Title: An Angel From Hell Chapter 3 By Kayla Chavi Rating: PG-13 Email: kaylachavi@yahoo.com I stood in the middle of my studio apartment, as the sunÕs first rays trying to peek through the shades. I was tempted to throw open the window and see how Powerful I really was. I wanted to see if they would hurt me. But then again, a sunburn was not the way to make a good impression. I was going to see Darien tonight and I wanted him to find me attractive, beautiful, not bright cherry red. I contemplated bringing him here, but then he would ask too many questions that I donÕt want to answer. He would want to know who the portrait of the man with long black hair and dark blue eyes was. Then he would want to know why he looked like him. IÕm thousands of years old and still I canÕt say no to the man, and IÕm not ready to tell him about reincarnation. DarienÕs a Christian and IÕm not prepared to tell my JÕthia that there is no single God out there, just the Higher Powers and then THE GODS. He wouldnÕt be able to handle it. And IÕm not prepared for another mental breakdown from him. The last time was painful enough. But thatÕs another story. I havenÕt finished the first time. The story of our Love, our Life, and our Death has yet to be told. So I go to my computer. Yes, I have one of these blasted things. I hate them, even though IÕm an excellent typist, and know how to use them perfectly, I still long for the days when all I had to do was call for a scribe. Then he would write exactly what I said down, letting me read it afterwards to make it correct. I would kill for a scribe. * * * The Delegation from KÕthie was coming to Atlantis. I was a nervous wreck. Uncle had decided that it was my duty to see to all the preparations. I was upset, for two reasons. One being that this entire delegation was a sham. All it was, was Uncle shoving the fact that we had their Prince in their faces. Showing them that he had a Power that they didnÕt. The other was Endy. He was getting all dreamy eyed about it. Apparently his sister and her husband were part of the delegation. Along with a woman that was rumored that he had known. I by known, I mean it in the Biblical sense of the word. I was worried that he would see this woman (I didnÕt know her name, yet), and he would look at me and see the child again. Then there was the fact of while he now slept in my bed, he didnÕt sleep with me. He refused to know me. (Again in the same sense as before). I was beginning to hate him for it, I loved him so much. Here in Atlantis is was not a strange thing for slaves to sleep with their Masters. I told him this, once I came to the point of begging. In any other situation, with any other man it would have been pathetic. His response? ÒSenna, I love you more than Life Itself. And when I take you, it will be because we are married. I will not take your honor from you.Ó He looked down at me gently, and lightly held the side of my face, wiping away the tear that had fallen. ÒEndy we love each other, thatÕs all that matters. I want this, IÕm not deluding myself either. I want everything love has to offer.Ó I looked at him, my aquamarine eyes filled with a pleading. ÒSo do I, Senna. But I will not end up fathering a child who has a slave for a Father.Ó ÒDamn you!Ó I pulled away from him angrily, ÒIs that all you see yourself as? A slave?Ó ÒSenna--Ó ÒWhen I look at you Endymion I see a King, a man more fit to rule than Uncle. I see this man who has so much honor that its killing me inside. I have never treated you as my slave! Never! I have never used it to get you to do anything that you donÕt want to. I havenÕt even used it to force you to make love to me! So why do you insist on remaining a slave!?Ó There was a silence and he looked down at the floor. I closed my eyes to stop the tears, ÒItÕs her, isnÕt it.Ó ÒWhat?Ó he looked up at me, confused. ÒWho?Ó ÒThat woman whoÕs coming with the Delegation.Ó ÒWhat?! I donÕt understand. What woman.Ó ÒThat woman, sheÕs a former lover of yours. SheÕs coming with the KÕthie Delegation. You donÕt want me, you want her.Ó ÒWHAT?!Ó He looked at me as if I was crazy. But I didnÕt give him a chance to talk before I turned and fled from the room. I was blind at that moment, for I did not see the look of sadness that followed me. And I didnÕt hear the inhuman scream that escaped his throat as he in frustration threw himself upon our bed. * * * Endy and I didnÕt speak to each other for three days, but he still slept in my bed. Why? Because unless he was there, I was attacked. It was a cold three nights, for he didnÕt hold me, and I didnÕt let him. The night before the delegation came I was getting ready for bed, slipping on my simple nightdress, when a pair of strong arms grabbed my waist from behind and swung me onto the bed. I managed to utter a small shriek before I realized that the man over me was Endy. He held me firmly by the waist and looked deeply into my eyes. Then he was kissing me more forcefully then he had ever done before. His mouth traveled along my jaw and neck and shoulders and then along the neckline of my nightdress. