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Travel: Sunset Beach

Intrepid Traveler: Sarah Buxton (Annie)

Destination: Majorca, Spain

Companions: Friends Jill and Sabrina

Here, There And Everywhere: "We stayed on a vineyard by the ocean. This was my third visit to Spain.  I was there for a week and a half.  We ate a lot!  The food was so fresh and healthy.  We had a lot of fish, vegetables, pasta and wine.  The olive oil was so good because it's made right there.   We rode horses, went swimming and boating.  We also played croquet every day after lunch.  I would have to say that I was best player [laughs].   Then again, Jill's very competitive...we were all very competitive. Jill thinks she's the best, so we might as well say she's the best -- she won the most matches."

Surprise, Surprise: "I got stung by a jellyfish twice.  It hurt reall bad.  I actually still have a little mark from it.  People told me that it would be fine and the sting went away in half an hour.  It happened when Sabrina and I were jumping off this rock and swimming out to a dinghy to sit out on the ocean and look at the view.  It was funny, because in the middle of the ocean, I was screaming as if I had gotten bit by a shark.  My friends were like, 'Are you okay?' I was like, 'I'm not -- I'm dying!'  But after I got stung, we made it out to the dinghy and I was fine.  We just relaxed and ended up talking out there for three hours."

Souvenirs, Anyone?: "I didn't buy any souvenirs because I didn't do any shopping.  We were out in the country.  I just bought one pair of shoes."

Wild at Heart

The soft-spoken Buxton has been in the business more than 15 years, and though she has quite an array of credits, Annie is unlike any other role she's played. "I'm lucky...playing Annie is like playing many different characters at the same time. And I don't think I'd be happy playing an easy-going or sweet character," she purrs. "I honestly had no idea what kind of character Annie was going to be when I signed on for the show. They told me nothing about her, so I had no idea what kind of journey I was in for. It's been so much fun. I think that's what keeps me going: I'm addicted to this storyline now."

Annie's camp value has not been lost on the actress. "I feel like I'm doing SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE," she says, "because a lot of the things Annie does are so funny. Making the transition from prime time and films was so hard. If this were a film or prime time TV series, I'd develop the character over a period of days or weeks, but now it's all I can do to trust my instincts and go. There's so much material, all you can do is improvise a lot of the choices. I know the lines, but I just go with it and see what comes out."

SUNSET's ratings have been disappointing since it's January 1997 debut, but evil Annie has developed quite a following nonetheless. "I was on my way to Palm Desert and stopped in Taco Bell," Buxton recounts, "and these girls started screaming at me through the drive-through window: 'You're so bad, Annie! You go get em, girl! You deserve the money!' I was laughing so hard. I didn't know how to react."

The adoration isn't the only thing Buxton has had to adjust to: She got her first taste of daytime's notoriously heavy work load soon after signing her contract. "At the first table reading they handed us a stack of papers this big," she says, holding her hands as far out as possible. "IT was at least six episodes, plus the bible. I was overwhelmed with paperwork, and thought: This must be a joke! I asked (Executive Producer) Gary Tomlin if they had cue cards, and I think he got a little nervous after that. But I was just scaring myself. It's not as hard as I thought it was at first."

Still, Buxton has had to alter her lifestyle since stepping into Annie's open-toe pumps. "When your doing a soap, you don't have time to get your nails done or go to the gym," she says, laughing. "Thats a joke, by the way. I'm very sarcastic about things, and sometimes I'm misunderstood in print."

The actress is serious about the effect her job has on her social life. "I don't even have time to see my really good friends. But they know I'm out here in soap-land," she explains.

"I've changed. Definitely. It's strange," she continues. "My life is much quieter, in the sense that I have to be disciplined at home. But there's this whole other side of the industry, the publicity side, where I have to be 'on' so much. Basically, your work is your life. I find myself very abrupt with people, which I don't like at all. I am really trying to calm down, because it's not that big a deal if I can't make it here or there. I just have to learn to say, 'No, I can't make it.'"

Ah, the glamorous life of a soap star. "I can't even go to the movies," she says, groaning in jest, "because when I'm there I think about the fact that I have to learn my lines when I get home. And if I go to a late movie, I fall asleep. It's a real thrilling life."

Once she gets rolling, Buxton has a great sense of humor, and, despite her work ethic, there's a party girl inside who's dying to get out. "I tried to burn the candle at both ends after I got this job, but it didn't work," she admits. "I get envious of my friends who still go out all the time, but I know my body and I know I can't handle that."

If Buxton sounds like an old pro, it's because she's done a lot and seen it all since she started acting at age 15. The story of her big break sounds suspiciously like a Hollywood fairy tale. She was "discovered" when "a woman tapped me on the shoulder in a market," Buxton explains, "and she put me in acting school." The woman was Gwendyn Swift, who went on to become Buxton's manager, "and she had me going everywhere."

