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Suddenly Sarah

SUN's Sarah Buxton is sexy, single and ready for the world. You would hardly peg Sarah Buxton as the kind of girl who would be available. Then again, it also doesn't seem possible that she could be so far removed from the devious character she plays so convincingly on SUN. But Buxton does have one thing in common with Annie Douglas: She loves to have a good time -- only she doesn't break laws to do it!

"I was really a fun kid," reveals Buxton. "I always wanted everybody to come over to my house and play." She was also a determined one. At a young age, Buxton decided to pursue gymnastics, which forced her to adhere to a rigorous workout schedule for several years.

"I would get up at five in the morning and then work out from six to nine," she recalls. "Over the summer we had a different schedule, but I worked out every day. I was on a team for seven or eight years; I lived to be a gymnast."

That all changed when Buxton's family moved from Palos Verdes, Calif., to Brentwood, a posh suburb of Los Angeles. She was discovered in a supermarket at the age of 15 by a woman who ended up becoming her manager. Buxton admits, however, that she'd toyed with the idea of becoming an actress long before then.

"The very first time I acted was in first grade," she says. "We did a play called The Coins of Lin Foo. All the kids living on my street acted in it. This little boy was playing Lin Foo, and at the last minute chickened out. I knew all his lines, so I put on this boy's wig and I played Lin Foo." Seven years after her peculiar debut as a small Asian boy, Buxton landed a spot in a Coca-Cola commercial. This was followed by a TV pilot, Too Good to Be True, which was not picked up by the networks.

"I guess it was just too good to be true," she notes wryly. Just before auditioning for SUN, she was in New Zealand filming The Climb, a feature film set for release later this year.

"I play John Hurt's daughter-in-law, a religious character who's naughty, too." Contrasting characteristics define Annie, too, and maybe that's why daytime audiences have taken such a shine to her. Despite Annie's diva persona, she has a humorous and sometimes sensitive side.

"I didn't expect Annie to be so much fun because when I read for it, she just seemed like a bitchy girl," admits Buxton. Buxton has caught the eye of her fellow cast members as well.

"Sarah is a splendid actress," says Kathleen Noone (Aunt Bette). "I'm really lucky to be working with someone like her, because you know you're going to do some good work." Buxton's physical attributes are also eye-catching. She's been blessed with rich, full lips, which weren't an asset while growing up.

"I was teased when I was young," she remembers. "I used to go home from school crying because they would call me these horrible names. My mom told me they would be an asset later in life." After thinking for a moment, she says with a smile, "Moms are always right."

When it comes to her love life, her sense of humor is an important asset these days. Her relationship with computer game marketer Henry Siegel ended because, "He was too busy in his life for me! Like, I'm not too busy?! I don't really like it," she says of her solo status. "But I'm very excited because there's a whole new world of men out there!" For now, however, she's content to cruise the Internet, exploring websites and the interactive world. "It's my new boyfriend," she jokes.

Whether hitched or single, one thing remained true since she was a little girl. "I've always had tons of friends," she says with a smile. Together they enjoy nights of endless game playing (board games -- not mind games). And that's why Sarah Buxton is suddenly satisfied.


Nick B:  Hello Sarah, Annie is famous for her dreams/fantasies, in real-life, do you dream of any aspect of Sunset Beach?

Sarah  : Do I dream about my work? Yes I do! Sometimes it can be hard. I live my job. I had a dream about Lesley recently where she was shouting at me telling me I was losing it. That was a real dream. When I get tired I dream more about my work.

The Official Sarah Buxton Website Online Chat with Sarah:

September 5th 1998

BP44: What does the "G" in Sarah G. Buxton stand for?

Sarah: Galbraith. It's my middle name.

ClasySBmom: Do you often get asked who you prefer as a leading man? OK fessup, who is it?

Sarah: Sam Behrens.....Gregory.

Urky1: Is there anyone on the show you don't get along with?

Sarah: I can't answer that!!! Not necessarily, I get along with everyone, sometimes the situtations get a little stressful.

crazy4sunb: Hi Sarah! Doesn't Annie feel guilty keeping the truth from Maria...her long lost, best friend?

Sarah: She does feel guilty...but thinks she's doing the right thing...