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back before he slowly pulled away, moving to lay next to me. ÒDonÕt ever not speak to me for that long ever again,Ó he said firmly, lightly stroking my back, ÒI think that we need to talk.Ó I sighed and closed my eyes and pulled closer to him, ÒDo we have to?Ó He looked down at me and lightly touched my hair, ÒSenna, listen to me. The only person who means anything to me is you. It will always be like that. The other women, they mean nothing.Ó ÒBut....but youÕve....youÕve made love to them and not to me.Ó ÒSerena, what IÕve done with them isnÕt making love, its sex, or getting screwed, or getting fucked. It was never love.Ó He took my chin in his hand and made me look at him. ÒOh.Ó Endymion smiled and kissed my forehead, ÒPlease, let me love you in my way. I respect you for the amazing woman you are, Senna. And when we are married I will do anything you wish me to.Ó He said when, not if, and for some reason that gave me hope. Maybe this delegation would change something. ÒPromise?Ó ÒWith all of my soul.Ó he kissed me again gently and I smiled up at him. He pulled me closer, an arm snaking around my shoulders. I rested my head on his chest. ÒNow, donÕt move, these last few nights have been freezing. I forgot how nice it is to have you here.Ó I giggled and snuggled even closer. There was a long period of silence and I thought that he had fallen asleep, ÒZalliva xi, JÕthia.Ó I whispered, ÒI love you, beloved.Ó He held me tightly, ÒLÕtie qui, Senna.Ó * * * I sat on my low stool, my dark burgundy silk dress, billowed at my feet. The purpose of it was to make me look like a goddess. Endy told me it worked. My brother teased him saying that he thought that I would look like a goddess in breeches and a manÕs shirt. Uncle just nodded his head, approving of it. My hair was artfully braided, with small feathers and beads in it. Endymion sat at my feet. I had insisted on this. Uncle had frowned, saying that even a Princely slave did not deserve a place at my feet. I said that he had forced the man into my rooms and into my life. I choose what place he had and therefore he had a seat of honor at my feet. The main Throne Room doors opened and the procession of the Delegation came through. They put on a nice show of their wealth. The last three people were who were important, they contained the real power in this whole mess. A woman with dark black hair led them. Her hair was so black that it looked blue in places when the sunlight glanced upon it. Her robes were also blue and very modest. She was beautiful and I noticed the look in EndyÕs eyes when he saw her. It was joy. The man walking a step behind her had wavy dark brown hair that brushed past his shoulders. He had a peacefulness around him, though to me he looked slightly feminine. It didnÕt help that he kept his hair pulled into a loose horses tail. Though it was clear that there was nothing girly about him, while he was thin, he certainly was strong. There was also something about him that bothered me. He didnÕt look like a KÕthie, his hair was too light and his eyes were a gray. These two were introduced as the Princess Amilyn of KÕthie and her husband Zander. These two were EndyÕs sister and brother-in-law. I looked down at Endy and then nodded, smiling. He lightly kissed my hand and then stepped off of the dais to meet them. He and his sister hugged tightly, tears of relief streaming from her eyes. Eyes that were almost as blue as EndyÕs, if I recall correctly. He and Zander gripped arms firmly and from this I learned much. This was EndymionÕs family and they loved him. They wanted him home. Pleasantries were exchanged and then I saw Endymion pale considerably. I followed his gaze, it was the third woman that had followed behind them. She was a tall woman with hair a darker red then mine. Her eyes were a red violet and cold. She sent a chill running down my spine when she and I looked at each other, meeting each otherÕs eyes. She was wearing the robes of a Priestess, though unlike ReisheÕs Fire Red, hers were a Royal purple edged with a blood-red. I began to wonder who she was. Then she was announced and I knew the reason for Endymion fear. ÒHigh Priestess Berylka of the KÕthie High Temple of Garlekesh.