An Angel From Hell By Kayla Chavi Chapter 1 Rating: PG-13 Email- Standard Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon or the characters. However their personalities for this story and the story-line are all my creation! Quick glossary: j'thia-means beloved in the High Tongue of Atlantis All other made up words are explained. * * * I like to think of myself as an ordinary guy. Really I do. My life is normal. Well normal for me and as normal as it can be in the crazy world that I live in. I mean who would have thought that a simple guy like me, Darien Kincaid, would end up a Demon Hunter by the nice young age of 19, and manage to capture the attention of the stunning Serena. Just so everythingÕs clear, SerenaÕs a Vampire. A Master Vamp at that. And IÕm mortal, something she likes to remind me of quite frequently, and have been killing her kind for almost seven years before we met. She also likes to remind me that IÕm male. Not that I forget! And not that IÕm a freak or anything, she just likes to poke at my pride, telling me that IÕm hormonal and lusty, that I think with my.....never mind, I think you get the idea. I would just like to say though, that being a Demon Hunter is not easy and though Serena would like you to believe that I spend all my time doing....again I think you get the idea, my love life isnÕt that exciting. In fact its quite the opposite, and quite frustrating. It doesnÕt help that Serena tends to kill any other women I look at. Like I said, frustrating. But IÕm rambling, and loosing point of the story, or whatever it is that IÕm trying to say. The story is quite simple actually. It all started on a dark and not so stormy night, when I had the misfortune of meeting an angel. An angel from Hell. * * * Walking through the back alleyÕs of New York has got to be the worst thing ever. But here I was, fulfilling a stupid calling that my wonderful father bestowed on me. Not that fighting the undead doesnÕt have its perks, its just that it gets tedious. So here I am walking. And listening, using some Power that I managed to get, to listen for the whispers of the Undead. And I hear a scream. So being the super-hero that IÕm pretending to be, I run towards it and come across two people in an alley. One is definitely male, tall and blond. In the pale light of the moon I can see that his skin is too white, too pale to be human. And heÕs glowing. **Damn it! Why is it that they always have to be men? I really donÕt need my ass kicked tonight.** He turned towards me with a smile, a cruel smile that was supposed to scare me. Smiles like that stopped scaring me once I became a Demon Hunter. Fear is something that I just donÕt feel anymore. I sighed melodramatically as the blond guy shoved the girl to the ground and advanced towards me. ÒIÕve heard of you,Ó he hissed, Òboy.Ó It was meant to be an insult. I didnÕt care very much, and didnÕt get angry. Emotions just slow down the whole Hunting process, and I was tired and wanted to get home. After saving the girl of course. **Maybe sheÕll be grateful and not fawn all over me** I thought hopefully. ÒThatÕs nice,Ó I said calmly, pulling a long wooden stake from my black leather jacket. ÒYou think that youÕre going to kill the great Alan?Ó he continued advancing towards me. Thinking that his unearthly glow would frighten me. ÒI donÕt really care if youÕre the great Master himself,Ó I said standing my ground. ÒAnd sorry to burst youÕre little bubble, but IÕve never heard of you, or seen you before, so why donÕt we cut the chatter and get on with it?Ó Alan narrowed his eyes and in a blur attacked me. Well he thought he did anyway, what he ended up doing was running into the stake, that I had positioned quite effectively in his heart. He snarled and tried to pull it out, but I just twisted it, shoving the splinters deep into his heart. Alan looked at me surprised and I just smiled my cool and confident smile as he turned to dust, falling to the ground. Then I turned my attention to the girl. She slowly pulled herself off the ground, managing to look seductive and innocent at the same time. She smiled and I found myself lost in a pair of beautiful aqua marine eyes. ÒMy Knight in Shining Armour,Ó she whispered looking up at me through lowered lashes. ÒHow the fates would laugh at me nowÓ Her golden hair cascaded down her back, loose and free. Her skin was white and milkly, much like the pale moon. Then I realized that she too glowed. **SHIT!** She must have heard my thoughts because she began to laugh softly, walking towards me. She was so clearly the predator, and for the very first time in my life I was frozen where I stood. The Power of her gaze held me there. ÒDarien Kincaid,Ó she murmured as she stopped in front of me. Her body was so very close to mine. ÒAt last we meet.