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S'ven and Lyventh Weyrlings

Cincanta Weyr

        S’ven sat on the grass with his legs crossed and his head resting on his fists. His elbows rested on his knees as he listened to the Weyrlingmaster tell them about how their dragons were now strong enough to fly now but not with their riders. It would be their first attempt at flying and adding their rider’s weight could cause serious damage to the dragon and possibly render him or her flightless.
        S’ven tried to pay attention but the lecture was so boring, the Weyrlingmaster kept repeating himself! Finally, the Weyrlingmaster decided it was time for the riders to help guide their dragons as they took their first lesson.
        Lyventh was eager to get off the ground, he kept pacing and opening and closing his wings. Several of the dragons looked eager to get off the ground. Is it time yet? We are going to fly now! Lyventh said, speaking of himself and the rest of the Weyrlings.
        S’ven smiled as the Weyrlingmaster gave the Weyrlings the signal to take off. A couple of the Weyrlings got off the ground right away, but Lyventh and a few of the others only flapped hard enough to lift their front halves of the ground.
        I can’t do it! My wings are not strong enough yet! Lyventh complained and dropped back to the ground. The Weyrlingmaster’s dragon called the few that had gotten off the ground back down.
        The Weyrlingmaster’s dragon then proceeded to tell the Weyrlings what they had done wrong. I think I can get off the ground this time! Lyventh said and leapt into the air when the signal was given. He began to drift down to the ground again.
        Flap, Lyventh! Flap! Flap your wings harder! Lyventh had already begun to flap his wings harder and he rose higher. Flap for that hot area where the heat waves are rising! Thermal! Lyventh did so.
        It is easier to fly in thermals. Oh! This one was small! Lyventh said as he exited that thermal and then hit another. Look! I am flying!Lyventh shouted excitedly. Aww…he says I am flying to high and that I must come down. Lyventh said and folded his wings, diving towards the ground. He spread his wings, faltered a bit, then landed on the ground.
        “That was a good landing!” S’ven shouted to his dragon.
        It wasn’t, I wavered when I landed. Lyventh said sadly.
        “But you did better than any of the others did at landing, Lyventh. Any landing where you land safely is a good landing, so don’t put yourself down. You’ll get better!”