Ó I nearly screamed. Garlekesh was the God of Blood and War in KÕthie, if what Endy had told me was true. The fact that he had a High Temple did not sit well with me. Endymion turned to greet her, moving to take her hand. I saw her shake her head and give him a cold smile. In the silence of the Throne Room I heard, ÒOh no Endymion, we are much to close to be so formal.Ó Then she kissed him. And it wasnÕt a friendly kiss, it was a deep throated passionate kiss that lasted far too long, even though Endy nearly threw her away from him. The Princess Amilyn glared hatefully at Berylka and said something harshly to her as Endymion coldly took his place back at my feet. I was afraid for him and wanted to gently place my hand on his shoulder, telling him that it would be all right. But Princesses werenÕt supposed to show concern for their slaves. Endy knew this and so did I, the public had to be satisfied. Screw the public, I decided and gently touched his shoulder. He let me lay it there before gently shrugging it off. And I was afraid. I was afraid of Berylka. I was afraid of Uncle (who sat in his Throne smirking). And I was afraid even of Endymion, for the look in his eyes was so terrible that I dared not touch him again. I didnÕt hear much of the negotiations and the speeches that day. Berylka held my gaze, the fear running through my body. It was the gentle touch on my hand that broke that concentration. I looked down surprised. Endy gently took my hand in his and lightly squeezed it, ÒDonÕt meet her eyes,Ó he whispered, ÒI donÕt want you to loose your soul.Ó I nearly smiled, so he wasnÕt angry at me. I nodded and kept my eyes on my hands in my lap, not listening to anything. I donÕt even think I was capable of thinking, totally in shock from what had just happened. * * * Afterwards I wandered aimlessly through the Palace before I came back to my rooms. Inside I could hear laughter and I almost didnÕt open the door. I knew I would find Endymion and his sister in there and I didnÕt think that I wanted to meet them. They were trying to take him away from me, and I didnÕt like that. Gods, I was such a child at times. I turned to go when the door opened and Endymion stood there. He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me into the room. He smiled, looking happier that I had ever seen him before. ÒI thought I felt you there.Ó I looked at him confused, what did he mean he could feel me? Did he always know when I was around? I didnÕt get a chance to ask these questions, for he pulled me over to meet his sister and her husband. Amilyn stood and bowed solemnly, as did Zander. ÒYouÕre majesty it is an honor to meet you finally.Ó ÒFinally?Ó Zander laughed, ÒWeÕve just spent the last two hours listening to my Lord talk about you.Ó Endy turned a bright red and I laughed. ÒTwo hours?Ó I asked him trying to contain my laughter. Endymion shot me a dangerous look, ÒActually it was closer to three,Ó he said indignantly, crossing his arms. I fought the urge to stick my tongue out at him, not wanting to embarrass myself in front of his sister. I gestured to the large couches in my outer chamber, inviting them to sit. They took the seats and I sat across from them. Endymion placed himself at my feet. Amilyn saw this and was very confused, ÒEndymion, why are you on the floor?Ó Endymion sighed, ÒAmi, IÕm a slave. I canÕt sit on the same couch as Sen-Serena. ItÕs not proper.Ó I closed my eyes, knowing from having my own siblings and dealing with AnÕdre that there was going to be an argument about this. Zander met my eyes and grinned impishly, he knew this as much as I did. ÒYouÕre not a slave, Endymion,Ó she said in a patronizing tone and gave me a glare. ÒHere, I am,Ó he said simply. I was about to say something, to tell him to stop being ridiculous and sit next to me. I didnÕt mind. But he stopped me. He gently took my hand and kissed it, silencing me. AmilynÕs eyes narrowed when she saw this, and a cold look came into her eyes. Zander tried to do the same thing that Endymion had, he took her hand and held it gently. ÒWhy havenÕt you come home?Ó she said abruptly and I looked at her confused. Endymion was a slave here; he couldnÕt just leave. ÒWe were expecting you back months ago. The slavery was a shock, yes, but we thought that you would have escaped by now.Ó ÒYou thought wrong, Lyn.Ó ÒI donÕt understand. You could just leave,Ó she stood up, ÒWhy havenÕt you?