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"You are playing a game disguised as everything.


Forgive our seeming violence this is the only way to prepare for download."

"All that is seen in the world is devoid of effort and action because all things in the world are like a dream, or like an image miraculously projected."

"Imagine an infinite sea of energy filling empty space, with waves moving around in there, occasionally coming together and producing an intense pulse. Let's say one particular pulse comes together and expands, creating our universe of space-time and matter. But there could well be other such pulses. To us, that pulse looks like a big bang; In a greater context, it's a little ripple. Everything emerges by unfoldment from the holomovement, then enfolds back into the implicate order. I call the enfolding process "implicating," and the unfolding "explicating." The implicate and explicate together are a flowing, undivided wholeness. Every part of the universe is related to every other part but in different degrees."

"What you are looking forward to has come, but you don't know it."

"Well, that is my position. That feeling is the truth. Process is not pushed by causality as we have been led to believe. Telos is real. The universe is being inevitably drawn toward its completion. And as its completion looms ever larger in the future, it casts a shadow back into time. And human history is the shimmer on the surface of nature which says the protein form is about to emerge."

"We were uncertain how you might feel about new buildings,"

"You mean the nanotech buildings?"

"Yes. Some people find them disturbing."


'Now he sat on the edge of his bed, staring blankly at these new miracles of the new technology........a streamlined organicism.

Laney started out at the towers. Part of a facade seemed to move, but it had to be his eyes. The entire facade of one of the new buildings seemed to ripple, to crawl slightly.

"Who's calling?"

"Rydell from the Chateau. Hans let me use the phone."

Something was definately happening to that facade.

Laney was watching a point of reflected light slide across the distant structure, a movement like osmosis or the sequential contraction of some sea creature's palps.

They slid apart, deliquesced, and trickled away, down into the mazes of an older city.

Laney is in drift.

That is how he does it. It is a matter, he knows, of letting go. He admits the random.

The danger of admitting the random is that the random may admit the hole.

The hole is that which Laney's being is constructed around. The Hole is absence at the fundamental core. The Hole is that into which he has always stuffed things : drugs, career, women, information.
Information. This flow. This...corrosion.

- Data transfer from Bokris systems GmbH, Frankfurt, advises, under coded transmission, that content of shipment is Kuang Grade Mark Eleven penetration program. Bockris further advises that interface with Ono-Sendai Cyberspace 7 is entirely compatible and yields optimal penetration capabilities, particularly with regard to existing military systems... -

"How about an AI?"

- Existing military systems and artificial intelligences. -

"Jesus Christ. What did you call it?"

- Kuang Grade Mark Eleven. -

"The implication for Neo is terrible : That all life is a lie. That one's family is not one's family, one's experiences not one's experiences, that personal suffering and truimphs are illusion - and all humanity are slaves of a vast, soulless system that thrives on human ignorance. That red pill is a bitter one to swallow."

"While they dream they do not know that they are dreaming," say's the ancient Taoist sage, Chuang Tzu. "By and by comes the great awakening, and then we shall know that it has all been a great dream. Yet all the while the fools think they are awake, this they are sure of."

"Like images seen in a dream," says the Buddhist sutra, "thus one should see all things."

'WARNING: The Reality Master General has determined that this manual may significantly alter your reality. Usage of the knowledge in this manual may be percieved as dangerous and subversive by those in authority. Proceed with caution. Don't be alarmed when things start changing. Don't panic. The fun has just begun.'

"What you are looking forward to has come, but you don't know it."

"The body is the Bodhi Tree;
The mind like a bright mirror standing.
Take care to wipe it all the time,
And allow no dust to cling."

"They assume, like most people, that fear will do the trick. Fear will keep everyone in place. Fear will keep everyone distracted from what's really going on.

Let him know we can beat him up, let him know we could have killed him, let him know we can destroy him, let the fear shrivel him up.

Fuck that. I'm not afraid of them. They're afraid of me.

They're afraid of the truth."

"The most dangerous strategy of all, says Hanson, would be to talk too much about the discovery of the simulation. If the show starts too look stilted and staged, the creators may choose simply to pull the plug and start again. If you've got this far, maybe you'd better forget everything you've read in this essay - and certainly don't recommend it to your friends....."

"There never was a Bodhi Tree;
Nor bright mirror standing.
Fundamentally, not one thing exists,
So where is the dust to cling?"

"The word shaman, used internationally, has its origin in manchú-tangu and has reached the ethnologic vocabulary through Russian. The word originated from saman (xaman), derived from the verb scha-, "to know", so shaman means someone who knows, is wise, a sage. Further ethnologic investigations shows that the true origin for the word Shaman can be tracked from the Sanskrit initially, then through Chinese-Buddhist mediation to the manchú-tangu, indicating a much deeper but now overlooked connection between early Buddhism and Shamanism generally."

"Sing, dance, make music, and make love, all in my name, for all acts of love and joy are my rituals. And remember, if you find not that which you seek within yourself, you shall never find it without; for behold, I have been with you from the beginning and am that which is attained at the end of desire."

"Men are afraid to forget their own minds, fearing to fall through the void with nothing on to which they can cling. They do not know that the void is not really the void, but the realm of the dharma."

"D'you already know if I'm going to take it?"

"Wouldn't be much of an Oracle if I didn't."

"But if you already know, how can I make a choice?"

"Because you didn't come here to make the choice, you've already made it. You're here to try to understand why you made it.

I thought you'd have figured that out by now."

"The universe a program inside a Manichaean murder machine. Tormented by individuality, cursed by 2000 years of ego. The end of history.

Before the memeplex, before the supercontext."





Sources (some image sources are foreign)

The Invisibles, Grant Morrison/The Bomb

The Lankavatara Sutra

David Bohm

Gospel of Thomas

Terrence Mckenna quoted from Fusion A


The Idoru, William Gibson.

All Tommorrows Parties, William Gibson.


Matrix Gallery

Neuromancer, William Gibson.

Transmetropolitan Gouge away, Warren Ellis.

Exploring the Matrix, Karen Haber

The Way of Zen, Alan W. Watts

Shamans and Shamanism, The Wanderling.




Other Information, Activism

Amnesty International


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Divine Virus


Exploring the Matrix

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National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace



The Electronic Revolution

Venomous Butterfly