Buxton's early auditions included well-known TV series and films like Tootsie, but no soaps. "There was a period of time when there was snobbery, and the agents would decide for you that you didn't want to do a soap," the actress says. "Then, from the ages of 18-22, my agent wanted me to read for soaps, and I auditioned for ANOTHER WORLD and GENERAL HOSPITAL."

One of Buxton's only regrets is that she never attended College. "I battled with my family because they're so education-oriented," she says. "Strangely enough, my stepfather, who has a master's degree in both psychology and mathematics and is a professor at UCLA, was the one person who pushed me in this direction. I managed to manipulate that, actually. See, I do have a little bit of Annie in me!"

Buxton was aware that show business is cut-throat, "but I was blind to that, and that's what my parents were so worried about," she explains. "All I saw was that I was having so much fun in this exciting world. I'll always remember what Diana Muldaur said to me when we were doing a pilot together: 'I've done 90 pilots. Go to college, honey.' And I didn't listen to her."

"Once you become 18, it's hard to work regularly," she continues. "I've spent many times driving home from my auditions crying, because I put everything into it and the person I auditioned for was eating salad and talking on the phone while I was reading for them."

The ruthless people in the entertainment business don't intimidate Buxton. "I've been curling my hair since I was 15, ditching my last class of high school to get to an audition," she explains. "And not because my parents were pushing me. For some reason, I've always been driven to be an actress."

Buxton maintains that she's in show business for the long haul. "I don't think I'm good at anything else," she says. although it's hard to tell if she's being sarcastic or brutally honest. The actress adds that she wants to have kids, "but I want to get married, and the time is not right. Definitely in the next few years. But I have to find my match." For the time being, she's found her match in Annie.

Young Bux

Imagine knockout Sarah Buxton sitting around the SUNSET BEACH make-up room with her hair in big orange juice can-sized rollers and without a stitch of make-up on. Despite her beauty -- and her character's affinity for small skirts and big schemes -- Buxton is surprisingly down-to-earth.

"This is the hardest work I've ever done," she explains as BEACH hairdresser Russell Latham begins Buxton's transformation from fresh-scrubbed California girl to hard-core vixen. "I go to work and I go home. It's hard. We make it a little easier because we have fun here, but the pressure gets to everyone."

Buxton had some idea of the long hours when she signed on. "I actually had a part on BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL (Glamour)," she reveals. "I remember it being really difficult work because they rehearsed the whole show and then taped it. I had a recurring part. She was a friend of Carrie Mitchum's character [Donna Logan]. I think I was on twice. Then I got a part in [the film] Less Than Zero and I never went back." Buxton went on to film Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead as well as numerous TV movies until BEACH.

"I read for the casting people, and then I read for the producers, then I went to Aaron [Spelling]. I've read for MELROSE PLACE a couple of times -- it's pretty nerve-wracking in there. You sit on this couch that's like the hundred-mile couch. But they're so friendly, it's silly."

Buxton nabbed the role of Annie at the same time she was breaking up with her long-time boyfriend, photographer Davis Factor. "Yes, Davis is my ex-boyfriend," she sighs. "I don't know why we broke up. We lived together for three years and just grew out of each other. But he's still the father of my cat. My mom says, 'At least Tabatha lives in a very nice retirement home.' Tabatha is very old. I won her in a disco dance contest in the sixth grade." So how did her ex get custody? "Because she fell in love with Davis," Buxton replies philosophically. "I love my cat and I miss her, but she has a better life in his house. I wouldn't be a very good parent right now. I live in a beautiful apartment, but she'd jump out the window."

Buxton describes her current dating status as "shopping," adding that she is looking for "someone with a really good sense of humor. Cute, handsome, ambitious. Someone who has a job, who's doing interesting things with his life. But the sense of humor's key."

Luckily, Buxton's male co-stars keep her in stitches. "I can't keep a straight face when I act with Hank Cheyne [Ricardo]," she reports. "I crack up every time -- I have to act with his forehead. And Peter Barton [Eddie] and I get a little crazy. I've seen everything now. Peter Barton's held me up with handcuffs, he's embarrassed me in front of my father, I've done him in the Jacuzzi. I've thrown him out out, he's set me up, and then he came back as a woman, Tootsie walking down those stairs with a wig. He thinks he is a gorgeous woman. How could I do those scenes with a straight face?"

More to the point, how does she do all those scenes in her underwear? "I have to do my job," Buxton responds. "At least it wasn't really tacky underwear. It looked like a bathing suit, right? I was self-conscious, but you know, I was acting. And I had fun seducing Peter Barton." For Buxton, it's all in the name of Annie. "My part is funny," she praises. "They write humor into it. I just hope people are getting it."