Ó She yanked her hand away from Zander. He sighed and just leaned back into the couch. ÒSenna please,Ó he said to her. If it had been any other situation, the use of ÔbelovedÕ would have been humorous. I was so used to Endy saying it to me that it seemed odd to here another man call his wife it. ÒJust calm down, IÕm sure that Endymion had a reason.Ó ÒI donÕt expect you to understand Lyn,Ó Endymion said standing up to face her. By this time I was getting very confused. I looked up at Endy to see something I didnÕt understand it in his eyes. He was angry at his sister for something and I didnÕt understand why. ÒThen tell me!Ó she implored, ÒEndy we are brother and sister. We always have strived to understand each other. Tell me.Ó There was a silence and I stood, ÒMaybe I should go,Ó I whispered going to my terrace. ÒMy GODS!Ó AmilynÕs eyes widened and her voice rose, ÒYouÕre here because of her!Ó I cringed And then went completely outside. I hated when people talked about me when I wasnÕt there. Sometimes AnÕdre and Darien did that and it infuriated me. So I went to the ledge and closed my eyes, trying not to cry, trying to realize what all of this meant. I kept coming up blank and the argument continued inside. ÒI canÕt believe you Endymion! CanÕt you see that she is one of them?! SheÕs a Atlantian! TheyÕre Empire was built on the backs of others. They keep slaves! She could never understand what itÕs like to be free. SheÕs a barbarian!Ó Endymion shouted something in KÕthie and then there was a silence. It was a very, very, long silence. ÒHe just told her to remember that he was the Prince and that she was Princess. He told her not to question him.Ó I looked up to see Zander standing next to me. He looked troubled at the whole situation. He sighed, ÒI love my wife dearly, but sometimes she is extremely close minded.Ó My eyes widened. His last sentence was spoken in the High Language of Atlantis. Only the royalty and nobility spoke this language. It was a hard language to speak, taking those who were not native to it almost a lifetime to learn. This could only mean one thing, Zander was an Altantian. And nobility at that. No wonder he didnÕt look like a KÕthie. He saw the realization in his eyes and nodded, ÒShe doesnÕt know, for obvious reasons. I plan on telling her in about ten years. Hopefully by then sheÕll loose the prejudice that she has. And by then sheÕll get used to the fact that youÕre married to her brother.Ó I nodded and looked down at the sea below me, ÒEndy and I arenÕt married yet,Ó I said quietly, ÒAnd I donÕt think weÕll ever be.Ó I started to cry. I was appalled at myself, Endy was the only man who had ever seen me cry. Zander lifted my chin and made me look at him. He had a kind smile on his face and there was a gentle hope in his eyes, ÒYour Majesty, I can promise you that you and Prince Endymion will be married. And it will be sooner rather than later.Ó ÒH-How?Ó I stuttered, looking up at him amaze. ÒWeÕre working on it.Ó Then Endymion came outside, obviously walking away from Amylin. He was angry and upset, glaring slightly at the sea and the horizon. Zander bowed politely to me before going inside to Amylin. I heard them leave a moment later. Tentatively I went up to Endy and placed my hand gently on his shoulder. His hands were clenched into tight fists, so hard that his knuckles were white. ÒJÕthia?Ó He was quiet for a very long time before turning to me. ÒIÕm sorry,Ó he whispered looking deeply into my eyes. I smiled slightly, ÒFor what?Ó ÒFor my sister,Ó he said quietly, moving to turn away from me. I stopped him by grabbing his wrist and holding it tightly. ÒYou have nothing to be sorry for,Ó I said and for once made him look at me instead of the other way around, ÒYou canÕt control her Endy. SheÕs her own woman.Ó ÒI donÕt want her to hurt you,Ó he whispered, ÒYou mean too much to me.Ó I smiled and kissed his hand, ÒI know. I didnÕt know how much until just a few moments ago.Ó He looked at me confused and I laughed. ÒYou stayed here when you didnÕt have to. If she and Zander are to be believed you could have left Atlantis a long time ago, but you didnÕt. You stayed, and I know its because of me, and not because of AnÕdre,Ó I paused and then smiled slightly, ÒAt least it better be because of me and not because of AnÕdre, or else I would have to kill him.Ó Endymion laughed and kissed my forehead, drawing me to him in a fierce embrace. ÒI would never leave you if I could possibly help it,Ó he promised, ÒI would have to be forced away. I wouldnÕt leave you even if you told me too.