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Sarah Buxton sida 4

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Have you ever turned down a role on moral grounds?

No because I haven't been offered anything inappropriate.  Agents protect me.  I never auditioned for a role that I felt was morally wrong.

If you could play any character from Shakespeare, who would it be and why?

Juliet Capulet.  Play a part of someone romantic, innocent.  But I think I look too old to play Juliet. :-)

What is the most difficult emotion for you to play?

I think for me, oddly enough, it's "happiness."  It's complicated to be happy, right away.  But I'm not saying that I'm not a happy person...I am...really!

Do you speak a language other than English?

No.  But I would like to speak Spanish, though.

Describe yourself in 5 words.

Spontaneous, funny, complicated, lighthearted and deep.  I'm freespirited too.

What is your favorite season?

Summer.  I love the warm air and I love to go swimming in warm water.

Who do you admire?

I admire all singers.  It's an amazing thing to be able to sing.  I admire people who speak several languages.  I admire a lot of people.  I admire Drew Barrymore for being able to produce all those movies.

What kind of car do you drive?

A black BMW.

Do you like The X-Files?

I LOVE The X-Files.

Do you have any siblings?

I have a sister named Robin and a step-brother named Christopher.

Do you like your red hair?

Yes!  They change the color all the time. People think it suits me.  I miss my dark hair sometimes, though.

What's Jerry Springer like?

He's really funny.  He's a nice man.  He came out with an entourage.  He is sort of self-depricating, though...he makes jokes about himself a lot.

What is your favorite clothing store?

Maxfield's, Barney's and Fred Seagull.

Do you like Britney Spears?

Not really.  I liked her first single, but that's about all.  I'm not a big fan of hers.

Do you get recognized a lot?

I guess I do now.

What nationality are you?

I'm half Irish, half English and a little bit Greek.

Do you wear fur?


What is your favorite sport? favorite sport to watch is basketball.

What is your favorite soap opera?

Sunset Beach!

What are some of your hobbies?

I surf, camp, hike, scuba, body surf, go to movies, do pottery, read, write letters, and travel first class.  :-)

So you spend a lot of time on the computer?

No.  Email is about all I do.

What is your favorite music video?

I can't think of the title of the song...but it's a Lenny Kravitz video and it has Milla Jovovich in it.

What role in Another World did you audition for?

I honestly don't remember.  I was young...only 16.

What is your favorite drink?

Water, fruit juice, gingerale and fresca.

How do you relax?

I go to the spa (which happens to be across the street) or lounge by the pool and read.

Do you have any advice for quick script learning?

First, write down the lines.  Then type them up.  Say them aloud with someone.  Speaking the lines out REALLY helps.

What is your favorite movie that you have been in?

The Climb or Pink Lightning...I'm not really sure.

Do you like Old Navy?

I'm not familiar with the store but I LOVE the commercials.

Was it hard to do the lesbian scenes in Listen?

It was very hard.  Brooke and I were friends so it was really weird.  I had to get drunk.  I took a shot of tequila.  No offense to any lesbians.  It was just a hard scene for me to do because I'm not a lesbian.  It was very challenging.   But I had fun.  I was acting.  :-)

Who is your favorite friend from Friends?

Phoebe...I love her because she is so ditsy and out there.  Lisa Kudrow does a great job.

What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?

A Cosmopolitan.  It has vodka, cranberry juice and lemon or slipped my mind at the moment.  I also like Green Apple Martinis.

What level did you make it to in gymnastics?

The end of the second string.

Do you have any nicknames?

Bucky, Sadie (my mom calls me that), and my sister calls me Se-rah.

Will you do any modeling?

I would love to model.  I love fashion and clothes.  It's something I I want to be one!  :-)

What's a typical day like?

I get up, go for a walk, get some coffee, read the paper, go over my lines in the car on the way to work.  Then I go to hair and makeup, film, lunch, film and then I go home and have dinner with friends.  I relax, learn the next day's lines and try to exercise.

What's it like to be famous?

I guess it doesn't really affect me that much.  I guess I don't really know that I am. But it does help me get into places easier.  :-)

If you could choose anyone, who would you want to go out with?

Jim Carrey

Do you wear clothes like Annie does in real life?

Sometimes.  I'm a little more conservative.  Every now and then, though, I bust out in a small outfit.

Have you been the butt of any practical jokes on the Sunset Beach set?

Yes!  Brooke Langton is one of my best friends in the whole world.

Were you ever on Miami Vice?

No...I was never on Miami Vice.


Question: Is Sarah Buxton anything like Annie?

Randy Spelling (Sean Richards): No, she's really sweet in real life, not that Annie's not sweet, but you know...