BP44: Sarah, how did you get your roles in "Welcome to Spring Break" and "Primal Rage?" What was it like to be in all that make-up in "Primal Rage?"

Sarah: Auditioned, but I can't believe you've seen those movies, where did you find them? The makeup was really uncomfortable, it sort of burned my skin. It was drying. I did not like it.

sunbeach27: Was it uncomfortable to be hooked in the harness?

Sarah: Yeah, a little bit. It was a bit scary hanging from that thing, it seems as though it can't hold toomuch weight.....but it can. It can hold the weight of a truck. I liked doing the stunt.....falling off the ledge onto a pad.

ClasySBmom: Sarah, do the short skirts bother you? Always tugging at them, especially sitting...

Sarah: I don't mind them because it's hot in the studio and it's actually comfortable.

Boomer590: Would you ever consider leaving SB unless you had to?

Sarah: No, unless a job that I really wanted to do came up and they wouldn't let me leave and come back. I love my job and the character's fun to play.

Trippi: Sarah I heard you went to Spain recently. What did you do while you were there?

Sarah: I went for my best friend's wedding. A bull fight and it was really gory even though it's supposed to be big and tradition over there.....I had a hard time watching the bulls die. I went on the ocean and it was really relaxed.

sunbeach27: Sarah, will you be making any promotional appearances in South East.....preferably South Florida?

Sarah: At some point...but nothing is scheduled yet.

BlueHue: Hi Sarah! Thanks for chatting with us tonight! Besides trying to get in this chat room, what do you like to do in your spare time?

Sarah: LOL...I have a lot of interests and getting all hot a sweaty on the                              computer is not one of them. Shopping, yoga, the gym, animal I take care of, eating, traveling and working out.

TracyMae: Is it true TPTB [the powers that be] were originally planning to have Annie paralyzed in the 'quake? Is this something you would have liked ot take on?

Sarah: I never heard anything about that and I would hate it...although, I would be able to site down at work. I wonder if they'd keep me in the short dresses if I were paralyzed? LOL.

sunbeach27: If Tim is found out, would Annie also be blamed (re: maria)?

Sarah: I think she'll be totally blamed because it's Annie, she gets blamed for everything. She'll be in bigtrouble.

SEMPRE: What would you like to see change about "ANNIE" as a character? Are there any similarities between you and "ANNIE?"

Sarah: I'm not like Annie. Annie's taught me.

SportieSB: I'm a HUGE Dax Griffin/Tim fan. What's it like working with him? Are Annie and Tim going to work together as they used too?

Sarah: I hope we work together as we use too. It's fun. Dax and I were born a day apart and we get along really well. He's nuts and we laught a lot. He likes to rehearse and I don't.

AnnieLover: Sarah, are you going to be doing any promotions in Canada? Have you ever worked on anything (or visited) up here before?

Sarah: Yes, I will probably do some publicity in Canada, but I don't know when. I made "Listen" in Vancouver. I also worked on "21 Jump Street" and I can't remember what else.

JasSB: Sarah do you read all your fan mail? How many do you get a day? I hope you got the letter I sent you...I think you're great :-)

Sarah: I read all my mail...sometimes I have someone else 'cause I get busy and I don't like to leave it too long. I guess I get about 25 letters a day..they have to go through a lot to get to me.

(unknown): What was the weirdest thing you ever got in the mail from a fan?

Sarah: One guy sent me pictures of his friends and their baby, his car, him on a couch. His whole life. It was nice......but strange.

sunben: OK, how do you find the time to balance personal life with professional one?

Sarah: It's very difficult. I don't have much of a personal life. My boyfriend is pissy because he doesn't get to talk to me...he wants to go out to dinner...I work all the time.

AnnieLover: If you had the chance to play any other character than Annie on the show for a day, who would it be and why?

Sarah: Hmmm...I think it would be...if it's only for a day......I think Caitlin. Mainly because she's so sweet...but I couldn't bare to play her all the time.

Boomer590: What time do you have to get up to be at the studio on time? What time do you have to be there?

Sarah: I get up one hour before work to take a shower and have a cup of tea. It takes about 20 minutes to get to work...I have to be there about 6:30 or 7 in the morning and if I'm lucky, 11.

crazy4sunb: What will Gregory do when he finds out that Annie stole Trey???

