An Angel from Hell Chapter 7 By Kayla Chavi Rating: PG-13 Genre: Alternate/Romance Email: IÕm sorry for all of those who waited for so long to read this chapter. It was long in coming, only because I started the wonderful adventure of college. But I hope that you all enjoy this chapter and I would LOVE feedback of any kind! * * * I left Darien as soon as the sun had set. I kissed him softly, telling him that I had things to do. One of them was feed, and I wasnÕt going to feed off of him. That took a high level of trust, something that we didnÕt have. ItÕs possible that we would never have it in this life time. Mamoru had trusted me with everything. But Darien isnÕt Mamoru, anymore than he is Endymion. Same core, same soul, different people. Weird but true. I searched the streets for my victim, a man I had marked a short time ago with AndrewÕs help. I smiled when I found him coming out of an adult bookstore and then followed him as he took the back allies home. Andrew had told me that this man was a child pornographer, but had a very good lawyer, so he kept getting off. Darien couldnÕt kill him because he was human. Rei couldnÕt either, and she couldnÕt stand the thought of Jedeite draining an evil man like that (another weird but true thing). Andrew was in law enforcement and had a hard enough time cleaning up after the demonic community and Darien without adding the death of a bastard like this one. But I could. The man tried to fight me, the sick ones always do. They are so obsessed with self preservation and their mortal vices. I drained him slowly, making sure to make him feel every drop bleed out of him, not giving him the Euphoria at all. I let him fall lifelessly to the ground. I picked up the bag that he had been carrying and set it upon his body. Then with a thought made them become inflamed. Within moments they were ash, and I was quite pleased with myself. True I was taking my anger of Berylka and the whole situation out on the now ashy corpse, but I felt validated. Unfortunately I couldnÕt kill Berylka. Jedeite just believed that it was a matter of who was stronger, when it was really a matter of rule. The rules said that unless there was Power to be gained, then masters wouldnÕt attack each other. It was also a matter of respect. Even though I had no respect for her at all and thought she was the lowest being on earth. I walked home quietly, trying to think through all of this. If I could have sighed, I would have, for my thoughts kept centering on Darien. Then I smiled as I thought of what had happened last night and most of the early morning. Our relationship changed. Sex always changes things, either for the worse or better. I was hoping that it was for the better, for the whole experience had been wonderful. And he told me that he loved me. Thankfully it wasnÕt in the throws of passion. ItÕs too easy to say it then when your mind is being assaulted sensuously and you arenÕt aware of it. But he had been fully aware this morning and very serious. In that instant I was happy. Of course, now I was doubtful of everything. The curse said that we would taste happiness before death. In all of his previous lives when I feel that utter joy and happiness, he dies within six months. Its not a very encouraging event when this happens. Now, however I was angry and decided to do something about it. Something that might end this all for good. Something that included a visit to a Powerful priestess and a very good translator. * * * ÒYouÕre children are awake,Ó Endymion murmured in my ear and I groaned quietly as he nuzzled my neck. We were in bed and it was early in the morning. I was going to be going back to Atlantis with the twins, who were now near a year old and the doctors said that it was safe to travel again. Right now they were happily playing in their crib, but they were loud and we could hear them. I whimpered softly, not really wanting to get out of bed, not really wanting him to stop whatever it was he was doing with his hands. ÒTheyÕre your children too,Ó I mumbled shifting so I could look at him. He smiled and continued to kiss by neck, ÒBefore sunrise, theyÕre your children.Ó Impishly I stuck my tongue out at him and then sighed melodramatically. ÒVery well,Ó I moved to get out of bed. ÒOf course,Ó he pulled me back to him, ÒYou could just ignore them and stay here with me.