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BIO: Well, where do i start....He's a saiyan who escaped the horror of the tragedy that struck planet vegeta. His parents too could see the future, and they sent him off to the planet earth, where he fell along side his parents. His parents didnt last long, for they came down with a case of they ebola, and for some reason Sovereign wasn't affected by the hideous virus. So he lived on to become a 9 year old boy. He is just now beginning to learn of his abilities as a sayain. He was never adopted, and he lived alone all his life, most of the information he has consumed came from the vessel that brought him to earth, for his parents thought it would be better to have him learn all this (very good idea). anyway, he is now beginning to upgrade his abilities, and he is now 13, and pretty skilled. And the rest is to come....

NAME: Sovereign

HP: 1000

PL: 5000




MOVES:bukujutsu, kamehameha, mouth blast, energyblast, destructo disk


ITEMS:lvl2 armor,power pole,training shoesX2, weighted armbands x2 weighted clothing Senzu bean

JOB: farmer