Ó ÒAt last?Ó ÒAt last,Ó she brushed up against me, her breasts lightly touched my chest as she began to circle me, ÒIÕve been watching you,Ó she continued, Òfor a very....very,Ó gaze wandered over my frame and I felt my entire body begin to harden under that unblinking gaze, Òvery long time.Ó ÒIs that so?Ó I managed to get out, hoping that I sounded calm and controlled. She smiled looking up and meeting my eyes, ÒYes.Ó ÒAnd you are?Ó I asked lifting an eyebrow, thank all the gods that be, I was able to do that. ÒSerena.Ó It was a simple statement. Unlike Alan I knew who she was. She was one of the First. Old. Powerful. Deadly. And quite, quite able to kill me with a single thought. That scared me, if I was going to die I wanted to die fighting. That was the only thing that has ever scared me about her. Well that and her beauty. She smiled again and came to stand before me. ÒDo I frighten you, Darien?Ó she murmured her lips a breath away from mine. ÒNo.Ó Again that slow, knowing smile. She knew I was lying and was amused by it. ÒYou know I could kill you,Ó she whispered, her hand lightly brushing the forelock of hair that was forever in my face, away. ÒI know.Ó A pause, ÒDo you plan to?Ó I asked coldly. **Control.** I told myself, **Control.** She smiled lazily and pulled away, ÒNo. Though I am slightly hurt that you killed my friend. I donÕt have any company for the night. YouÕve left me alone,Ó she pouted, again she was innocent and seductive at the same time. She couldnÕt have been more than sixteen when she was made, almost a women, but still a child. I tried to be revolted by the darkness and evilness of it all. IÕm disgusted to say that it was again the opposite. This beautiful demon aroused me. And dammit! she knew she did and enjoyed every moment of it. ÒI doubt that you are ever alone, Serena.Ó She laughed again, it was silvery and a lot like the clearness of bells, Elvin. Though the Elves would be very insulted if I said that to one of them. They take the fact that they are one of the Higher Races very seriously. Being compared to a Vampire, no matter how beautiful she may be, is insulting. But again IÕm rambling. She sounded and looked like an angel. And here I was sworn by duty and honor to kill her. But I was frozen, rooted where I was standing, in the ashes that belonged to Alan. Slowly I tried to tighten my grip on the stake. Serena knew immediately what I was trying. She just sighed and shook her head, the stake burst into flames, forcing me to drop it. ÒYou canÕt kill me Darien, you know that.Ó I didnÕt respond and again forced myself to meet her eyes. This time I almost drown in them. ÒI wonÕt have to,Ó I said calmly, ÒNot even you are immune to the sun, Serena. It will rise and unless you want to become a pile of ash like your friend, then I suggest you find shelter.Ó She looked past me to see the pink horizon. Serena closed the distance between us in an instant. Again she lightly touched by face, her white fingers trailing along my jaw and over my lips. She kissed me softly. ÒWe will meet again, My Knight,Ó she murmured and then in a blur of white was gone. I stood there, tense, tight and hard. Only when the sun was over the first morningÕs clouds did I move. Going home and hoping that I could unwind until the next night. Which for me, I know came too soon. * * * I look back on that experience and cringe slightly. **I should have known, I should have guessed.** I tell myself that one over and over, but its no use. IÕm only mortal-- ÒMortal with a very long story to tell and write. YouÕre rambling again Darien. And youÕre tired, the sun is setting, you should rest.Ó ÒThank you ever so much, SerenaÓ I muttered at her, slightly annoyed that sheÕs interrupting me. ÒItÕs only because I care about you,Ó she gave me this Look and I sighed. ÒIÕll take over from here My Knight. They, after all, should have the full story.Ó ÒSure Serena, whatever you sayÓ I yawned and she gently pushed me into bed, covering me up like she would a child. ÒNow sleep and donÕt worry about your story, IÕm going to tell my half of it.