Ó I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He lifted me off the ground and twirled me around on the terrace. I laughed and held on as he twirled me back into the room. He stopped suddenly, frozen for a moment. I looked over my shoulder to see why he stopped, expecting to see someone like Uncle or AnÕdre. Berylka. The High Priestess of Garlekesh. The God of Blood and War. I nearly screamed. Endymion held me tightly by the waist before slowly setting me to the floor. His arm was still protectively around me when I was put upon my feet, crushing me to his side. My auburn hair was a tumble of curls and I didnÕt much look like the Princess, but I acted the part. ÒWhat are you doing here without my permission?Ó I asked coldly and her cruel red eyes (and they were a red now, not the red/violet of before) flickered at me, as if noticing my presence for the first time. ÒI did not give you leave to enter my room.Ó ÒIÕm here to see his majesty,Ó she said calmly, ÒI need to talk to him.Ó Her eyes traveled his body in a very suggestive way, ÒAlone.Ó I opened my mouth to speak but Endy stopped me. He shook his head, ÒIÕll be alright.Ó ÒVery well,Ó I said quietly, an irrational fear of losing him came into my mind. If I left them alone, they might........I looked over at my bed and prayed to the gods that they wouldnÕt profane it. I pulled away and gave the impression of leaving them alone. I didnÕt, I hid behind one of the pillars and drapes. What can I say, IÕm a jealous girl. I always have been and I always will be. Besides if I was going to get my heart broken, I wanted to be the first to know. ÒWhy are you here Berylka?Ó She smiled a cruel and cold smile, ÒI wanted to see you *Endy*Ó They had sat down on the couches and she lightly placed a hand on his leg. He immediately grabbed it and held her hand tightly by the wrist. ÒNot good enough Berylka.Ó he said looking at her coldly, ÒWhy are you really here?Ó She narrowed her eyes and then sighed, snatching her hand away from him, ÒIÕm here to scare the King of Atlantis into giving you back to your people. Even RubÕris fears the Gods. Especially the God that I represent.Ó ÒNice tactic,Ó he said dryly, ÒWhoÕs idea, motherÕs or father's?Ó She laughed, ÒYouÕre sisterÕs.Ó She lightly touched EndymionÕs face, ÒSheÕs missed you and wants you back. You missed her wedding, now youÕre going to miss the birth of her first child if you arenÕt careful.Ó ÒLynÕs pregnant?!Ó Endy exclaimed and I felt a rush of joy for the sister who really didnÕt like me. She was going to have a child! That was wonderful, something that I wanted but Endy at this point wouldnÕt give me. ÒYou didnÕt know?Ó Berylka asked innocently, running her fingertips over his lips. Again he grabbed her wrist. Berylka jerked her hand away as if she had been stung, ÒWhat is it about that child that has you so insistent on staying here?Ó she asked angrily. ÒShe isnÕt a child anymore than you are a good woman Berylka. SheÕs beautiful, intelligent, and a good person.Ó He paused angrily, ÒSomething you will never be.Ó Her eyes were now blood red as she narrowed her eyes at him, ÒHow dare you!Ó she hissed standing, there was a fire in her eyes that scared me. ÒHow dare you judge me? I gave up everything for you Endymion! I gave up my life and hope as your wife, just to see you returned home. And I come to find that you are lusting after the Crown Princess of our enemy and want to stay. You are a betrayal to your people.Ó ÒI dare because I am the Prince of our people Berylka. I am trying to forge an alliance that will bring peace to our country and to most of the civilized world. Serena is a good woman and will be the perfect Queen someday. She is a better person than you are. Now leave. Leave me before I have you removed.Ó ÒYouÕre a slave!Ó Berylka hissed and slapped him, ÒYou are a slave to her and to RubÕris. I curse you!Ó I paled almost giving myself away by wanting to help Endy. Curses scared me, for they were very real. ÒI curse you that you will never be truly happy with Serena. She will become something that you despise for eternity and you will hate her and yourself everyday for the rest of your lives. And each life after that! I curse any children that you might have that theyÕre lives will become a destructive force in the world. They will destroy their loved ones, just as you will try to destroy Serena. You will never know happiness!Ó She shrieked. There was a silence. ÒAnd I bless them that Good will overcome Evil! That Love and Justice will triumph and they will taste happiness before death!Ó Reishe stood in the doorway of my rooms, the Power of Flame surrounding her. ÒGet out Berylka! You donÕt belong here in Atlantis. You do not belong here among the living.