Question: Mr. Behrens, how does Gregory like being married to Annie? I am sure you make those scenes fun, as I've heard you're the practical jokester.

Sam Behrens (Gregory Richards): Who told you! It's great working with Sarah because she loves having fun, too...I kinda think it's the same way for Gregory, he gets a kick out of Annie because she's just like him. She's conniving and gets what she wants, is a lot of fun and is exciting and has an incredible body..she's a lot like Gregory!  [Laughs] For me to say that and be on a show that has a lot of incredible bodies, everyone has to know I'm joking, okay?!

Question: What cast member is the most fun to work with?

Susan Ward (Meg Cummings): I think Sarah Buxton because we work really well together and we laugh through our scenes.

Question: Is Sarah Buxton really a nice person?

Susan Ward: She's great. She's the funniest girl in the world. She's not at all like her character and she's really really sweet.

Kathleen Noone (Bette Katzenkazrahi): What I love about Sarah's look is that it's that Ava Gardner look. It's the look where it's beautiful, but there's just so much going on in there. There's a lot of depth to it. There's strength, there's naughtiness, there's mystery.

Kathleen Noone: When Sarah and I first started working together, I think that we were both scared to death because we didn't know one another. We were just trying to get used to each other, but once we settled in, I think our chemistry was natural. You start doing things with each other because you feel natural and have a great rapport. Sarah and I made that sort of connection, and because of it, we are able to take our scenes to a different level.

Clive Robertson (Ben/Derek Evans): Sarah's beauty is so exquisite that I can hardly remember all my lines when I work with her.

Intervjuer Från Glamour

Sarah Buxton (Morgan DeWitt)

Om du har följt händelseutvecklingen i Glamour i USA, så har du säkerligen inte kunnat undgå att det kommit en ny dam till stan! Forresters nya modedesigner Morgan DeWitt har på kort tid lyckats röra om ordentligt i grytan, och hennes framtid i serien ser mycket ljus ut.

Sarah Buxton, som spelar den mystiska Morgan, lät CBS intervjua henne medan hon fotade sina allra första bilder till serien. Skådespelerskan, som vi också kunnat se i den nu nerlagda såpan Sunset Beach, tog sig tid att berätta lite om sig själv och sin nya rollfigur. Här är intervjun:

CBS: Hur känns det att vara tillbaka i såpabranchen?

Sarah Buxton: Det känns väldigt spännande. Jag trivs verkligen här.

CBS: Vad trodde du skulle hända efter att Sunset Beach lades ner - hade du planerat att stanna i såpabranchen, eller hade du några planer på att göra andra saker? Sarah Buxton: Faktum är att jag verkligen trodde att jag skulle göra andra saker, men jag hade inte något speciellt i sikte. Jag var rätt trött och behövde min två månaders-paus från alltihop. Sedan dök det här erbjudandet upp och jag nappade direkt. Det känns verkligen bra att vara här.

CBS: Vad gjorde du på din ledighet mellan serierna?

Sarah Buxton: Jag åkte till Hawaii. Jag surfade mycket eftersom jag tog surfinglektioner förra sommaren. Så jag lärde mig hur man surfar - bara på små vågor, inte stora. Sedan åkte jag och min pojkvän till Wyoming där vi åkte skidor. Vi avslutade semestern i New York där vi bara slappade, men man kan säga att jag reste runt en del.

CBS: Det låter toppen. Vad tycker du om din nya rollfigur, Morgan DeWitt?

Sarah Buxton: Nja, hon är verkligen helt annorlunda Annie [Buxtons rollfigur i Sunset Beach]. Jag tycker att hon är mer stabil än Annie - hon står med båda fötterna på jorden och är en stark kvinna, men på ett annorlunda sätt. Hon är rätt mystisk och hemlighetsfull av sig, det gillar jag.

CBS: Både Clarke och Giovanni slåss om Morgans uppmärksamhet - hur känns det att vara så eftertraktad?

Sarah Buxton: Å, det är toppen! [skratt]. Det är verkligen kul. Båda killarna är väldigt skämtsamma av sig i verkligheten, så det är roligt att spela in scenerna. Alla tjejer gillar att vara eftertraktade - det är positiv uppmärksamhet.

CBS: Vem skulle du helst vilja att Morgan inleder ett förhållande med?

Sarah Buxton: Hmmm... jag kan inte svara på det! [skratt] Jag är bara 'den där nya tjejen'

CBS: Gillar du att spela den nya 'bitchen'?