Ó I laughed softly and lightly stroked his long hair, twisting it around my fingers, ÒThat would be nice,Ó I said and kissed his forehead. It was then that I decided that there was nothing more enjoyable then just being with your husband, letting him hold you and murmur beautiful things in your ear. Then whispering the same beautiful things in his ear. We just held each other that morning, IÕll never forget the way I felt. I was loved. I was wanted. I was safe. That was the last time that Endy held me like that. The last time I was alive for him to hold me. * * * Out of no where they came. Three of them, large, tall and strong. I was knocked out, my eyes meeting a deep blackness from which I thought I would never return. * * * Groggily I opened my eyes, trying to figure out where I was. I tried to move my arms but found that my wrists were bound over my head and chained to a large bed. This scared me. When women were chained like this, it could only mean one thing. I closed my eyes and mind to this thought. I didnÕt want to think that. I didnÕt want to believe that it could happen to me. I moved my legs to see if they too were bound and found that I could move them. I opened my eyes again and looked down at my clothes. I had been changed into a simple white dress that made me look like I was sixteen again. Looking around the room, I found that it was daytime, but all of the windows were closed and drapes were put over them to block most of the sunlight. I tried to concentrate on what happened to me, how I got here. I remember walking to the boat. Endymion was supposed to meet me and say good-bye. The twins were already on the boat and just waiting until we left. Antony had been hanging onto my skirt until I had left him with a servant. I was alone until the Dowager-Queen had intercepted me. ÒYouÕre leaving again,Ó she said, ÒItÕs a pity....Ó her voice had trailed off, as if she was trying to imply something. ÒWhatÕs a pity? That you were wrong?Ó I wasnÕt in the mood to deal with her attempts to break Endy and I apart. ÒThat you will never see your husband again,Ó she smiled cruelly and thatÕs when I saw Berylka step out from behind a pillar. I took a step back, startled. I hadnÕt expected to see Berylka ever again. I narrowed my eyes at the Dowager-Queen, ÒYou are in league with her!Ó ÒMy poor child, only if you had realized that Endymion could never be yours,Ó Terra had smirked. Then thatÕs when I had been hit. And now I was here. Now, if I only knew where here was. * * * I lay there thinking. Or tying not to, IÕm not sure which. Terra. I canÕt believe that she hated me so much that she had allowed this to happen. Again IÕm not sure what she had allowed to happen, but she had allowed it. GODS! I tried to bolt up, but the chains held me tightly to the bed. My Children! My husband! I prayed silently, Gods, let them be safe. DonÕt let her hurt them. Keep me family safe. I fell asleep with tears falling down my cheeks. * * * When I opened my eyes the first thing I had noticed was the soft candle light and the windows were all opened. Standing at one of the windows what the tallest man I had ever seen. He had one foot propped on the window sill and was wearing all black, his cloak attached to only one shoulder. ÒThe Queen awakens.Ó His voice startled me. It was rich and deep. He turned towards me and smiled, slowly walking toward me. When he got to the edge of the bed, he sat next to me. Our eyes met and I knew that he wasnÕt human. I knew he had never been human. His eyes held no life and were hard and cold. But he didnÕt scare me. I wasnÕt afraid of him. He must of known this, for he smiled again, and lightly touched the side of my face, softly thumbing my cheek. ÒItÕs amazing at the power and beauty you possess,Ó he murmured, his voice exceptionally quiet, Òfor a mortal girl.Ó His hand moved from my face and along my shoulders and then my arms. He then unshackled the chains, letting my arms dropped lifelessly to my sides. He drew me into a sitting position and continued to lightly touch me. For some reason that didnÕt bother me. I donÕt think that it was supposed to. ÒWhere am I?Ó I finally demanded, my voice was very quiet. ÒIn a temple.Ó ÒWhoÕs temple.Ó He just smiled, ÒMine.Ó I paled slightly. ÒGarlekesh,Ó I managed to get out hoarsely. He laughed quietly and gently held the side of my face. ÒOne of my many names,Ó he said, his voice the same quiet and huskiness. ÒDamien was the first and what it always will be.Ó I pulled away from his hand and looked down at my own hands which I was holding tightly in my lap. ÒWhy am I here?Ó I asked quietly, trying not to cry. I was in the temple of the Blood God. I would never see my children again. I would never see Endy again. I was going to die. Damien just smiled as if he knew my thoughts and then kissed me softly. ÒYouÕll find out soon enough.