Ó Berylka narrowed her eyes and hissed, her eyes glowing red. She roared, her scream inhuman and I saw that her two eyeteeth were elongated, like a serpents fangs. Her fingernails were claw like and she leapt to attack Reishe. Fire leapt from the raven haired Priestess to the *thing* that used to be Berylka. They fought, Reishe looking glorious as she found the thing who was leaping for her neck. She managed to bite her, and I saw blood began to run down her neck. In a swift motion, a blond haired man came into view, attacking Berylka from behind with a large polished piece of wood. I saw him try to shove it deep into her back, aiming for her heart. He failed, but she released her grip on Reishe. Reishe used this distraction to throw Fire at the *thing* again. The fire caught on BerylkaÕs robes. Berylka screamed in pain and then gathered Darkness around her before disappearing. I began to cry, for it seemed that with her words my whole life had ended. I had no reason to live, even with or without Endy. I was tired of being attacked by men, women, and *things* I wanted to be able to live my life without the worry of waking up dead. I think that this is when I stumbled out from behind the curtain. And then suddenly I was in EndyÕs arms. He was calling me a beautiful idiot and asking me why I didnÕt leave like a smart girl. He kept calling me beautiful and telling me how much he loved me. I just cried and cried, wishing that none of this had happened. I was beginning to regret everything that had happened. Reishe knelt next to me as Endymion tried to calm me. Behind her was a blond haired man also wearing a PriestÕs robes. ÒWhat are you two doing here?Ó Endymion asked quietly as he rocked me as I sobbed. ÒJedeite felt an Evil presence,Ó Reishe said gently, ÒWe came as soon as we could. IÕm sorry,Ó she whispered. Jedeite began to gently clean Reishe wound before quietly and quickly cleaning up my room During this, Endymion lifted me, laying me onto my bed. ÒWill she be alright?Ó he asked Reishe nervously. She and Jedeite exchanged a smile. ÒShe just needs sleep and she needs you with her. DonÕt let go of her,Ó Jedeite said and he and Reishe left. That night Endymion held me, not letting go. We didnÕt sleep, I donÕt think that we could have even if we had tried. That night was the last night I ever cried from fear. I let ice freeze part of my heart. **I will never cry over her and this again** I promised myself, **Never again will I be so scared that I cry** * * * ÒIÕm going back to KÕthia.Ó My heart stopped. It was two weeks since Berylka and his sister had left, and now he was kneeling in front of me begging me not to kill him. ÒWhat?Ó I whispered, not believing that I had heard him correctly the first time. ÒIÕm going back to my country,Ó he said quietly and then looked down at the ground. ÒNo.Ó My voice was a strangled whispered, ÒYou promised never to leave me. I wonÕt let you go.Ó ÒSenna--Ó he started, trying to beg, taking my hands gently in his. ÒNO!Ó I tore away from him, leaving him kneeling on the floor, ÒYou canÕt! You......Ó and then I did the thing I thought I would never do, ÒYou canÕt! YouÕre my slave. I demand that you stay here!Ó ÒSenna....you're Uncle is giving me my freedom, saying that its his deathbed wish. IÕm going back to KÕthiaÓ He stood and walked over to me. ÒWhy?Ó I whispered giving up. I didnÕt look at him. ÒYou promised.Ó ÒI know.......the alliance is going to be made finally. My parents want me home. My people and family need me.Ó He was trying to make me understand why. And I did understand that he had to go, but that didnÕt mean that I had to like it. ÒWhat about me?Ó I whispered, tears starting to fall down my face (I promised not to cry over Berylka. I knew I could never promise to not cry over Endy, it would be impossible.) ÒI need you.Ó He made me look at him, gently wiping away my tears. ÒI know Senna, and there is something that I want to ask you.Ó ÒWhat?Ó I finally looked into his eyes. ÒCome to the ball tonight. Dance with me once before I leave. Let us be equals for one night. Let me show you how much I love you. And then IÕll ask you.Ó I closed me eyes and nodded, not able to say yes. My heart was breaking. We would never be together, just like Berylka said. He smiled and kissed me softly, ÒI love you, Senna, with all of my heart and soulÓ he whispered. He was about to say more when my door burst open. ÒDonÕt you ever knock?Ó I asked AnÕdre irritably. He just grinned and I could have hurt him for being so cheerful. ÒNeverÓ he said and then turned to the two of us, ÒYouÕll never guess the miracle that just happened!