Ó ÒGreat, thatÕs just what they need, your words of wisdomÓ * * * DarienÕs resting now, finally sleeping. The poor man never stops working even after all of these years. Actually for me it hasnÕt been very long, but then again IÕm thousands of years old. Darien thinks that IÕm going to tell you my point of view on our first meeting. He thinks that he knows everything already, that he knows what I was feeling that day. But heÕs wrong. You see, that night in the alley wasnÕt the first night that I had met Darien Kincaid. It was probably only the fifteenth. Unfortunately my Knight doesnÕt remember the first time. The first time happened so long ago, but I remember it like yesterday. Once you become the Undead, you remember everything, perfectly, and exactly as it happened. Sometimes if I try hard enough I can even remember what I was feeling. * * * The written history of my people has become lost. So lost that no historian even knows that we existed outside of legend. And let me tell you, the Legend of Atlantis, is so totally screwed that the only thing that is correct is that we existed and sunk into the sea. Atlantis was already older than most of the known countries today when I was born. I was born a princess, seventeenth daughter to my father who had several wives, although I was the first daughter of the Queen. My father was not King, that was my Uncle. Which meant that I would be Queen when my Uncle and Mother died. It also meant that any children I might have would be first in line for the throne. ThatÕs how we did things, through the mother. It was the only way of making sure that our bloodline was pure. I was fourteen when I first met Darien. His name wasnÕt Darien, however, it was Endymion. Mine was still Serena, I guess that it will always be Serena. He was in his early twenties and so very handsome. His hair was long and black, his eyes were a piercing blue. Those in its self was odd, every one in Atlantis was blond or a light brown. Our eyes were either green or violet, never blue. My eyes were abnormal for our people being a dark aqua marine, though more marine than aqua. All of our men wore their hair short, once in a while a young manÕs hair would brush his shoulders. DarienÕs hair was longer than mine. My hair was a red brown then, not the blond that it has paled to now, curly and went to my mid back. Alright, his hair wasnÕt that much longer than mine, but it was long and pulled back into a simple horsetail. But I digress, sometimes IÕm as bad as Darien. Endymion was pulled up before my Uncle, his arms bound behind him, the guards shoved him to the ground. I was sitting on a low stool next to my Uncle, the rest of our Family was seated on pillows behind us in a semi-circle. My older brother, AnÕdre, was on the other side of my father, his stool slightly higher than mine, but not as high as the chair that my Uncle sat upon. I winced slightly as I heard the marble floor impact on his knees. He clenched his jaw and looked definitely into my UncleÕs eyes. There was a fire and hatred in them that blazed, and if he had any Power, IÕm sure that the Palace would have burned, even though it was made completely of black marble. My Uncle narrowed his eyes at this young man who knelt before as, wearing the garb of a slave, a loin cloth and nothing else. Needless to say that Endymion was strong, it clearly showed. I couldnÕt pull my gaze away from him, not because he was half naked or beautiful, but because of the feeling of nobility he emanated. He carried himself like a King. ÒEndymion,Ó Uncle began, ÒThe Prince of the KÕthie. Welcome to Atlantis,Ó he said with a cruel smile. The Court laughed softly at the humor. I did not, and neither did AnÕdre. ÒYour armies tried to invade the Atlantis Empire. You failed.Ó ÒObviously.Ó Endymion continued to glare and the Court tittered at his simple remark. I allowed myself a small smile. Uncle just frowned and narrowed his eyes slightly before continuing. ÒBecause you are a prince I can not kill you, no matter how much I would enjoy doing so. Unlike you KÕthieÕs I have a sense of Honor.Ó Endymion fierce look continued, his entire body tensing at the insult, ÒNo you will remain a slave in the Palace. I will give you to one of my daughters.Ó Endymion snarled something in his language causing Uncle to laugh. I cast a look over at AnÕdre, who shook his head at me, clearly upset at this as I was. Neither AnÕdre or I liked Uncle, to us he was cruel, bloodthirsty, and lusty. The man, after all, had seven wives, fourteen sons, and eight daughters, not including the slaves he had managed to impregnate. ÒKing-Uncle,Ó AnÕdre stood, ÒI donÕt think that making a play object of Endymion is a fitting punishment. Even becoming MinÕkoÕs plaything.Ó The Court stifled laughter, my cousin was known for her ability to wear out the male slaves given to her for play things. Uncle raised an eyebrow, ÒThen what do you propose, Lord-Heir?Ó ÒGive him to Serena.Ó ÒWHAT?!Ó I yelped standing suddenly. Endymion looked over at me, as if he had suddenly realized that I existed. I saw him look me over and then turn red. ÒShe is a girl-child,Ó he said with disdain. But Uncle liked the idea, he seemed to think that all I wanted was to produce an heir, or something along those lines. He never took me seriously and was beginning to smile. ÒYouÕre reasoning?