Ó And then he was suddenly gone. And I was alone, left in silence. The silence was deafening. * * * Time past and I spent most of it alone. I was fed and given leave to move around the rather large room, but the windows were always locked. I know, because I tried to get out through them. And there was no door to be seen anywhere. I never saw the beings that brought me food. They always came whenever I was asleep. Hence the reason for seeing the lack of door. Damien would come to see me periodically and I was always left disturbed when he left me, both mentally and emotionally. It was like he cared for me deeply. There were times that he almost seemed human like in his actions and words. And in his face. At times it was like he loved me. At times it was like I loved him back. Like I said, disturbing. My emotions were starting to conflict and DamienÕs intentions confused me. I still didnÕt know why I was here. * * * One night I woke up and Berylka was there. Smirking. I wanted to hit her, but I donÕt think that I would get very far doing that. And it really would hurt me, more than it would hurt her. I quickly sat up and narrowed my eyes. ÒWhat do you want?Ó I asked coldly, still playing the part of the Atlantis Queen. It was the only part of my self that I wasnÕt confused on. I knew who the Queen of Atlantis was and I knew how to be her. My tone implied everything. I considered her a slave, looking over the top of her head and looking very indifferent. Her violet eyes narrowed slightly and she walked a little closer to me, but she still kept her distance. It was like she was afraid of something. Not me, but something. ÒI thought that you might want to know how your husband is doing without you,Ó she said idly. ÒYouÕve only been hone almost three weeks and already he has given up on finding you.Ó I lost my composure, ÒLiar,Ó I hissed and she smiled. ÒBelieve what you want,Ó she slowly come even closer, Òbut he has moved on.Ó ÒOnto what? The dead? Sorry Berylka but he wouldnÕt. He knows IÕm alive.Ó ÒFor now.Ó Again she smirked. My eyes widened before I regained my composure. So I really was going to die. I looked up to find Berylka towering over me. She was trying to stare me down. It almost worked. Except again she forgot that I was a Queen. I get stared down all the time by those who think that they could intimidate me. This I could handle. ÒAnd then Endy will forget about you,Ó Berylka whispered, ÒAnd he will be mine.Ó I slapped her hard against the face. ÒYou really are pathetic,Ó I managed to say calmly. Gods, my hand hurt. Berylka narrowed her eyes and grabbed me tightly by the throat, lifting me slightly off the ground. ÒI have no problem killing you before the ceremony,Ó she hissed, tightening her hold on my throat. Suddenly there was a blur of movement and I was knocked back into the bed, gasping for air. When I managed to catch my breath, I saw Jedeite pinning Berylka to the far wall. With one hand. Jedeite was only wearing black pants and boots. Gone were his priestly robes. His skin was very white, even more white than it had been when he lived in the temple, almost like it was white marble. And he was giving off a pale glow. Needless to say I was very surprised. Even more surprised when I heard the quiet growl coming from the back of his throat. So was Berylkla, for she was looking at him, her eyes wide with astonishment. Slowly Jedeite let go of her, taking a step away frm her. ÒGo.Ó Berylka narrowed her eyes, wanting to refuse. ÒGo, now.Ó She hesitated before becoming a clue of movement and disappearing. Jedeite turned to me and gave me a very worried look. ÒYour majesty are you alright?Ó I pulled my knees to my chest, curling up in the middle of the large bed. ÒYouÕre one of them,Ó I whispered. I was suddenly horrified at what he was, knowing that he was a thing of evil. Like Berylka. Then I realized something, just by meeting his eyes slowly. He was nothing like that bitch. ÒYes.Ó ÒHow long?Ó ÒTwo weeks.Ó ÒWhy?Ó He gave me an ironic smile, ÒBecause of Love. The Gods do not take kindly to a man who defiles Their Priestess.Ó My eyes widened, ÒReishe?Ó A pained look crossed his features. ÒYes.Ó ÒIs she--Ó ÒDead.Ó The word was so simple. ÒOh Gods,Ó I whispered, ÒBy whose hand?Ó ÒMine.Ó Again, the word was simple. ÒOh Gods,Ó I suddenly had a lump from in my throat, ÒWhy?Ó He smiled ironically again, ÒI had no choice,Ó he whispered and his eyes looked haunted, ÒI was still mortal and I had to sacrifice her for our sin. There was so much blood,Ó he whispered. ÒSo much blood. And she just looked at me........Ó his voice got soft, so quiet that I had to strain to hear him, ÒÔFind me againÕÓ he closed his eyes, ÒHer last words to the man who murdered her, ÔFind me jÕthia.