Sarah Buxton: Jag vet inte riktigt om jag är den nya 'bitchen', men jag börjar få en stark känsla av att jag nog är det. Än så länge så har jag förstått att jag är den nya, komplicerade, bekymrade tjejen med många hemligheter i bagaget.

CBS: Jag läste att du har producerat och spelat med i ett antal pjäser. Hur hamnade du i den branchen?

Sarah Buxton: Det gjorde jag när jag studerade drama genom 'The Loft Studio', men jag producerade aldrig några egna pjäser. Vi gjorde allt tillsammans - ljudet, kulisserna och makeupen. Det var som ett stort grupparbete.

CBS: Spelar du med i någon teaterpjäs just nu?

Sarah Buxton: Nej, men jag skulle gärna göra det. Jag gillar teatern, men för tillfället har jag inte tid.

CBS: Jag vet att du har spelat med i flera biofilmer. Planerar du att spela in några fler filmer i framtiden?

Sarah Buxton: Jag hoppas kunna göra det - jag älskar att göra filmer. Jag gillar takten man spelar in dem i - man får spela en rollfigur i tre tappningar; början, mitten och slutet. Jag har en del luckor i mitt schema, så förhoppningsvis kommer jag hinna med att göra filmer också. Kanske inte just nu, men... jag får se vad som händer, men det hade verkligen varit roligt.

CBS: Fansen vill säkert veta hur du håller din kropp i så god form.

Sarah Buxton: Å, det var ju vänligt sagt... Jag tränar en hel del. Jag tränar på 'step-maskinen', på gym och går på yoga. Jag älskar att träna. Ibland är det svårt att hinna med, men jag tvingar mig själv att göra det. Tre gånger i veckan tränar jag med min personlige tränare. Då måste jag stiga upp halv sju på morgonen, vilket jag hatar eftersom jag helst av allt vill ligga kvar i sängen, men jag tvingar mig själv. Sedan försöker jag göra någon slags konditionsträning en gång i veckan. Ibland brukar jag även göra en grej som kallas 'Eat Wise', som min tränare föreslog. Det går att leta upp det på internet. Det är som ett kostprogram. Jag antar att det egentligen handlar om bantning, men jag använder den inte bara som det. Jag följer kostprogrammet eftersom det är hälsosamt. Man måste äta sex gånger om dagen, men det passar mig perfekt. Jag har väldigt lågt blodsocker, så dieten håller mig på topp - det är perfekt. Det är bra om man vill gå ner i vikt, men man kan även ändra saker i kostschemat om man inte vill gå ner i vikt.

CBS: Wow, du håller dig verkligen aktiv. Det är toppen. Tack för pratstunden.

Sarah Buxton: Tack själv.

Question & Answer

Sarah Buxton, Morgan DeWitt, The Bold and the Beautiful 

Soon after NBC canceled Sunset Beach last year, rumors began circulating that Sarah Buxton, who played the outrageous and always-entertaining Annie Douglas Richards, was about to be cast in one of Aaron Spelling's prime-time shows. Daytime, however, wasn't through with Buxton: The Bold and the Beautiful recently hired the actress (wisely) to play Morgan DeWitt, Ridge's first love.

Buxton has been integrated into the storyline quickly and seamlessly, more than holding her own with B&B veterans Susan Flannery, Ronn Moss and Hunter Tylo (Stephanie, Ridge and Taylor). Warm and gracious, Buxton took time out of her schedule to chat with TV Guide Online to discuss life at B&B, reminisce about Sunset and address published theories that maybe Morgan didn't have that abortion after all. Hmmm....  - Michael J. Maloney 

How did the B&B role come about? 

From what I understand, Brad [Bell, B&B's executive producer and head writer] had me in mind for a long time; I'd run into him before [at industry events] where he'd indicated that. His was the first offer [after Sunset]. I sort of believe in fate and that work begets work and that kind of thing. It sounded like such a great role. I had wanted to work on one of Aaron's prime-time shows, but there was nothing there. I had read for a few pilots. I also had a lot of hesitation about signing up with another show right away, but I thought, "Here's a job and it's being offered to me." Also, pilots are a game of chance. You don't know if you're going to get one or if the show will even become a series. These were all things I considered before I made my decision. 

Was it hard letting go of Annie, who was such a great comedic character? 

It was, at first. I have to focus more and it's more challenging, but I'm enjoying Morgan greatly. 

Sunset's cancellation was especially sad because most viewers and critics felt the show was finally clicking in its final months. Did that make it more frustrating to see the show end?

I believed in the show from the beginning. It had great humor. It made fun of itself but wasn't completely ridiculous. It took a long time for people to warm up to it and it was very sad that the show was canceled. We all cried and cried. On one level, we couldn't believe it was ending. We'd all become good friends. [But] you have to let go of things at some point.