Ó he asked my blond idiot of a brother. Since being declared heir, AnÕdre had to have reasoning's for everything. ÒItÕs obvious that the KÕthie Prince would not want to give an heir to a people and country that he hates. He will have to live knowing that his son or daughter is ruling the country that his people hate with a fiery passion. It will also give us power to demand a truce, the Rulers of KÕthie will not allow their armies to attack their grandchild.Ó I glared angrily at AnÕdre. ÒYouÕre forgetting one thing,Ó both Endymion and I said at the same time. AnÕdre suppressed a small smile, but I ignored both him and Endymion, ÒYouÕre assuming that I will allow this man to take me. May I remind you that the law says that any heir I produce must be of my husband.Ó ÒI am King, my word is Law.Ó Uncle was not impressed with my defiance. I narrowed my eyes, ÒYou can not force me to take this man into my bed,Ó ÒAnd you can not force me to take her,Ó Endymion added in a quite but strong voice. Uncle just laughed softly, ÒI wonÕt have to.Ó He sounded so very certain that Endymion would be a typical lusty male like himself, and that I would be a typical women and be overcome by my new slave. ÒTake him and prepare a bed for him in SerenaÕs chambers.Ó I watched them forcefully drag the Prince away and to my rooms. I sat back down on my low stool, blocking everything out and trying desperately not to cry. If this man had no honor, mine would be striped from me and there was nothing I could do to stop it. In that moment I hated Uncle. I hated AnÕdre for placing me in this situation. I even hated Endymion for failing in his attack and getting himself captured alive. But I hadnÕt even met him yet. And now, I was sharing a room with him. Me, fourteen year old girl on the verge of womanhood, and him, an ex-Prince and now slave, in my rooms. And it was barely time for the mid-day meal. * * * I avoided my rooms all the way until sunset and long past. The torches along the wall were beginning to burn out when I finally returned to them, praying that the event that had happened earlier today had just been a dream. That I wouldnÕt loose myself to a stranger. I slowly turned the doorknob and opened the door. I almost walked out when I saw AnÕdre sitting on one of the couches. He grabbed me forcefully and pulled me into the room and closed the door, locking it swiftly and holding me tightly. I struggled for a while, telling him how much I hated him. After I was all cried out and very tired he set me on the couch, kneeling in front of me. ÒIÕm sorry SerÕ I didnÕt think--Ó ÒThatÕs very clear,Ó I interrupted him and there was a quiet laughter coming from one of the corners. I looked past AnÕdre and saw him leaning against the wall. I glared coldly at him and then noticed something. First I noticed that he had fortunately got some clothes. They were simple but at least he wasnÕt bare-chested anymore. The second thing I noticed was that his hands werenÕt tied anymore. ÒWhy isnÕt he chained up?Ó I demanded angrily. AnÕdre sighed, ÒSerÕ if you would just calm down IÕll tell you everything. But you have to promise to trust me and not say anything.Ó ÒYou think IÕm going to trust you after what you did to me today?Ó ÒShe has you there, DreÓ Endymion laughed quietly. AnÕdre just sighed and turned his attention back to me, waiting for an answer to his question. ÒSerÕ?Ó ÒFine,Ó I huffed pulling my glare away from Endymion, who looked more like an exiled King, then a slave. ÒDÕmion and I have known each other for many years,Ó he began, shocking me, ÒHe didnÕt bring an attacking army like Uncle said, he came on a mission of peace. We wanted to bridge the gap between the two countries.Ó He stopped and I swallowed the lump in my throat, ÒGo on,Ó I whispered and Endymion joined us, kneeling next to AnÔdre, just a short distance away from me. The closeness of him distracted me slightly, but not enough to not hear what AnÕdre was saying. AnÕdre continued with the story of how he and Endymion had met and what they had planned. Then they got to the part that began with the words, ÒAnd to seal the alliance we were going to betroth you to Endymion.Ó Before I could react Endymion smoothly cut in, ÒBut thatÕs out of the question now,Ó he said simply looking at me with a calm and a little bit arrogance. I wanted to hit him. ÒI had no idea you were so young,Ó he glared at AnÕdre, ÒYour brother led me to believe that you were older and of a marriageable age.Ó I clenched my jaw for a moment, ÒI am,Ó I whispered. Endymion met my eyes completely surprised, ÒYouÕre only fourteen!Ó he exclaimed. ÒAnd in a year I am going to be married to some miserable bastard and by the time IÕm sixteen I will have my first child and be pregnant with the second,Ó my voice was cold and dispassionate. ÒThatÕs the way we do things here, KÕthie,Ó AnÕdre sighed Endymion sighed and ran a hand through his impossibly long hair, ÒThatÕs barbaric,Ó he said after a long moment of silence. I actually smiled, ÒI agree.