ÕÓ I was horrified again. Not by what he had become, I had managed to get over that in the last few minutes, but by what he had been forced to do. I could never kill the man I loved. I could never kill Endy. I held out my hand to him. He looked at it blankly before slowly walking over to me and taking it. His hand was cold as I pulled him to me, so what the rest of him. Bloody tears were streaking down his face as he cried and I held him to me. This wouldnÕt be the last time that I would do this for him. Nor would it be the last time he did it for me. This started our friendship. We built on what started that night. It started the night that we both cried, holding each other and mourning our loss. It was also the night that I fell asleep in another manÕs arms. * * * Jedeite wasnÕt there when I woke up. But Damien was. I found that he was looking at me intently, his face completely unreadable. I slowly sat up and look him in the eye, pulling the sheets to my chest. After a while he just sighed and lightly kissed my forehead. ÒYou love him.Ó ÒI will always love him,Ó I whispered, knowing exactly who him was, but not understanding or seeing where this conversation was going, or really where it was coming from. ÒAlways is a very long time,Ó he commented idly, ÒPeople change.Ó ÒI will love him until the day I die and beyond,Ó I said quietly, ÒOur souls have been bonded together by the Gods for Eternity.Ó He was quiet for a very long time. ÒI understand.Ó Then I was alone. It was also then that I decided that I never wanted to feel this alone and this lost if I could help it. Thank the Gods for Jedeite, who has never left me. * * * Jedeite returned not to long after Damien had left. He smiled at me and came and sat down on the bed with me. We sat in silence before I sighed quietly and looked up at him. ÒWhy are you here?Ó I finally asked. He laughed quietly, ÒTo protect you from Berylka.Ó ÒUntil the ceremony?Ó I asked bitterly. Jedeite looked at me sharply, ÒWhat do you know bout the ceremony?Ó ÒThat IÕm going to die,Ó I said quietly. Jedeite was quiet for a very long time. ÒDamien is going to be choosing a Consort,Ó he said after a moment, ÒAll of the vampiress living are coming, each bringing him a gift. Berlyka has brought you as her gift. She thinks that having him kill you will end his obsession. ÒObsession?Ó I blinked several times, very confused. Damien was obsessed with me? Why didnÕt I notice this? ÒAnd she thinks that she will be chosen as his Consort.Ó ÒBut you donÕt,Ó I said simply. ÒNo. Berylka is insane. Damien will choose a vampiress that he has known for a long time, or one he has Sired.Ó This surprised me. This seemed to indicate that Berylka wasnÕt made by Damien, but by some other vampire. Damien had also spent all of this time getting to know me, and now he was going to eat me? Jedeite smiled slightly, ÒMore or less. Most likely heÕll--Ó he was cut off abruptly and it would only occur to me later that I had not spoken aloud and he had heard my thoughts and responded to them. ÒLeave Jedeite.Ó DamienÕs voice entered the room and Jedeite stood immediately. I couldnÕt see Damien, but that meant nothing. Damien could be anywhere, and I would never know. Jedeite lightly kissed my cheek and then I was completely alone. Again. * * * I did a lot of sleeping the next few days. I had nothing better to do and I was constantly tired. I spent the nights with Damien and the days with Jedeite and the times I was alone I spent in confusion. Lots of time past, how much I do not know. I had no way to count the days or nights. Then one morning I woke up to see a small young girl with short black hair and violet standing and watching me. Needless to say I was very surprised. One, because I hadnÕt seen anyone in my room besides those that I knew. Two, because she was such a young girl, but her eyes looked so old. And three, she was glowing. Which meant vampire. The young girl gave me a small smile when I sat up on the large bed. She held out her hand to me and helped me off the bed. ÒGood evening,Ó she said politely, ÒPlease, come with me.Ó She led me to a corner of the room where a beautiful dark burgundy dress was hanging next to a full length mirror. Silently she helped me into the dress and then began to do my hair. ÒWhatÕs your name?Ó I asked after I grew tired of the silence. It felt like I was alone in a room with another person ÒHarotu,Ó she said quietly, setting braids of jewels into my auburn curls. ÒIÕm Serena,Ó I said, even though I knew she probably knew who I was. There was more silence until she had me stand in front of the mirror. I gasped. I hardly recognized myself in all the splendor I was wearing. I looked very pale, almost as white Harotu and the dark colors made me look otherworldly. I think thatÕs what the intent of the clothes were, but it was very unnerving. ÒCome with me,Ó Harotu said quietly and led me out of the room and down a darkened hallway. We were joined by Jedeite and a few other vampires that I didnÕt recognize. We entered a candle lit room and Harotu and Jedeite led me to a large dias. Standing there was Damien, he smiled sightly when he saw me and