Sarah: I think he's ....ummm....he'll try put me in jail for sure...if not he'll kill me!"

TVGen Chat

July 16, 1998

Sarah Buxton: Thank you for having me, I think it's going to be a fun chat!

Sarah: Describe yourself in three words. Your character in three words as well.

Buxton: OK. Myself: strong, weak and sensitive. Annie is manipulative, strong and cunning.

Drea2178: What is it like to play someone evil?

Buxton: Well, it's actually kind of fun. The truth is you do things you normally wouldn't do in your real life. A lot of it's make believe. So I just take it as fun.

Salem_girl_Kim21: Sarah, if Annie could have any guy on Sunset Beach, who would you like her to have?

Buxton: I would like Annie to have Hank Cheyne who plays Ricardo. Because I think he's the hottest guy on Sunset Beach. With all due respect to his wife!

Bighhfan45: How does it feel working with all those cute guys?

Buxton: Well, there's never a dull moment. And it's really pleasing to the eyes.

Lesr58: Sarah, can you fly an airplane like Annie?

Buxton: Unfortunately, no. And when my Dad saw that episode he laughed hysterically because I'm actually afraid of heights.

TheJavaWeb: Sarah, is Kathleen Noone a lot like her character Bette?

Buxton: Yes and no. I mean she's very loving and caring and upbeat like that. But she's not as out there.

Sarah: What are your thoughts on the "Shockwave" storyline?

Buxton: I'm really excited about it, because it gives Sunset Beach a blockbuster movie feel, with a lot of stunts and event-oriented things. It's sort of flashy with a lot of suspense. It gives us a really exciting summer, and you too!

Diva_134: Why does Annie always act like she does? Does it have to do with something bad from the past?

Buxton: I think Annie acts in the manipulative way she does because she wasn't given enough love when she was young. She doesn't have very many parental figures in her family so she's just sort of made her own way. But she really doesn't mean to intentionally hurt people. She just gets scared at the last minute and makes rash decisions.

Salem_girl_Kim21: Do you ever have really embarrasing moments on the set?

Buxton: Yes. And that question is my least favorite, because I always forget them. But I know I've turned beet red and been embarrassed many times! It's most embarrassing when you completely forget your lines, and if you sit down and your dress rips, or if little accidents happen. They can be very embarassing. You can trip on something or fall off your shoes or something like that.

PurplePumpkinPie: Who is the jokester on the set?

Buxton: I have to say Eddie Cibrian. Eddie and Sam Behrens. And we're planning to get Eddie back for sure. As a group.

Howdy_dooody: Hi Sarah, first of all I think you are a great actress and should have gotten the soap award, but anyways my question is: How did you get into acting?

Buxton: Thank you for such a nice compliment. I was in the market with my Mom and someone tapped me on the shoulder, and they became my manager and put me in acting school. I started doing commercials and TV guest spots. It's a Schwab's story.

TheJavaWeb: I loved you in Fast Getaway 2. How did you like starring in a movie?

Buxton: Well, I wasn't the star; Cory Haim was. I was sort of the costar. But it was fun because you were with the story from beginning to end. We shot that in Arizona. I had met Cory before so we had a really good time together, and I liked shooting out of town, in Phoenix. It was fun to be away.

Hugesbfan: So can you give us any clues to what's going to happen in up coming shows?

Buxton: There is a lot of destruction and confrontation with Olivia on air over the next month. Olivia and Annie will actually be trapped together, so there are a lot of fireworks.

SBYF22: Who's your best friend on the set? Are you and Lesley-Anne Down actually good friends?

Buxton: Lesley and I are good friends. I tend to be good friends with the people I'm actually working with, because you spend so much time with those people. I was good friends with Vanessa Dorman, who's not there any more. And Susan Ward.

CSUSigEP: What other actresses and actors do you enjoy watching or even working with for that matter?

Buxton: I love working with Sam Behrens and Lesley-Anne Down. That's who I'm currently in the storyline with. They are great actors to play off of, and they also keep me laughing. And I miss my storyline with Kathleen Noone but I'm sure it will come back again.