Ó AnÕdre rolled his eyes, ÒIts the way things have been done for centuries.Ó ÒEasy for you to say,Ó Endymion and I said at the same time and I flushed, looking down. AnÕdre just grinned and stood. ÒI really am sorry Serena.Ó he said before he left. I rolled my eyes and then realized that Endymion and I were alone in the same room. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from screaming as he stood and turned to me. ÒYou have nothing to worry about mÕlady,Ó he said going to the bed that had been made for him, ÒI wonÕt touch you.Ó I laughed quietly and nodded going to my own bed. I climbed between the sheets, ÒBecause IÕm a girl-child.Ó I said dryly as the rooms torches dimmed at my thought. ÒBecause you are a women and a Lady,Ó he said simply. And then nothing else was said until morning. I feel asleep realizing that my prayer had been answered. I was safe, the man in my rooms was a Prince and I was a Princess. Our social places made it easy to control. I was off limits and he knew it. Unfortunately less then a year later I would become frustrated by Society and its rules. * * * Uncle wanted to celebrate my fifteenth birthday with a betrothal to a Prince of the Egyptian Empire. He had become almost as frustrated as I was with EndyÕs inability to produce an heir. Our frustrations were completely different. He wanted revenge, I was in love. My fifteenth birthday came and went. During which I managed to insult the prince, by claiming that I was an equal with him. I guess in Egypt its different, women donÕt really speak directly to their men. And then there was the fact that he didnÕt like my slave, who was constantly with me. Endymion appeared to be more of a body guard now, which amused the rest of my family and Court. The idiotic prince wanted to seal our marriage even before it was decided. I kneed him in the groin to stop his advances. Endy broke his jaw and three ribs. I wanted to tell myself that he loved me the way I loved him. The love between a man and a women, I wanted it. And I wanted it to be with him. Unfortunately all he ever saw me as was a little sister. Needless to say I was extremely frustrated. I tried to tell myself that it was better that he loved me like a sister, that kind of love was unconditional. Romantic love could change at anytime. Of course I was just fooling myself. So there I was, leaning on the rail of my balcony, lost in though and sighing quietly to myself, when Endymion came up to me. He stood next to me, bracing himself on the rail and looking out over the ocean, ÒSenna?Ó he asked quietly, ÒAre you alright?Ó I looked up at him and forced a smile, ÒIÕm fine,Ó I said, smiling slightly at the name that he had given me, though at times it seemed more like a title than a name. He raised a dark eyebrow, his dark blue eyes almost looking directly into my soul. ÒReally,Ó I said in a convincing tone. Who I was trying to convince? IÕm not so sure, ÒIÕm just tired.Ó ÒIf youÕre sure thatÕs all it is,Ó he said after a moment. I knew he didnÕt believe me, but what was I to say? Yes, Endy, something is wrong. IÕm totally and completely in love with you. HeÕd laugh, or cringe and pat me on the shoulder, saying that I was just in love with love. HeÕd tell me that IÕm still a child. ÒIÕm sure,Ó I said quietly and then levered myself off the railing, going to walk back into my room. ÒSenna?Ó he stopped me with a gentle hand on my shoulder and I looked up into his handsome face. ÒYes?Ó ÒIÕm sorry, it was nothing,Ó he mumbled and then turned away. I sighed and then went into my room, leaving him alone on the balcony. I heard him mutter something to himself in his own language, it sounded like he was chiding himself for something. I dismissed it and changed for bed, quickly climbing in. After a few moments I heard him climb into his bed, being quiet, as if he didnÕt want to disturb me. I fell asleep quickly. That night I was attacked. I didnÕt realize it until my assailant was over me in his attempt to harm me. I barely had time to utter a quiet outcry, when he smothered me. I fought him, but he was much larger than me and I couldnÕt push him off. I screamed into his hand and tried to bit him as his other hand wandered to my night clothes, pulling them up. Then he was off of me and I heard him crash to the floor. Endymion was on top of him and they were struggling. I heard the sound of metal and then their was a low moan as I heard a knife or sword slide into human flesh. That was and will always be a sickening sound. A few moments later Endy came into my view. He was disheveled, his long black hair unbraided and loose, getting all tangled. ÒSenna, are you alright?