then had me led to a large ornate chair. The hairs on the back of my neck began to stand up and a chill crept along my spine. I suddenly wasnÕt sure what was going on. I was sitting before a crowd of vampires, most of which did not look too happy with the fact that I was sitting on one of the ornate chairs. It was in that instant that I think I realized what was going to happen. The next few moments confirmed it, for Damien began to speak. I didnÕt understand much of what he was saying, for it was in an old and confusing language. But the part I did understand went something like this. ÒAnd she will be mine. Let no one claim her. Let no one seek to destroy her. For if she is hurt in anyway, then my wrath will be incurred and you will be as dust on the wind, forever.Ó I felt my heart stop beating for a second. I was suddenly very afraid. Extremely afraid. Absolutely terrified. One might say that I was scared to death. Damien met my eyes and then held his hand out to me. It was a long moment before I finally stood. I walked what seemed like a very long distance to him, our eyes never leaving each others. Slowly I took his hand. It was strange how I didnÕt seem to be in control of my body. I didnÕt think that I wanted to go to him. I didnÕt want to take what he was offering me. But I did. I did the moment that our hands met. I let him take me. And in so many more ways than one. DamienÕs movements were gentle as he pulled me to him and he turned us so my back was to the crowd of vampires. Our eyes met again before he kissed my neck ever so softly. Then there was the sharpest pain I had ever felt in my entire life. It hurt like hell. Literally. I wasnÕt able to scream. I didnÕt get the chance to before the Euphoria took over my senses. I can describe the way it made me feel as the life was slowly and sensuously drained from my body. I grew weak and limp in his arms. He held me gently by the waist, supporting me. In my haze I can almost remember him forcing his wrist to my lips. Warm liquid dribbled down my chin and neck and smeared across my chest before I realize that I had to swallow and it moved into my mouth. It took a moment but I was able to swallow the thick substance. And then the Power hit me. Along with another intense wave of pleasure. Damien removed his wrist and I felt my eyeteeth elongate. He gently pressed me to his neck and I bit down, drinking pure Power. After that I vaguely remember what happened. It was a blood bath and carnage. I fed on all the ÒgiftsÓ that had been brought to Damien, securing my Power the moment I had been reborn into this hellish existence. I also killed many old and Powerful vampires that night as well. According to Jedeite, who told me later, they were vampires who opposed his decision to make me his Consort. And for some reason I couldnÕt care that I had been made into this thing. It didnÕt matter to me that I had killed so recklessly the night before. It also didnÕt matter to me how Damien and I had spent our time afterwards. I wonÕt go into detail but let me remind you that the line between lover and friend is actually non-existent and vampires are very sexual creatures. Use your imagination. And the fact that I wasnÕt bothered by it all, bothered me. Unusual and difficult to explain and very weird, but true. I think it was several months later that I was standing at a window looking out over the night skyline of the city. It was amazingly beautiful but I felt detached from it. If I could have sighed, I would have. I felt Damien come up behind me and gently kiss me along my bare shoulder and neck, ÒGood evening, my love,Ó he murmured. I was silent, tilting my neck to give him better access but still not really paying attention to him. We was gentle with me for a few moments before he just slipped his arms around my waist and rested his head on mine, ÒWhat are you thinking, my Child?Ó he asked softly. Child. He always called me that, even though I was more akin to his wife or lover. He still calls me that. Some things never change. And yes, it is very creepy, even to me. ÒI want to see my Husband,Ó I said quietly and felt his grip on me tighten slightly. ÒYou are with your husband. You have died and been reborn Senna, your marriage to Endymion is over.Ó ÒI wasnÕt given a choice,Ó I said simply and turned in his arms so I was facing him. ÒHe has to know.Ó ÒHeÕll kill you,Ó Damien said looking at me intently. ÒBerylka cursed you.Ó ÒAt your bidding.Ó He smiled slightly, ÒWho told you?Ó I laughed, ÒNo one, I guessed.Ó ÒMinx.Ó He sighed, ÒI thought that it would break the bond between souls. HeÕll kill you now.Ó ÒHeÕll try,Ó I said simply returning his gaze. ÒEndymion loves me to much,Ó I insisted, ÒHe may try to kill me but he will never succeed.