Ó he said somewhat excited. I rolled my eyes, he was acting like a young child again. He looked too happy and it was annoying me. I was loosing the only man I had ever loved (not counting my brother of course), and he was being cheerful. I swear that I could have hit him. ÒWhat?Ó I mumbled. ÒUncle just died.Ó He waited for my reaction. It came very slowly, I was still trying to get through the fact that my jÕthia was leaving me. ÒWhat?Ó I asked, ÒSay that again.Ó ÒUncle just died. No more war Serena! No more hate! We can be allies with the KÕthie! We can be at peace.Ó But Endymion canÕt marry me, I added silently. He was to be King of KÕthia. I was to be Queen of Atlantis. We couldnÕt meld the countries like that, no one could and there not be a war. I slowly smiled, ÒI donÕt have to marry some bastard!Ó I added, just to make AnÕdre happy, he was so happy about this, and I didnÔt want to ruin it for him. He would finally be King. ÒIÕm free of having to be attacked!Ó ÒAnd DÕmion wonÕt have to sleep in your bed!Ó AnÕdre added. My stomach sank, a dark, deep pit forming in it. I would never be able to sleep without him there. ÒYeah,Ó I said softly and Endymion just held me in his arms. ÒIÕm having some slaves move his belongings into another room,Ó AnÕdre continued oblivious to me and him, ÒHeÕs a Prince again, it wouldnÕt be proper for him to sleep in here.Ó ÒThat wonÕt be necessary,Ó Endymion and I said at the same time. I looked up at him surprised, so did AnÕdre. ÒWhat do you mean?!Ó ÒI would never be able to sleep without Senna next to me,Ó he said, ÒIÕm barely going to survive the months that IÕm away from her before I come to visit.Ó ÒYouÕre coming to visit?!Ó that seemed much brighter then never seeing him again. Maybe I did have a reason to hope for something brighter. ÒWhat did you think that I would just leave you forever?Ó He grinned down at me and I smiled, he knew thatÕs exactly what I had thought. ÒNever in a thousand years!Ó He kissed me and I turned it passionate, knowing it would be one of the last few times. After about ten minutes of us kissing, AnÕdre began to make gagging noises. ÒOkay you two, youÕre worse than MinÕko and Kunzite.Ó I laughed within the kiss, but we continued anyway, stopping only after AnÕdre had been gone a very long time. * * * That night at the ball I got to see Endymion as a Prince. He was so beautiful and noble. He was wearing the dark and somber colors of his house, black and silver. I wore the deep crimson and silver of my house and together we looked amazing. We danced all the night. I loved it. I always knew he was a wonderful dancer, but because he was my slave I never could have danced with him in front of the Court. I was laughing and smiling the entire night. As was he as he drew me outside. I couldnÕt help but feel some apprehension as we walked out onto the balcony. ÒSerena, thereÕs something I want to ask you.Ó he said quietly and I looked up at him, my aqua marine eyes looking deeply into his blue. ÒWhat is it Endy?Ó I asked quietly. My stomach had begun to flutter and hope flared in my heart before I quickly doused it. It flared again when he knelt in front of me. He pulled something out of his pocket. ÒSerena, my beautiful Senna.....would you let me keep you?Ó ÒWhat?Ó I asked blinking at him. I was slightly confused, and a little disbelieving. It couldnÕt be that he had just asked me to marry him. It couldnÕt be. ÒI want you to become mine, I want to be yours,Ó he said and brought forth the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. It was a small delicate silver dragon that had sapphires for eyes, ÒI want us to come before the gods and show them our love. I want to marry you.Ó His voice was quiet and warm. ÒI love you.Ó I was speechless. Then I realized that I would have to answer him. ÒYes.Ó I whispered and threw my arms around his neck after he gently placed the ring on my finger, ÒOh Gods YES!Ó He laughed and twirled me around, kissing me everywhere as he held me tightly by the waist. ÒYES!Ó * * * I close my eyes and remember that day. Bloody tears run down my face as I write this. IÕm writing this for Darien, for his story that he wants to tell. I canÕt believe what a sucker I am for doing this, but here I am. I was so happy, so naive. I would write more but I havenÕt been able to control the memory, even now I cry as I write this, the blood splashing on the keyboard. IÕm falling too fast, IÕm feeling too much. Not again, oh Gods, not again. So IÕll write of my wedding another time, later. Besides, IÕm seeing Darien tonight and I donÕt want to have him see me like this. Serena the Vampire doesnÕt cry, only when sheÕs locked in horrible dreams and canÕt control it. IÕm never weak, not even in front of Darien, not anymore. I sighed and closed my eyes, saving the file for Darien to read another time. Again IÕve written it in a language he canÕt read. When heÕs ready IÕll show it too him, IÕll let him understand it. * * * ÒYouÕre seeing her again tonight arenÕt you, Dare,Ó Andrew remarked quietly to me as we sat in the quiet club, drinking our sodas. Yes, we were two grown men drinking Coke and Sprite. Both of us couldnÕt afford to get drunk on the job. I sighed, ÒYes, Drew I am.