With whom do you stay in touch?

I see Susan Ward, Clive Robertson, Krissy Carlson, Priscilla Garita, and Shawn Batten (ex-Meg, ex-Ben, ex-Amy, ex-Gabi and ex-Sara]. Plus, a lot of the Sunset crew work on B&B. One of the B&B makeup artists [Christine Lai-Johnson] is married to one of Sunset's directors [Grant Johnson].

Have you read the theories in the magazines about what really happened to Morgan and her baby?

I haven't really read anything about the baby in the magazines. What's been said?

That Morgan gave birth to the baby and that he could be brought on the show someday. It would certainly give the storyline a new dynamic and provide an additional threat to Ridge and Taylor's marriage. 

Well, nobody's told me anything. First, I don't know how [the writers] would get out of that. I mean, they've shown the abortion clinic [in flashbacks], but maybe Morgan never went through with it? Maybe Morgan ran out [at the last minute]? I haven't heard anything about the child being alive. It would be interesting.

What's it like working with Ronn Moss? 

He's so nice. I had no idea what to expect because I had never really watched the show. I couldn't believe how down to earth he is. I think you could expect a diva situation with anyone who's been on a show as long as Ronn has been on B&B. I tend to expect something like that. But no one on the show is like that.

Several magazines reported that you were joining B&B before it was officially announced. Was it difficult for you to keep things quiet?

Actually, people were asking me about it [before the deal was signed]. I just said that I hadn't even talked to anyone at B&B, which really was the truth. The show was [shooting a remote] in Italy in December and my agent had heard that they wanted to see me, but nothing official happened until January. I asked my agents what all the talk was about and they told me that this happens. It's actually happened where there [wasn't] even a part, so the best thing is to not try and think about it. You don't know for sure until something happens.

Did studying gymnastics as a youngster help teach you discipline in acting? 

It helped give me my basis for being determined and having perseverance. I was so young when I did that. I had a set of rules for myself: I worked out every day in the summer - I'd run a mile and lift weights. Sports and acting have things in common: You practice and rehearse and then you have your time when you perform. 

I understand you became a redhead for Sunset? 

Yes. It was Aaron's idea. We had a meeting where a hairdresser brought in all these wigs and he was like, "What are you doing wearing that?" [Laughs] I said, "You're the one who wanted to see the color."

And you decided to stay red after the show ended?

I would have liked to have gone back to having [brunet hair], but I got the part so soon. We never had the chance to discuss that. There are a few other redheads on B&B - Darlene Conley and Bobbie Eakes (Sally and Macy). I think if Hunter [Tylo] and I were both the same color it might look confusing.

Did you travel to any countries to promote Sunset?

I had gone to England. I've been told that B&B is skipping ahead [a year] so that my character will be seen sooner [in England]. They had me tape some kind of commercial about it for channel 5 in England. I'm not sure how popular Sunset Beach was in other countries, but I do know that they loved it in England. They got the humor. They have that kind of dry wit.

B&B and Sunset Beach, while very different shows, have some things in common: great looking casts and Los Angeles locales. Do you think shows with these traits have more trouble earning respect in the showbiz community?

[Laughs] Oh, like they all aren't [filled with beautiful people]! I don't get certain people at other shows thinking they're so superior. People felt that way about Sunset Beach and I was, like, "Are you kidding me? They're all soap operas."

This is true. When did you film your role in The Climb?

Right before Sunset Beach. It's a film about a boy coming of age and a man dying of age. My character is the daughter-in-law of John Hurt's character and was the comic relief in the film. It was set in Baltimore in the '50s and it made me think that I'd made it into the independent film world. Unfortunately, it only played in a few places and then went to video. You just never know with movies. I'm sure Hilary Swank didn't know what was going to happen with Boys Don't Cry.

This business can be unpredictable.

It's true. I understand it all, but it's a little disappointing. You have to learn how to let things roll off your back and be more process-oriented rather than result-oriented. I think you can be unhappy if you do something [just] to see what you'll get from it. You can end up easily disappointed.

The Player

SARAH BUXTON's character on The Bold and the Beautiful - Morgan DeWitt - plays games with people everyday. After all, if she didn't, how else would Morgan have managed to get pregnant with Ridge's baby? While appearing on Hollywood Squares, Sarah got the chance to play a game of her own. (Don't forget to tune in to Hollywood Squares the week of October 16 to see your favorite soap stars!) Were you excited about being on Hollywood Squares?

SARAH BUXTON: Yes. I was really excited. I couldn't wait! Were you worried about being witty with your answers?