Ó He was quiet for a long time before he slowly withdrew from me. ÒI knew that you would never be mine completely,Ó he said quietly, ÒI hate him, you know,Ó he said suddenly and I looked at him surprised. ÒWhat?Ó I asked confused. ÒHe has you totally and completely and he always will. I knew this but I still dared to hope.Ó Damien gently touched the side of my face. ÒBut you will always be my Consort,Ó he said, ÒAnd if Endymion tries to hurt you in anyway, I will kill him. What I proclaimed that Night was for mortal and immortal.Ó I was quiet and then I nodded, ÒI understand.Ó I said simply and lightly kissed him. He smiled slightly and picked me up, slowly walking to the bed, ÒBut before you go, I have one thing to ask of you...Ó * * * ÒI want her found!Ó a furious Endymion yelled at his advisors and the Captain of the Guard. I might have pitied the poor man but I didnÕt have much in the way of feelings anymore. ÒDead or alive I want her found.Ó ÒBut My Lord itÕs been so long,Ó the Captain tried to protest. ÒFind her!Ó Endymion shouted, losing control of his normally very controlled emotions. ÒAlready done,Ó I said stepping out of the shadows and into the Council room. Several guards narrowed their eyes, for I had gotten in without key or lock. Endymion stood up, his face a vision of complete shock and utter joy. For some reason my heart sang at that. I was happy that he was happy. And odd feeling for a soulless demon. I smiled and held out my arms to him and he ran to me. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and buried his face in my hair. ÒYouÕre alive,Ó he whispered and then kissed me fiercely. In front of his entire Council and, I noticed smugly, his mother, who was looking very, very surprised. She had assumed me dead. Good. Endy and I continued to kiss for the longest time. It was during those few short moments that I realized that I missed him. I still loved him. I was capable of love. It must have shown on my face for Endymion looked down at me, worried for a moment. ÒIs something wrong, Senna?Ó he asked me quietly. I smiled and kissed him softly, ÒIÕm just happy to be home.Ó He held onto me tightly and most of his court excused himself. His mother tried to leave but I stopped her by moving away from Endymion. ÒWhatÕs wrong Terra?Ó I asked before she could leave. With a small thought I made sure that all the doors in the room closed quietly behind the retreating Council members, ÒDid you think that I was never going to come back?Ó Endy looked at me oddly but I ignored him. Terra paled considerably, ÒOf-of course n-notÓ she stuttered. ÒIÕm just very surprised, when we heard that you had been taken--Ó ÒYou were there when I was taken,Ó I said angrily, ÒYou knew what they were going to do with me and you let that bitch take me anyway. You thought that I would come out of it dead.Ó ÒSenna?Ó Endy gently put a hand on my shoulder, ÒWhat are you talking about?Ó I was quiet for a long moment. I wanted to cry but I knew that now I sweat, bled, and cried in blood. ÒYouÕre mother organized my capture,Ó I said calmly looking at her, ÒShe wanted me dead so she arranged to have me taken.Ó ÒSheÕs lying my son,Ó Terra said immediately, ÒSheÕs trying to confuse you. She probably ran off with another man--Ó She never got to finish that thought because I inadvertently began to growl. Terra was very startled. Endy never noticed, for he had become exceedingly angry with his mother. ÒMother you overstep your bounds,Ó he said calmly. Even I was scared of Endymion when he was calm during an angry situation. It wasnÕt natural at times the way that he controlled his emotions. ÒArenÕt you the least bit curious as to the way that yourÐSerena has shown up?Ó she asked, trying to make her point. ÒI trust Senna to tell me the truth,Ó he wrapped an arm protectively around my waist. I smirked, but only Terra could see me. ÒYou will never imply that again, are we clear mother?Ó ÒButÐÒ ÒAre we clear?Ó ÒYes,Ó she whispered and glared at me hatefully. I just smirked again and was about to say something when I heard the shrieking of children. ÒDADDY!Ó Three little bundles of noise came running into the room. I had forgotten how loud they were. But still they brought a smile to my face. That surprised me. I thought that when I became a vampire, things like this didnÕt affect me. Emotions were different, something that Damien and Jedeite had taught me, they did not include caring about mortals. All three of my children stopped suddenly when they saw me. I was so surprised. The twins were now almost three years old and Antony was nearing five. Had I really been gone almost a year and a half? ÒDaddy?Ó Rini looked at Endy, ÒIs this mommy?Ó she asked quietly. I almost cried. My daughter didnÕt know who I was. Gladly, however, Antony did. He just smiled and ran to me. ÒMommy!