SBPub: Sarah, what is the story I heard about all the photos on your dressing room door?

Buxton: Well, one day I taped Sam Behrens's picture up on my door. to let him know how much he means to me. Then every day following there seems to be a new picture from one of the male members of the cast or crew. And they all say very interesting things! And if you get up close enough, you'll get a chance to see. And Lesley is the exception. She posted a picture up too. And also someone stole the picture of Hank because it was too sexy and we don't know who, but Hank posted another picture just yesterday that was even sexier.

Sarah: Do you ever go online and check out SB sites and chat rooms? Congrats on your official page!

Buxton: Oh, thank you on the congrats! Chris is the person who made it and he's a very talented young man. I do sometimes check out the message boards and the sites, not that often but occasionally. It's fun to eavesdrop.

PurplePumpkinPie: Hi Sarah. I really enjoy your performance in Sunset Beach. Have you taken any acting classes or does it come naturally to you?

Buxton: Thank you. I've taken acting classes since I was 14. All the years out of work I sort of filled in with class so I was always acting. I love to act. So if I'm not being paid to act, I'll pay to do it!

Lesr58: Sarah, what happened to Annie's father, and why does she go to the underworld to meet him?

Buxton: At the beginning of SB, her father was mysteriously killed and Annie was falsely accused of murdering him. But he was actually killed by Elaine. And Annie goes to visit him in hell for advice, because he's always watching her. And also he has the rights to her inheritance, and he's advising her how to get it.

MSandner: Sarah, do you like to watch yourself on Sunset Beach?

Buxton: No! But I enjoy watching SB. Not that I dislike watching myself, but it's hard. Sometimes I get a kick out of the storylines, and I get a kick over howit comes off. Or sometimes if there is a particular scene I enjoyed doing I'll check it out. But mainly I watch to watch everybody else.

MSandner: Sarah, now that Emily's been revealed to be Bette's daughter, will there be a power struggle for Bette's love? BTW, great Cat on a Hot Tin Roof scene!

Buxton: Thank you very much. I'm sure there will be a big power struggle for Aunt Bette's love.

Silver_Screen: I loved your fantasy revenges and such. Which was your favorite? Why?

Buxton: The one we filmed today was my favorite. It's a western theme, sort of a Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. Everyone gangs up on Annie. It's going to air on Wednesday Aug. 12.

PurplePumpkinPie: I noticed that you guest starred on Baywatch. What was that experience like?

Buxton: I always wanted to be on Baywatch, just once! It turned out to be very nice. The storyline was really camp: I got eaten by a gigantic Portuguese man o' war.

Oneweeker: What's up with Baywatch? Has Hasselhoff lost it?

Buxton: Sorry to say, I wouldn't know. But I think they probably have a few years left.

SunsetBeachLover: What has been your favourite scene? I liked it when you flushed your father's ashes down the toilet.

Buxton: I thought that was very funny myself and that scene sticks in mind, and I recently went scuba diving with the sharks and I referenced that scene while scuba diving. My scuba diving trip will air on Fox News in L.A. next week.

Daisychic20: This whole "baby" thing is getting nuts! Is Katlin ever going to find out that you stole her mother's baby?

Buxton: I don't know; the actors are the last people to know. I only know about a week ahead.

PurplePumpkinPie: If you were to change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Buxton: Hmmm. I would want to have straight hair. I have naturally curly hair.

SBYF22: There have been rumors going around that Sunset Beach is going to go off NBC. Any truth or not to that? I hope not because we all love it.

Buxton: Well thank you for loving SB. I also doubt it will go off the air. We may be low in the ratings but I think NBC has faith in us.

MSandner: Sarah, which storyline other than yours do you enjoy? What's your thoughts on the Monica/Sara connection for SB?

Buxton: I enjoy the Virginia/Vanessa storyline. I think it's really fun that theyare doing something that's a current event.

Dtr613: The scenes between you and Olivia are so funny at times. Do the two of you just start cracking up ever?

Buxton: All the time! In fact, this last week we've had to try very hard not tolaugh. Not that we don't take it seriously, but like you said, it's very funny.Sometimes we have to turn away from each other.

Silver_Screen: What was it like the first time you were recognized as Annie? Where were you?