SARAH BUXTON: Yes. I don't think I was too funny, but I was just playing the game. I had a really good time. I was a little nervous at first - but excited. Was this your first game show experience?

SARAH BUXTON: Second time. I [also] played Pictionary. That was a blast. I was on Sunset Beach at the time. What would you be doing today if you weren't here working?

SARAH BUXTON: [I would be] either at the beach or, well, I already went to the gym today so maybe at a movie, if it was raining, or outside doing something. Did you enjoy the live audience reaction?

SARAH BUXTON: Oh, it's fun. It's nice because you get this instant gratification. I like that. My dressing room is here, so I feel like I'm just at home. Are you enjoying the whole pregnancy storyline?

SARAH BUXTON: Yes. I'm really enjoying it. It's so funny because my best friend [in real life] is six months pregnant right now and I'm [supposed to be] six months pregnant. I think I'd be very claustrophobic if I were really pregnant. At the end of the day, I can take [the belly] out, but I'm enjoying it. If Morgan carries this baby to term, what trouble do you think she'll encounter?

SARAH BUXTON: I think there's going to be a lot of trouble between Morgan and Taylor. There has to be. She can't be so forgiving. Do you think that Morgan is still counting on Ridge to be there for her and the baby?

SARAH BUXTON: I think she's hoping in the back of her mind, of course. It's almost like wishing the impossible. She's a little short of hopeless. If Ridge doesn't come around who would you like to see Morgan turn to?

SARAH BUXTON: I think that maybe there's something we don't know. Maybe someone from my past! [Laughs]

SARAH BUXTON (Morgan) "Take Five" from SOD:

•The thing that gets on her nerves is traffic.

•She likes getting advice and doesn't think she's ever really gotten any unwanted advice she didn't ask for.

•If she had $100 to spend anywhere, it would be at the Gap.

•If she could invent anything, she would make a device for instantaneous travel.

•If she could relive any part of her life, it would be her teenage years, so she could learn to be less serious and have fun.

SARAH BUXTON (Morgan) tidbits from Soap Opera Weekly:

•She was sad and upset when SUNSET BEACH was cancelled, because she had so much fun on that show, but she bounced back when B&B Executive Producer Brad Bell asked to meet with her once SUNSET ended its run.

•She thinks it would have been interesting if, as the press speculated, Morgan would have been Amber's sister, but she is happy with the story as it actually came out, with Morgan being the new foil in Ridge and Taylor's marriage.

•She admits to being nervous her first day, but she was welcomed by not only the B&B cast and crew, but also that of sister show Y&R, which tapes across the hall.

•She got a laugh early on when filming the flashbacks with Ronn Moss, especially from Ronn's wig (which she says had a life of its own), but she quickly saw the difference between the fun SUNSET and the more dramatic B&B as Morgan's abortion story unfolded.

•She finds the atmosphere more relaxed at B&B than at SUNSET since they are not always looking over their shoulders to see if the show has been cancelled.

•She is a big fan of co-stars KATHERINE KELLY LANG (Brooke) and SUSAN FLANNERY (Stephanie), and she's been pleased not only to share so many scenes with Susan, but also to be one of those to present her with her Best Actress Emmy in May.

•She has a long distance relationship with a man named Chad, who lives inNew York, and would like to have kids someday... but, she jokes, she's not in as big a rush as her character to do that.

Soaps In Depth has actors comparing themselves to their characters in their 30-Jan issue, and from B&B, they spoke to SARAH BUXTON (Morgan). Sarah's responses are:

•Fictional character she most relates to: Lucy from I LOVE LUCY, because trouble always follows Sarah around.

•Oddest thing in her closet: a portable air conditioner.

•Where she is happiest: Hanging out with her cats at home or reading by the pool.

•Most influential experience: gymnastics

•Favorite Guilty Pleasure: Pizza

•Song she would sing at karaoke: Something low, like a rap song, so she would not butcher it.

•Advice for her alter ego: Start over, move away, focus on her work and get over Ridge.

•Something she has done that her alter ego would not try: Surf camp. Morgan would never surf since it would mess up her make-up.

Morgan's answers:

•Fictional character she most relates to: Winona Ryder's character from the film "Girl, Interrupted."

•Oddest thing in her closet: a lot of bad jewelry.

•Where she is happiest: In Ridge's office, reminiscing.

•Most influential experience: The abortion Stephanie forced on her.

•Favorite Guilty Pleasure: Watching Ridge in the shower.

•Song she would sing at karaoke: The Police's "Every Breath You Take."

•Advice for her alter ego: Focus less on work and more on relationships.

•Something she has done that her alter ego would not try: Forging an email or sleeping with a married man.