Ó he cried. He threw his arms around my neck and I hugged him to me tightly. This time I actually cried, bloody tears running into my sonÕs dark hair as I held him. ÒI missed you mommy. Gramma said that you were dead.Ó ÒShe was wrong,Ó I said quietly, ÒIÕm very much here,Ó I looked at him and he looked at me closely before wiping my eyes for me. ÒMommy youÕre bleeding.Ó I saw Terra narrow her eyes. She knew. She knew what I was. But it didnÕt concern me, I just smiled at my son and set him down and wiped my own eyes. ÒItÕs just my makeup,Ó I said calmly and kissed his head. Yes, even then we wore god-awful make-up. I hated it then and I do now, even though I only wear it to cover the glow that I sometimes give off. Nate and Rini cautiously looked at me and then Endy. He nodded and smiled and they then both ran to me. I knelt down and hugged them both at the same time. I did not cry again. ÒChildren go play,Ó Endy instructed kindly, ÒI want to be alone with your mother.Ó The three giggled and then left as loudly as they came. Endy pulled me into his arms and held me closely to his chest. ÒI will deal with you later, Mother,Ó he said over the top of my head. I heard Terra sweep a curtsy and then leave quietly. Endymion and I stood like this for a very long time. He lightly stroked my hair and back, resting his head on mine. ÒI knew you were alive until a few months ago,Ó he whispered, ÒAnd then I thought I felt you die,Ó his voice was hoarse and I could feel his silent tears falling into my hair. ÒBut I never gave up the hope that you were alive.Ó ÒThank you,Ó I whispered and pulled back to look up at him. I wasnÕt crying, which must have perplexed him, ÒIÕve missed you so much,Ó I whispered and lightly touched his lips and held the side of his face. ÒI knew that we would see each other again.Ó He placed his hand over mine and smiled down at me, ÒSenna...what happened?Ó I closed my eyes painfully. I knew that I would have to tell him what happened. So I did something that I had never thought that I would do in my life. I lied to him. Actually it was more a half truth without details and a few misguiding sentences. ÒI was going to the ship and I was stopped by your mother,Ó I started quietly, ÒShe said some words that I canÕt really remember and then I was hit from behind. I woke up tied to a bed--Ó EndymionÕs grip on me became very tight and I could tell that this angered him. ÒAnd I spent the last year in a room occupied by very strange things. I think that I was drugged, because IÕm not sure what was real and what was a dream and....Ó I let my voice trail off, giving him the opportunity to say those magic words. ÒYou donÕt have to talk about it if you donÕt want to,Ó he said gently. I smiled into his chest. I still knew the man that my husband was. ÒItÕs just too painful,Ó I whispered. Which was not totally a lie, being made a vampire was painful. And he really didnÕt need to know about what happened afterwards. There are just some things that a man does not need to hear. I wasnÕt ashamed of what I had done, but I knew that he would expect me to be and it would be very uncomfortable. Right now, all I needed was for my husband to hold me and tell me he loved me as much as I was realizing that I loved him. ÒGods Senna, I missed you,Ó he murmured into my hair, ÒIÕm glad your home,Ó he smiled down at me and kissed me gently. ÒI love you.Ó Endymion is the perfect man, I decided as he picked me up and carried me to our bed. We almost got there when there was an urgent knock at the door. I laughed quietly when Endy looked so frustrated. ÒMy wife returns after almost two years and they canÕt leave us alone for more than ten minutes,Ó he muttered. I laughed and pushed him off the bed playfully. He sighed, ÒGo away!Ó he called to the door, ÒWeÕre busy.Ó I giggled and he kissed me very passionately. ÒYou know,Ó a familiar voice commented, ÒYou could wait ten minutes before jumping right to the marital bliss.Ó Endymion groaned and I laughed outright and rolled off of the bed, running to the speaker, ÒANÕDRE!Ó I practically shouted with happiness. My brother drew me up into his arms and hugged me tightly and I could feel that he, like Endymion was crying. Again I controlled my tears, for AnÕdre was wearing white and my tears would show on the cloth of his shirt. ÒGods Serena I thought you were dead,Ó my older brother rocked me gently, though his grip around me was tight. ÒIÕm not,Ó I said impishly and he smiled and kissed my forehead. ÒOkay, now you can go back to your husband,Ó he said and both Endy and I laughed. ÒI missed you too,Ó I said and kissed his cheek. He stiffened slightly and then took my hands in his. ÒSerÕ your hands are cold!Ó he exclaimed and I just smiled. ÒI get cold easily.