Buxton: I was at a Taco Bell on my way to Palm Springs. And these girls started screaming to the drive-thru, "Oh My God, there's Annie! You're somean, you're so bad!" And it was really strange.

Aels45: Was it fun filming the scenes for the upcoming earthquake storyline?

Buxton: It was fun, and it was very dusty and dirty. I actually got a few real cuts, but no major injuries. Except when Olilvia punched my face. Just kidding.

TheJavaWeb: I have heard about Tim and Jason's "Clubhouse" dressing room. What's it like in there?

Buxton: Well, I've been into that dressing room before, and you don't want to go in there unless you're feeling real good about your body, if you're a girl. A lot of babes on the wall.

Chattin_annie: Do you watch any other soap operas? If so, which ones?

Buxton: I actually don't have time to watch other soaps, because I'm working during the day. But sometimes I watch DOOL because I get it on my TV in the dressing room.

SBcool: Sarah, I saw you on a workout TV program a while back. You were doing exercises in a pool. Was it a good workout? Does it work?

Buxton: Actually it does work. I thought it was a really good workout and I recommend it, because it doesn't injure your knees or your joints.

Sarah: Have you ever heard of a group called SOS (Support Our Sunset)?

Buxton: Yes, I have. I was at the latest event in Burbank. And I reallyappreciate the SOS!

Louis1187: Isn't it pretty cool that your intials are S.B. and the same letters are the same on Sunset Beach?

Buxton: Hey, I thought nobody would notice! Thank you for noticing. I thinkit's cool!

JuStAbUsT: Hi Sarah! How much longer do you think you will stay on Sunset Beach? If you ever leave who would take your spot?

Buxton: Hi, JustaBust. Well, I'll stay as long as they'll have me I think. I'm such a bad girl that — you never know. Who would replace me? I don't know. Any suggestions?

Alp96aj65: What is the hardest thing about working on a soap opera?

Buxton: Memorizing all those words every single day. Just when you think you've finished for that day, you have to go home and learn the next day.

Oohay57: I like how your character always goes to outrageous lengths to get what she wants. Do you think Annie will ever settle down?

Buxton: I doubt it. Annie is just very, very extreme. And I don't think she likes the easy way out.

Hanson_rocks: Do you have any advice for people who want to get started in the business of acting? (julie, Vancouver BC Canada, 16)

Buxton: I say stay in acting class because it's good to have training. I've worked in Canada before and there's a lot of parts to start on, because they do a lot of American productions in Vancouver. I was on 21 Jump Street there and I made a movie called Listen there.

SBYF22: I've heard that Timothy Adams doesn't like underwear. Can you bring any truth to this? What are some other funny cast member traits?

Buxton: Well, it's true, Timothy Adams doesn't wear underwear. And Hank Cheyne likes to wear sarongs. That's all I can think of.

Sonny_Cat: Would you ever quit acting to do something like, talk show host?

Buxton: No. I wouldn't. I've never thought about it, except yesterday I hosted all these satellite interviews and it was fun. It was the first time I ever thought about hosting.

Sugarcubes_1000: do you play Annie on Sunset Beach?

Buxton: I'm not an actress; I'm a comedy writer here. I just play an actress on TV.

TVGEN: Thanks for joining us tonight, Sarah. And yes, it is the real Sarah Buxton here with us tonight.

Buxton: Thank you for chatting. I hope we can do it again soon. Your questions were really fun, and sorry I couldn't get to everyone.


Beach's resident vixen, Annie, has gotten herself into a lot of sticky situations, but a recent one, well, topped them all. Her portrayer, Sarah Buxton, had to don whipped cream for a steamy scene with Sam Behrens (Gregory), and this feat wasn't as easy as pie. "Doing the whipped cream was exciting," Buxton laughs. "I'm in a hotel room, & I'm standing there in whipped cream for about four hours. It was actually shaving cream topped with whipped cream. Gregory ate strawberries off Annie's chest, so we had to put real shipped cream there." Just how did it feel being the object of Gregory's confection? "I had a lot of fun--it was really silly. I feel like I'm [in] I Love Lucy sometimes; that's what Annie seems like to me lately. I think that's great because I love the comedy."