Although Annie seems determined to steal Ben away from Meg, Buxton has another idea. "I think maybe Ricardo and Annie should get together," she confides. "Hank and I actually tested for ANOTHER WORLD together. We were both flown out from California and he doesn't even remember. But I remember because I had a huge crush on him. We stayed at the same hotel, and we tested together, and we went out and had pizza and he doesn't even remember! I didn't get the job, but he did [as Scott LaSalle]."

The make-up and hair people are finished with her now, and she looks like a million...bux. "I am going to be mean to Meg now," she announces. "My character should have Ben, but she'll never get him. Little Miss Mary Sunshine is going to have Ben." Buxton pauses, and straightens out her teeny costume. "Susan [Ward, Meg] is so sweet. We're just acting. It's pretend. Really!"

A Day in the Life of...Sarah Buxton

SUNSET BEACH's greedy Annie only has about two months to hit it rich before the soap goes off the air in December.  But while Annie dreams of spending the rest of her days in the lap of luxury, her down-to-earth portrayer, Sarah Buxton, would just as soon get down in the dirt!

What's For Breakfast?

Not much, since Buxton has little more than a small container of orange juice in her refrigerator.  "It just shows how busy my life is," she shrugs.   "I don't eat breakfast.  I just stop at Starbucks.  I like the Caramel Macchiato [coffee drink].  I like it really sweet."

Good Morning, Sunshine!

Buxton likes an early start, even on her days off.  "I like to get up around 8," she smiles.  "Then I read the newspaper and putter around."   Still in her jammies, Buxton pops into her home office to cuddle with feline friend Astro, a purebred male Scottish Fold.  Buxton also owns a female British Shorthair cat named Venus.  "I spend a lot of time in the morning with my kitties," the actress shares.  "I'm not home very often, so when I am, I like to spend some time with them."

How Does Her Garden Grow?

Around 8:30 a.m., Buxton walks across the street to a community garden where she grows roses, tomatoes, basil and her favorite, plumeria (a flowering plant from Hawaii).   "It's really special to me -- my day gave it to me," says Buxton.   "It's what leis are made out of.  I've been waiting for three years for it to bloom and [today], it actually bloomed."  However, it was a love of another flower that got Buxton gardening in the first place.  "I did it so I can have fresh-cut roses in my house," she grins.

Lunch Break

After an hour and a half of weeing in her garden, a spent Buxton stops for a Caesar salad and iced tea at an outdoor café at the Fred Segal department store.   "I like to go to that café because I like to shop," she laughs.   "A lot of my friends sort of meet there at lunch time.  It's a fun, little place."

Designing Women

After lunch, Buxton drops by the Feathered Nest, a furniture store on L.A.'s Melrose Avenue.  The shop is owned by Buxton's friend, Kim Green.   "Practically everything in my house is from Kim's store," enthuses the actress.  "She sells antique's and makes custom furniture.   [Decorating] is sort of a hobby for me.  I like to hang out at the shop and look at the materials and pick things out.  Kim gives me a really good deal.  I go there a lot on my days off."

Time To Unwind

At the end of the day, Buxton takes a dip in her backyard pool.  "I spend a lot of time at the pool," she notes.  "I put flippers on and do the breast stroke.  The flippers are really good for the legs.  When I put them and my goggles on, I look like a complete geek!"  If the weather's chilly, Buxton does yoga instead.  "I've taken yoga for 10 years," she shares.   "I like the physical and mental part.  It's very meditative."

Cracking Up

Don't let Sarah Buxton fool you.

She may play a tough cookie on the screen, but between takes she has a tough time keeping a straight face! Her castmates give her support, but often they're responsible for her giggles.

"Kathleen is always there for me to run lines, and I can count on her to pick me off the ground if I mess up," Buxton says. "The worst thing, however, is that she can also make me crack up. Since we know each other so well, I can read what's in her eyes and I start laughing."

Another cohort is Clive Robertson. "He's always tickling me between scenes!" she says with a giggle.

What has Buxton, a soap newcomer, learned after her first few months on the show? That it's really hard work. "I bow to actors who have made this their career. I heard about how hard it is, now I know. But I'm not complaining!"

Sarah Q&A

How does it feel to be the best character on Sunset Beach?

Thank you for the compliment. Annie is so much fun to play.

Have you ever been to England?

Yes, I've been many times. It's one of my favorite places in the world. I also have some great friends there.

What are your future plans?

Working on Sunset Beach. Hopefully doing some movies in between.

How do you spend your free time?

Yoga, exercising, hanging out with friends.

Which actor or actress do you admire the most?

Meryl Streep.

What's your favorite perfume?

Rose Oil.

What's your favorite movie?

Woody Allen's Sleeper.

What's your favorite food?


Who are your closest friends in the Sunset Beach cast?