Ó he asked me, coming to the side of the bed and kneeling next to it. Then I began to cry, sobbing hysterically, as I realized what could have just happened to me. Endy pulled me into his arms and sat on the bed, holding me as I cried. His hands were gentle as they stroked my hair and back. He lightly rested his head on top of mine, occasionally brushing his lips across it. ÒSenna, lÕtie qui. Yu fristi alrng.Ó He murmured this into my hair over and over as I cried into his shoulder, ÒSenna, lÕtie qui. Yu fristi alrng.Ó It was a long time before I fell back asleep, Endy holding me the entire night. * * * I woke up in the embrace of two very strong arms. I was confused for a moment, twisting slightly to look at who was holding me. When I saw that it was Endy, I stopped moving, not wanting to wake him up and stop what I considered a small miracle. I laid my head back onto his chest and closed my eyes. He must have already been awake because I heard him breath in deeply and shift. But he didnÕt let go of me, a fact that I enjoyed very much. He murmured something softly into my hair and gently kissed my forehead and closed eyelids. ÒGods, Senna,Ó I heard him whisper, ÒYouÕre beautiful.Ó My eyes snapped open and I lightly felt his hands run over my hair, back and sides, ÒI canÕt believe that I almost lost you,Ó he continued and then began to talk softly in his own language. Eventually I must have betrayed myself somewhere because I felt him pull away and look down to meet my eyes. He smiled slightly, ÒHow long have you been awake?Ó ÒNot long,Ó I whispered and blushed slightly, ÒI was enjoying hearing you talk in your own language, it sounded musical. I didnÕt want to move.Ó He laughed quietly and lightly held the side of my face, ÒAre you alright after what happened?Ó he asked gently. ÒBetter,Ó I whispered. ÒGood.Ó He kissed my forehead again, briefly touching his lips to it before pulling away to climb out of the bed. I touched his shoulder in an attempt to stop him and make him stay. He stopped, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking down at me, ÒWhat is it Senna?Ó I pulled my hand back, ÒThank you for saving me,Ó I whispered and he caught a hold of my hand before I could pull it completely away. He gently kissed it and smiled. ÒI would die for you, Senna,Ó he whispered and kissed my forehead again. Then there was a knock at my doors. Endymion stood and I sat up, ÒWho is it?Ó I called out, noticing that Endy had already gotten rid of the body and to this day IÕm not really sure what he did with it. ÒAnÕdre,Ó my brother called out. I sighed and took a deep breath, ÒAre you decent?Ó ÒCome in AnÕ and get your mind out of the privy,Ó I said as he opened the door. He and Endymion exchanged this Look, making me even more confused. ÒDÕmion told me what happened,Ó he said gently. I raised an eyebrow, when had he had time to do that? I thought he had been with me the entire time. ÒAre you okay?Ó ÒIÕm fine,Ó I said quietly, ÒEndymion saved me.Ó ÒI know, he and I got rid of the body. I believe that Uncle sent the assassin.Ó Endymion swore quite profusely and in several languages. Me and AnÕdre looked at him in disbelief. He flushed, ÒSorry,Ó he muttered. ÒWhy does he want me dead?Ó I asked confused and shuddered slightly at the memory. AnÕdre sighed, ÒHe doesnÕt, he wants you pregnant,Ó he said softly and then turned to Endymion and began speaking rapidly in a language I didnÕt understand. Endymion obviously didnÕt like what he was hearing, because he swore again. They continued to talk and I got frustrated, ÒWill you stop talking as if I wasnÕt in the room?!Ó Both men turned to me, surprised. AnÕdre flushed, ÒIÕm sorry, Serena.Ó I just glared, and started to get angry. I got out of the bed, my red curls IÕm sure a tangled tumble, ÒIÕm a person and if you canÕt talk about whatever this is in front of me, then do it when IÕm not around. At least give me that respect. You keep treating me as if IÕm an ignorant child! IÕm not, IÕm almost Queen.Ó Silence. Endymion smiled slightly, ÒThe assassin was supposed to try to impregnate you,Ó he said simply and what was obviously the blind truth, ÒYour uncle thinks that there must be something wrong with me.Ó I raised an eyebrow and he continued, ÒHe has confided in your brother that in two days there will be another attempt.Ó I closed my eyes tightly and tried to comprehend what he was saying. I began to shake, my hands, my entire body trembling. ÒGods,Ó I whispered. AnÕdre bit his lower lip and looked at me with pity, ÒIÕm sorry Serena,Ó he said gently. ÒYou keep saying that,Ó I said in a daze. I think that I passed out because the next thing I remember is Endymion holding me on the floor. AnÕdre was kneeling next to me, holding one of my hands as I slowly opened my eyes. ÒSenna?Ó ÒIÕm fine,Ó I managed to whisper in a horse voice. I slowly pulled away and stood, ÒI need to think.