Ó ÒAnd IÕm sure that if you would give me the opportunity I could warm her up,Ó Endymion muttered. AnÕdre just smiled a little shakily and kissed me farewell. ÒWeÕll talk,Ó he said simply before leaving. And then I was pulled back into bed with my wonderful husband. * * * I was able to hide the fact that I couldnÕt go into the daylight very easily. I just told Endy that the sun hurt my eyes and irritated my skin after being locked in a dark room for over a year. He accepted it, just happy to have me back at home. I told AnÕdre that I was going to live with my husband forever and that I didnÕt want to go back to Atlantis. We had a small argument about that, but I won it. ÒAnÕdre our people donÕt know IÕm alive and I told Endy that I donÕt want to be in the spotlight anymore. I just want to raise my children and be with my husband.Ó ÒBut SerÕ youÕre a Queen! YouÕre the Queen of Atlantis!Ó He tried to protest. ÒPlease,Ó I said, ÒIÕm just not interested in that anymore.Ó He was quiet for a very long time. ÒSomething happened during the time your were gone, didnÕt it,Ó he said looking down at me gently. I nodded. ÒAre you ever going to tell me?Ó he asked quietly. ÒSomeday,Ó I said quietly and looked up at him, ÒWhen youÕre older.Ó His eyes widened, ÒAnd youÕre the same age you are now?Ó I nodded and looked down at the ground. I expected him to pull away and shun me for what I had become. But he didnÕt. Brothers are wonderful that way. He held me even tighter and kissed the top of my head. ÒDo you regret it?Ó he asked quietly after a moment, I had cried silently into his chest, my bloody tears streaking the front of his shirt. I didnÕt answer him for a long time. ÒYes,Ó I said quietly, ÒI want to grow old and die with my husband and now I canÕt.Ó ÒOr SerÕ IÕm so sorry,Ó he whispered and kissed my forehead. I smiled weakly and he hugged me again before leaving me. I watched his ship leave in silence, a peacefulness came over me. My brother still loved me. Maybe that would mean that Endymion would be able to love me as well. With this small thought I went back into the castle and went looking for my husband. A servant intercepted me and told me that there was someone who wanted to meet with them in one of the smaller libraries. I raised an eyebrow and he looked very nervous. I scanned his mind but only found that he did not know these people but they made him nervous. I nodded and then went to the library. What greeted me was a sight that I will never forget. In the room was Endymion, Berylka, and Terra. * * * ÒSo?Ó Serena asked me intently, ÒCan it be done?Ó I sighed and looked over at Ami, who had been going through some very old text. She sighed as well and looked at the impatient Serena who had waltzed into my office unannounced and very much uninvited. Damn vampiress. Not like I could have stopped her anyway. ÒSerena, what youÕre asking hasnÕt been done for thousands of years. IÕm not sure that even someone like Rei has the Power to do it.Ó Ami said rather patiently. ÒBut it can be done.Ó I sighed, ÒYes, it can be done. But I donÕt think that it is wise for you to attempt something like this. I mean, this spell would be dangerous to attempt on yourselfÓ Serena blinked several times and looked at me confused, ÒI donÕt intend to test this on myself,Ó she said simply. Ami and I exchanged a look, ÒWho do you intend to test this on Serena?Ó I asked after a moment. She didnÕt answer me. Serena was gone before I even finished asking the question. * * * Wow. ThatÕs all I could really say after last night. I kept replaying it all in my head, going over every, last detail. I was still amazed by it all. Not that I wasnÕt experienced, it wasnÕt that, it was the act of making love to a woman that I was truly, madly, deeply in love. And spouting lyrics to a sappy song. Love makes you do the strangest things. Anyways, back to Serena...not that my thoughts had wandered far or anything. I was hoping to meet her soon. She was supposed to come to my apartment tonight and we were going to spend it together, but right now I was on my way to my office. I sighed happily at the thought of seeing Serena as I opened my office room door. I stopped short when I saw who was in the room. Sitting in my chair was Beryl. And she was smirking. ===== "If you need help, then look no further. Angel Investigations is the best. Our rats are low..." "Rates!" "It says 'rats'. Our rates are low, but our standards are high. When the chips are down and you're at the end of your rope, you need someone that you can count on. And that's what you'll find here. Someone who'll go all the way. Who'll protect you no matter what. Don't lose hope. Come on over to our offices and you'll see that there's still heros in this world. That it? Am I done?" --Cordy and Doyle