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Welcome to Tanya's World of Insanity!


I am who I am...nothing more, nothing less...I am a lover of animals, a hater of prejudiced haters, a defender of my family and friends, a protectress of the weak and abused...I follow my heart, speak my mind, ignore the rules and do as I feel fit...I am Wiccan and practice the Craft...I am a lesbian and I don't deny it, hide it or pretend to be something I'm not to please anyone...I don't eat meat or wear animal products because I don't agree with murdering animals...I love sci-fi and the paranormal, don't bother trying to convince me of what is "real" and what is "pretend", I believe what I believe so leave me be

e-mail me!!!

Wicca & Me!

I have been practicing Wicca for about 11 years now. I was raised Catholic but I do not agree with their beliefs. I do not believe that there is one being that decides when and how we exist. I believe that we all are connected through nature. Do not confuse Wicca with Satanists!! We do not believe in Satan any more than we believe in God. I celebrate Sabbats and Esbats. The Sabbats are in celebration of the gods while the Esbats are in celebration of the goddesses.

click here to see my Wicca page

The Truth Is Out There!

I am very interested in the supernatural as well as the unexplained. I believe that we cannot discount something as a myth simply because we have not yet proven it is fact. After all, it has not been proven conclusively to be fiction either! I believe that there are spirits around us. I can feel them there sometimes. I believe that we all have more power than we are aware of and do not utilze. Just because you have never seen a vampire or a ghost does not necessarily mean that they have not seen YOU! I believe that there are aliens out there. The people on Earth are extremely conceited to think that we are the only inteligent life form in this matter. Of course, some of my favorite shows reflect my beliefs----X-Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed etc.

click to see my X-Files

click to see my Slayer page

click to see my Charmed page

SpongeBob Squarepants!!

If you have not yet watched an episode of SpongeBob Squarepants, you have to catch this Nickelodeon cartoon! I have never been really big into cartoons, other than Scooby-Doo, but SpongeBob is wicked cool!!! You can catch "SpongeBob SquarePants" Monday through Friday @ 5 PM/4c and 8 PM /7c AND Saturdays and Sundays @ 10 AM/9c! Way before anyone else thought he was cool, we were already collecting memorabilia . We have stickers, joke book, trivia book, Burger King kids meal name it, if it has one of the charactes from SpongeBob on it, we've got it! My personal favorite out of the characters is even harder to find stuff with him on because he isn't a "main" character. His name is Gary. He is SpongeBob's pet snail. I think he is the most adorable creature!!! He purrs and says "meow" like my kitties. You have to check it out!!

click to see my Gary page "meow"!

Lesbian Pride!

Well, obviously I am a lesbian. I have been openly gay for about 8 years now. I am in a long-term relationship with a wonderful grrl named Pam. We have been together for 7 years now. I believe that being glbt is not a choice. Who in their right mind would actually choose to be discriminated against, harassed, potentially beaten or even killed?? Sounds like a GREAT choice to me! People are all people... black, white, jewish, catholic, pagan, short, tall, fat, thin, straight, gay, bi and transgender. Everyone should accept everyone and forget the labels.

click to go to GLBT page!!!


I have been living with various mental illnesses for most of my life. I was diagnosed with several in 1997. I have Major Depression with Hypomnic episodes, Borderline Personality Disorder(BPD), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD), Anxiety Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder(OCD), and Eating Disorder NOS. I have been on more medications than I can even remember but I am on Effexor XR 300mg and 100mg Lamictal in the morning. I have had 2 therapists and 2 psychiatrists. Mental illnesses have a very big stigma attached to them. I have lost jobs because people find out about my "problems" and treat me like I am crazy. I am doing much better now but I will never be cured completely. There is no cure for them. All you can do is treat them with what works best and learn to live with them.
click here to go to my Mental Illness page!!

click here to see my test page

Be One With ALL Beings...Choose Vegetarianism!!!

I have been a lacto-vegetarian since I was in high school. Before that I was slowly pulling away from carnivorous behavior. I just can NOT understand eating animal flesh. It is one step away from cannibalism!!!