Ó I walked out onto my terrace and stood looking out over the ocean. Inside a very strained heated but quiet argument was going on. ÒAll of this could be avoided if you would just--Ó AnÕdre was saying. Endy cut him off, ÒAnd become no better than your uncle?Ó I winced, so he still thought I was a girl-child. ÒDÕmion youÕre experienced, all you would have to do is court her and this would be no problem. I know you want to!Ó Endymion sighed and there was a long quiet, ÒI wonÕt take something from her that sacred.Ó ÒYou KÕthieÕs and your sense of what is sacred!Ó My brother said exasperated, ÒItÕs not like--Ó ÒIt is!Ó Endymion nearly roared, but managed to keep it a hush, ÒWhere I come from you donÕt dishonor the princess! Your sister is a women and I will not dishonor her!Ó There was another prolonged silence. ÒYou can never marry her DÕmion, you know that,Ó AnÕdre said quietly, ÒAnd if you donÕt father the child soon then youÕre life will become very much forfeit.Ó ÒI know,Ó Endy whispered, ÒGods I know!Ó AnÕdre sighed and then I presume that he left. I turned back to the ocean and looked out, pretending not to have heard any of that. I didnÕt know what to make of it anyway. It was plain to me that while Endy was attracted to me, he was also disgusted with the fact that he still saw me as a little girl in body. My mind was that of a women, but he couldnÕt get past it. ThatÕs what I thought anyway. He came up silently behind me and was quiet for a long moment, ÒSerena?Ó I slowly turned around and met his eyes. ÒI want to go to the Temple,Ó I whispered softly, ÒI need some time to think.Ó He nodded and turned to go back inside, ÒDo you want me to come with you?Ó he asked before he went into the room, ÒAt least until you reach the Temple, I know that slaves arenÕt allowed inside.Ó I nodded and he smiled slightly before disappearing. * * * I finished the customary prayer and chant as I knelt in front of the alter of the Moon Goddess. I burned the pieces of paper that contained my prayer, watching them disappear in ashes and smoke. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath. ÒSometimes even the Gods can not help us.Ó I turned around to see the High Priestess standing there. Her long silk robes were the color of flame, making her dark hair even darker and her violet eyes stand out. She was exotic, having come all the way from the High Temple to live here at Atlantis, and sometimes I envied her beauty and grace. I bowed and she smiled slightly, ÒWhat is the problem child?Ó Reishe asked gently coming up to me. She saw the tears in my eyes that threaten to spill down my cheeks. Again she smiled, ÒI see, the fact that you are still a child, or the fact that you are a women in love?Ó ÒIs it that obvious?Ó I whispered looking down. Her warm, gentle hand she placed lightly on the side of my face, and then under my chin to make me look at her, ÒYour Majesty you are still young even though you are being forced into a role that was meant for someone much older. You are doing well for a girl who has more burdens on her than the normal mature women has. And you are in love and I suspect that the handsome slave does not return your affections the way you want him too.Ó I closed my eyes and nodded, ÒYes.Ó Reishe gently kissed my forehead, ÒYou are strong your majesty and will overcome your childhood. And I believe that your prayers to the High will be answered sooner than you think.Ó She slowly withdrew her hand, ÒAnd the young slave has been pacing like a restless lion for the last three hours. He awaits your return.Ó I opened my eyes and nodded and she gently led me out to Endymion. Relief was plain on his face when he saw me, ÒI was beginning to get worried that maybe the gods had decided to take you away from--to live with them.Ó ÒNot yet,Ó I said quietly and smiled slightly. It was a long quiet walk to the Palace and then to my rooms. I was tired from the days events, but Endy insisted that I get something to eat. He had food ordered to the room, and a small feast was laid out on my bed. I sat down and looked at the food, and half heartedly began to eat. I motioned for Endymion to sit and eat with me. He hesitated for a moment before joining me. We ate in a comfortable silence and soon I was full, eating much more than I had intended to. Other slaves came and cleared the food away and I sat there on my bed in silence for a long while. ÒWhat does it mean?Ó I asked out of no where. Endymion looked up at me surprised, and very confused. ÒWhat does what mean?Ó he asked cautiously. ÒSenna. You call me that most of the time, but last night when you said it, it sounded more like a title then a name.