Ó ÒHave you read the books that Rei got you yet?Ó he asked me, sipping his drink. He had leaned back into the booth, looking relaxed and carefree. ÒRead them? I went through them so thoroughly that I should know everything there is to know on Serena.Ó I sighed and took a long drink. ÒBut?Ó I swore and shook my head, ÒItÕs written in an ancient script. ReiÕs trying to get Ami to translate for me, but even Ami canÕt work miracles all of the time. Though I think I know how old she is.Ó Andrew lifted an eyebrow, ÒDo tell,Ó he said intrigued. ÒEver heard of Atlantis?Ó I asked calmly, setting my drinking down. ÒNo way! ThatÕs just a myth. Besides, the Legend of Atlantis is claimed to be over eight thousand years old! I thought VampireÕs originated five thousand years ago.Ó Andrew clearly didnÕt believe me. I just smiled. ÒWell these books claim that Serena came from Atlantis, eight thousand years ago.Ó ÒAnd here I was hoping that you would believe that IÕm only seventeen,Ó Serena was standing behind me. Again she had managed to do it without my hearing. I just smiled and grabbed her wrist from behind, pulling her over to me and into my lap. She giggled like a teenage girl. I looked her over. Again she had gone for young and innocent, wearing jeans and a halter top. Okay, maybe not *that* innocent. She looked over at Andrew and smiled, ÒYou must be AnÕd--Andrew,Ó she said stumbling over his name a little. ÒDarien talks about you often.Ó She laughed again as she rested her head on my shoulder, lightly placing her hand on my chest, ÒSometimes I get jealous that he talks about you so much.Ó Andrew smiled slightly, looking her over, ÒI know the feeling,Ó he commented warily. Serena just smiled at him and something flashed in both of their eyes. This made me jealous for an instant, what if she wanted Andrew more than me?! Inside I was starting to panic. She must have known, or felt it. She always knew what I was thinking and feeling. Serena broke eye contact with Andrew and looked up at me. She lightly kissed the side of my face and then my neck, ÒIÕll always be yours,Ó she murmured into my ear, ÒAlways and forever, just like youÕll always be mine.Ó That chilled me and warmed me at the same time. Just as it delighted me and scared me senseless. What the Hell was that supposed to mean!? Andrew smiled and stood, ÒI have to be going. Besides I wonÕt stand in the way of true love,Ó he remarked dryly. ÒYou always knew how to read people so well,Ó Serena said after him. He stopped for a minute, pausing slightly, not turning around, and then continued to leave. ÒWhat was that supposed to mean?Ó I asked and she just smiled, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissed me gently. ÒIÕm just trying to unnerve him,Ó she said simply and I just shook my head and sighed. But I pulled her closer, my arms around her waist and on her back, ÒMuch like I do you,Ó she grinned. I laughed and kissed her. This started something much alike to a make-out fest. Something I hadnÕt done since my last girlfriend. It was a little odd, being in a public place, I always thought that couples that did stuff like this were gross (for lack of a better word). It was too open, too public. It let them in on your love life. I thought that I was above it and I thought she herself was above it. I had thought that just kissing Serena would seem too juvenile for someone like her. Besides she was a vampire, something I was always reminding myself of. But right now, I understood why those gross couples made out in public. And it wasnÕt gross. ********************************* I want to thank all of you who have given me so much support on this fan fic and I love feedback! Please tell me what you thought and what you like and what you didn't ~Kayla ===== "You're not friends. You'll never be friends. You'll be in love till it kills you both. You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other until it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends. Love isn't brains, children, it's blood -- blood screaming inside you to work its will. I may be love's Bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it." --Spike