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Dragon balls

This is the dragon ball page and this will tell you where you have to go to find the dragon balls and what are taken by whom. You will have to fight fir the dragon ball's each planet with a dragon ball will have a big boss to fight for them. We will have three sets of dragon ball's. One set will be Earth Dragon ball's only found in a torney you have to win thes. The second is the gallaxey ball's and Nameks dragon balls. Thes you need a ship and able to take on hard bosses. The Earth dragon ball's will be fout for in the torney on the 31 of this mounth. The gallaxey Dragon balls are on Babby,Vegeta,Arlia,Frieza,Plant,Planet Ciba,& Fake Namek. To find the dragon balls with out a scouter 4 days and no tranning for the 4 days. With a scouter 1 day.

1*dragon ball

Earth's taken buy no one

Namick's taken buy Yamcha

gallaxecy taken buy no one

2*dragon ball

Earth's taken buy no one

Namick's taken buy Vegetto

gallaxecy taken buy no one

3*dragon ball

Earth's taken buy no one

Namick's taken buy no one

gallaxecy taken buy no one

4*dragon ball

Earth's taken buy no one

Namick's taken buy no one

gallaxecy taken buy vegeta

5*dragon ball

Earth's taken buy no one

Namick's taken buy no one

gallaxecy taken buy vegeta

6*dragon ball

Earth's taken buy no one

Namick's taken buy no one

gallaxecy taken buy no one

7*dragon ball

Earth's taken buy no one

Namick's taken buy Yamcha

gallaxecy taken buy Yamcha

Read the Planet page to find out how to concour and get the dragon ball "VERY IMPOURENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the enimeys stats will be up later