Honey was gigantic, and weighed in at twelve pounds.
Honey was a little sweetie. He loved to run around our parlor, and investigate everything! He really loved our Christmas tree, and would lay under it and look up at the lights. It was soooooo cute. Honey had a lot of silly nicknames, for which I (Kerri) am to blame. He was known as: Pooka, Pookie, Pooke, Pooke-a-booke, Pookie-bookie, Pookaccino, Honey-bun, and Honey-Bunny-Wigglenose. He knew all his nicknames and answered to them as well as Honey! Honey is now in Heaven, with his brothers and sisters. I found him dead in his cage and nearly lost it. I couldn't stand, and couldn't even breathe. I was completely devastated. I still miss you, little Muffin face...I always will.

Meet Elliot, our Canine Cousin!

This is Elliot, a.k.a. "Psycho Puppy", our Canine Cousin. He is a beagle/basset hound mix, and is completely ADORABLE!! He is also completely nuts! He loves to run around and often runs himself in circles. He can drive you insane if he grabs something he should not have, making you chase him here, there and everywhere trying to get it back from him. But he is also very sweet and lovable, and LOVES to give kisses!

Do A Piggie Puzzle!