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Charrie Proffiez

Yay! Proffys! ^^; Yay!!...heheh..^^
Well..all ya gotta do ish click on the character's face and start reading! ^^ But don't even think about taking my friendz proffyz! >-<; It took meh a long time to make these! So nyah!! More on the way! ^-^* And...since I'm a nice pinkie hedgehog you can now submit your profile to me! Teehee!! well dats all!! :B *twirls on one foot and blows a kiss to no one* o.o..^__^..

Well..heres da profiles.

12*24*01 - Toroko Echidna's profile is up! ^_^

All these profiles are made, written, and edited by moi!
Profiles that are made up are © to who ever character that is!