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whoa its me! u better not make fun cause im looking at u!:(
whoa. it was about time i changed the picture. it is not like this isr any better but yea it is up here and you just have to deal with it. :) lol. jk and yea keep ur comments to ur self i know i look like a piece of crap! just so u know, i dont smile when i take pictures [if u havent noticed] i look worst if i do. [taken on may 23, 2002]

school is out! well for three months, but it is still out and thats the best part. I feel plenty sorry for ppl who have homework over the summer. those poor kealing kids. just a couple of days ago, i was one. loaded with homwork...sleeping late b/c of homework. but now i am FREE! FREE i tell ya! haha... LBJ is probably going to be worst. There are probably going to be more homework, but for now, i'd like to think the opposite. Ppl we met in junior high, are gone! we all chose our different paths. Others decided to go to their homeschools for highschool, others are going to the theatre arts academy and others are going to the Liberal arts, Science and math academy. Yep. others, our parents forced us to go to one of those academies. Well not all of them are gone, those you considered as freinds will always be there. and thats y i dont get it when ppl cry on the last day of school. If the ppl are ur freinds, u will hang out with them during the summer. if u wont see them or do anything with them nomatter where they end up: it means they arent ur freinds!! get real ppl!. It was soo lame how ppl where crying. Elizabeth had every right to cry cause she is moving to a whole different state!. im really going to miss her. This summer is going to be great. so far it does not seem so but it will. i was grounded the first week but thats ok. next week its all about fun! haha. yea. whoa i think im writting a lot and i should quit!. well bye ppl! email me [] and call me!! [that is if i know u] haha. well bye luv yas like chickhen butt! *muah* oh yea, by the way the name is Afua, not Af-oo-ua, not Afu but Afua... just in case u didn't know. :)

Well i wanna say hey to some my friends:

DACARI: hhaha "if i had her body ... i wouldnt wear a swim suit" haha that grl at the pool was funny haha...yea..when u went up there...u looked like a little grl with a a lolipop!! haha it was funny!! haha but cute!! haha cant wait to see ya!! did u enjoy the hotel food? haha lalla ok well im wrrting al ot !! woo...haha luv ya!! DELORISE IS SOO FUNNY!! Hahah.. U need to email me gurl! and quit being mean to Ben RAEGAN:omg..u guys took more picures after i left?? uh *sniffle* im going to cry!! haha ..yea thanks for the best weekend ever!!! haha ... i cant wait to see you again... i guess the waiter wasnt french cause he didnt respond when i i spoke to him in french!!!! stay in touch!!! love ya KATIE BETH: did the cheese cake disapper@!!! whoops look i see it!! haha jk it went bye bye!! i had soo much fun!!! u better keep in touch!! else...haha luv ya liek cheese cake!! haha BECKY: my freind..hahah no thanks i dont want ur worn out nail polish of off ur nail!!! haha... 'CROMBIE GAL!!' ahhaha flash everyoen in the world sasy ABERCROMBIE NOT 'CROMBIE' ahha jk haha it was soo funny when i fell by the pool haha yea cant wait to see u again!!! SARA: i am soo happy i met u this weekend..i didnt knwo who i was goign to meet but i am soo glad i met u guys... it was super duper fun!!! I MEAN MEGA FUN!! luv ya!!! EVELYN: u r soo sweet..haha all u need is a library and u r complete!! hahaha jk HANNAH: hows the dog show??..u didnt stick around long!but hope u come next year!! and we can be kerville buddies! u can show me around and we culd go shopping at ur favorite palce!! might it be.. ABERCROMBIE??? hahha.. <3 LAURA:hey sweetie! i miss u already. we should hang this summer and call me like crazy cause i love u like HECK GURL! haha.. to all the readers im not gay ahah. yea i know u do dont deny!! its ok hunn if u do. cause and i think it'd be kinda kewl u know? yep i love and call me!! cause i love u haha.. SAVANNAH: haha...good one. falling of the wave runner was a 'kodak moment'. bad thing i didnt have a a camera. yea...well i guess i will see ya around. SUZZETTE: you are my LERROOOY!! hehe im going to miss u! u should come to LBJ! cause there we can get a chance to become better freinds and actually do stuff u know? yea... im soo glad we were freinds. u r a great 'c' lunch pal!. u made it all better.. i love u gurl! BECCA: hey...yea wednesday will be fun...that is if i get to go. good thing is my dad said i can go on july 4th!! woo..we should get them to come then...yea well see ya around. ANGIE: hey gurl! i love u! haha i wuuv u! i might not be able to ocm eot u r party but i still love u! yea haha.. we should 'hang' this summer. i love u.. did u alredy say that? haha .. JALAPENOS is nice haha.. yea hahah.. ok im stopping BESTY:have a good life! SAXON: have fun in eroupe and austin high! i will miss ya NATALIA: "I was about to pee in my pants!!! lol.. well i will see ya at lbj! haha.. yea.. have a great summer gurly! JACKIE:GREEN BABE!! hahah.. great! u are a green babe! haha we will have fun when u get back from ur mission trip! luv ya! ur super dandy haha.. Sara P.: HEY HARAS!! haha im going to miss ya!!! awe.. i will be soo lonley without u!!! u made math soo kewl!!! have fun at bowie dreary! and KIT!! email me and call me!! haha.. i will see ya around !! love ya! NOAH: how does it pop? does it just like P0p whenever u see Grace HAMOPHRODITE!!..haha ..."Quit playing with ur butt.." srry i just had to say that too funny to resist! have a good life!! haha.. have fun at mccallum BONNIE:MiSsY quit picking your wedgie!!!! haha those flashy pants were soo classy...omg! i fell on my kneeS!! haha..haha im going to miss ya! i love ya!! keep in touch!. LAUREN T.: Look!!! uh!! you just missed it ! it P0PED!!! haha...hahha i will miss ya!! u should come ot LBJ!! haha! MIKE:ok.. u should never be mean to me ever again!! haha.. yea. have a great summer! NICK Gerber Baby.:I do not have a MASSIVE ass!! thnk u very much!! haha ok.. yay!! u get ot see me again next yeaR!! u lucky dog!! haha.. yea marine biology was fun!! yea .. we will be best freind next yeaR!! haha.. hah im not a freak i just love u soo much!! haha.. im cracking my self up! lol.. ELAINE:Soccer Maniac!!! JUSTIN: u are going to st stephens!! u butt!! u should come to lbj!!!! aah!! haha.. hope u had fun at schlitter bahn i will see ya around!! CLAIRE: EINSTIENIUM!! hot guys at blue santa..purrr haha jk...have fun over he summer and i will se e ya in three months! ASHLI:hey!! LINDSEY:awe...that is soo cuute u guys are soo kyoote!!!! MAGARET:hey!! DUY!!! DEWY?? hha I will trade my life to talk to u .. ahha jk srry..hhahaha i will see you around dreary! WHITNEY:um...hey..having fun in bastrop? hoep u are. JULIA: have a fun summer! FEMI: Dreads...again?? MAX: You are soo hard to figure out...YOU ARE SOO RAD! TRISTAN: COOL WHIIP!!.Patrick need I say more??...shhh...whacky palns!!we need to talk more..haha yea.. have a great summer BEN:hey! whoa its summer!yea ... we should be summer buddies!! cya at lbj!! whoa!! we might play soccer together next yeaR~.. yea.. haha well thats it for now.. adios.. BJ: look you are in here!! and you are soo kewl!!! JAKE: rolly polly!!!i will miss ya!!! cya at lbj CHRISTINA:We KICKED O. HENERY'S BUTTT!!!!! wee go us!!! u should come to lbj and be a nerd with me!!ahha i love u! have a great summer. MERRIDITH:hey!! i havent seen u in a loooonnnngggg time!!!!! maybe i will see you when i come to anderson!! wooo!! say hi to everyone for me!!!! go sailors!!!!! BRIAN: How in the WOrLd would you get such idea? me like him? gosh! C'MON!!! haha well yea i aat lbj!!! we will be nerds together!!!haha...

If i forgot u tell me and I'll add u in!

If u have aim [aol instant messenger] im me w/ I soo cannot wait to talk to u!