Ó I asked bluntly. I was tired and confused and really not all there inside me. I wasnÕt being rational, I was also much more daring than I would have been if the day hadnÕt been so long or so tiring. And beisdes, this had been bothering me for months, I had to know what it meant. Endymion flushed slightly, ÒItÕs a term of affection that my people use for those they care about. I thought it fitting given your name.Ó ÒBut literally,Ó I pressed, still being blunt, ÒWhat does it mean.Ó And please donÕt let it be little sister, I added silently. He was quiet for a long moment and I began to worry that he wouldnÕt tell me what it meant. ÒBeloved,Ó his voice barely audible. My eyes widened. ÒBeloved?Ó ÒYes.Ó He didnÕt meet my eyes. ÒThe rest of what you said, last night and...and this morning. What does LÕtie qui. Yu fristi alrng mean?Ó I stumbled slightly over the words. Again he was silent. Slowly he met my gaze and there was a fear in his eyes that I had never seen before. But what did he have to be afraid of? I wondered. ÒI love you. IÕll always protect you. LÔtie qui. Yu fristi alrng,Ó My eyes widened a considerable degree and I watched him stand and go to the door, preparing to leave when I didnÕt say anything. ÒIÕll be--Ó he started hoarsely. ÒEndy donÕt go!Ó I whispered, ÒPlease?Ó He stopped and turned back around and then I realized what he was afraid of, or at least part of his fear. He thought that I would reject him, or have him killed! Which in any other circumstance, I could have done. Slaves were slaves, subhuman. Mina had killed several of hers just because they had thought that they could love her. I held out my hand to him. He took it swiftly, kneeling on the floor next to my bed. I lightly touched the side of his face, brushing the hair out of his eyes. I lightly kissed his forehead, ÒXalliva zi, jÕthiaÓ I whispered in the High tongue of Atlantis. His eyes widened slightly. I smiled at his stunned reaction, it seemed so totally out of character for him, to be so surprised and not controlled. I lightly touched his lips and face, his hand leaving mine to do the same. Then he took my chin in his hand and leaned over to kiss me. My first kiss on the lips, my first kiss ever from another man. Even the idiotic prince hadnÕt managed to kiss me. It was soft and gentle and very warm. A tingling sensation went through my body and I closed my eyes. After a long moment I felt his tongue, lightly run over my bottom lip and I slowly parted my lips. His tongue slipped inside my mouth as the passion of the kiss increase, but it was still gentle and slow. Endymion took his time, not wanting to scare me it seemed, and to teach me at the same time. It seemed like that kiss lasted forever before he slowly pulled away. We stared at each other for a very long moment and I realized that I had been holding my breath as I slowly let out a quiet sigh. ÒStay with me tonight,Ó I whispered and he flushed. ÒSerena, I--Ó I gently pressed my fingers to his lips, silencing him. ÒIÕm not asking you to do anything dishonorable,Ó I said quietly, knowing how important my honor was to him, ÒIÕm just asking you to hold me and stay with me.Ó He nodded and then took me in his arms as he laid down next to me. He lightly stroked my body as I rested my head back into his chest, placing my arms over his. The realization came to me that I was in the arms of my beloved, my jÕthia, and for that one night I was safe and happy. * * * I looked up from DarienÕs computer to see the sunlight start to peek through the blinds. Had I really been telling this story the entire night? It didnÕt seem like it, but I had written pages and my story with Endymion wasnÕt even halfway over. The memories left me with raw emotions, things that I hadnÕt thought about or felt in such a long time. Endymion and Darien are so different sometimes, but in some things they are identical. They are the same person, but theyÕre different, making me love him even more as time goes by. Every time get to know him, it's different and new. Another reason why I love him, he changes while I change, but at his core he is still the same honorable man. Sometimes his honor frustrates me to no end. It always has, and it probably always will. But my story isnÕt over, I still had to tell about....well I can tell about all of that later for I can hear Darien starting to wake up and I want to torment him. * * * End of Chapter 1 What did you think, I would love any feedback! What did or didn't you like. . . ===== "You're not friends. You'll never be friends. You'll be in love till it kills you both. You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other until it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends. Love isn't brains, children, it's blood -- blood screaming inside you to work its will. I may be love's Bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it." --Spike