Susan Ward and Lesley-Anne Down.

How many hours a day do you work at Sunset Beach?


Which character on Sunset Beach can you personally relate to?

Annie. I am sort of like her.

Do you like your job? Why?

I love my job. I love to be able to act everyday! It's my dream to work this much and to be creative.

What advice would you give a person who wanted to act on a soap?

Study, go to acting school, get as much education as possible.

Do you feel that you have been typecast in many roles?

No, because in real life I'm not that much like those characters.

Are you anything like Annie Douglas-Richards?

Somewhat. Not the evil doings...but a little wild.

How did you get the role of Annie Douglas-Richards?

I auditioned like any other audition.

How do you stay in such great shape?

I work out, take step classes and yoga.

Are you going out with anyone at the moment?


Have you ever wanted to be a "Bond Girl?"

Yes. I have always wanted to be a "Bond Girl."

Where did you grow up?

Los Angeles, California.

Are you and Susan Ward good friends?

Yes, very.

At what age did you start acting?


Do you have any pets?

3 cats. Tabatha...I won her in a dance class in 7th grade. 2 kittens - Astro and Venus.

Will you write a book?

Hopefully some day.

Do you really read all your fanmail? Do you personally respond to them?

Yes. I really do! I'm very busy but I manage to find the time.

What's the origin of Galbraith?

It's a family name. My great-grandfather's last name.

Would you like to pursue more work in feature films?

I would love to do movies. I love the whole process of moviemaking.

What was your favorite scene in Listen?

The salad fight under the tree.

Do you see movie deals in the future?

I hope so...I really wanted to be in Star Wars.

Is there anything on Sunset Beach that you regret doing?

I can't answer that!

What made you decide that you wanted to be an actress?

I was a gymnast. It's seemed natural to move to acting.

Have you been on any other soaps?

Once on The Bold and the Beautiful. It was supposed to be a recurring role, but then I got Less Than Zero and that was it.

Can you tell us exactly how you were "discovered in a supermarket at the age of 15?"

My mom and I were at the check out and I was having some sort of fit. A lady tapped me on the shoulder and asked me if I wanted to be an actress. My mom went to an apartment with me and I started in acting class the next week. She became my manager. She also represents Kirstie Alley.

If you could chat with one person from today or the past who would it be?

Lucille Ball. I think she is such a great comedian and mother.

What do you normally eat for breakfast?

Yogurt, tea, a hard boiled egg and a banana.

What's your dream date?

A surprise date where you leave with nothing and shop at your destination.

What is your favorite CD?

Garbage - Version 2.0

What is your favorite song?

"Crash" by Dave Matthews Band.

What is your favorite band?

Dave Matthews Band.

What is your favorite color?


What is your favorite role that you have done?

Annie Douglas-Richards (Sunset Beach).

What was your worst role?

Silk Stalkings.

What was your most embarrassing moment?

When I couldn't stop laughing while shooting Silk Stalkings. They had to stop production for while. Everyone was angry.

What is your favorite TV show(s)?

Friends and The Sopranos.

What is your favorite quote?

"Gather ye rose buds while ye may"

What is something that you would love to do?

Go to Tibet.

What is something that you wouldn't be caught dead doing?

Jumping out of an airplane or bungee jumping.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?

Hey, it's all good!

Who is your idol?

Meryl Streep.

What is something that you did and would love to do again?

Go scuba diving in Micronesia.

What is your favorite fast food stop?

Poquito Mas.

What is something you can't stand?

When people chew loudly.

What is something you can't live without?


What is your favorite book?

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand.

What TV show would you most like to be on?

Absolutely Fabulous.

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Starbucks Mocha Java Chip.

Who or what is your greates inspiration?

All of my friends.

What is your favorite animal?


What movie best describes you?

Thelma and Louise.

What song best describes you?

"Losing My Religion" by REM.

What TV show best describes you?


Who are you mistaken for on the street?

Liv Ullman and Barbara Hershey.

What do you consider to be the most important in life?

Family and love.

What is your favorite day? Month?

Saturday and July.

What is your lucky number?


What chore do you hate doing the most?


If you could be invisible for one day, what would you do?

Spy on everyone.

If a movie were made about you, who would you want to play you?

Michelle Pfeiffer.

Who do you confide all your secrets to?

My friend Maya.

What's your favorite movie genre?


If you could go back in time and do something over again, what would it be?

I would have been out of town during the LA earthquake.

Who do you find more annoying, Backstreet Boys, 'N Sync, Hanson or the Spice Girls?

Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync.

What kind of toothpaste do you use?


What is your favorite fantasy of Annie's?

The soap within a soap. It's a spoofing a 50's soap opera. It was called Return to Dignity.

Do you feel foolish doing some of the fantasies?

Yes! All the time. But I always laugh and I take it lightheartedly.
