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Welcome to the
Vision and Introduction of
Healing Hearts Web Ring
And The Heart of God

Church on the Internet
Bringing Jesus Wholeness to the World
A division of VISIONS UNITED

Don't miss what God is doing in the earth
revealing his glory


Important to read all this page

The Purpose of this website
Is to bring believers in Jesus Christ
Together and build a web network
In which healing streams can flow
So that whosoever will
Can freely receive help through
Our Stories
And Emails
For we are the same
In that we need healing
So as to reveal the Christ
In us
To the World
And live in the abundance
That He came to give us

This is a place of healing
Where the river of God
And of Life is flowing
For this same Anointing
Abides in each and every one of us
And this same anointing
Breaks every yoke of bondage

Through this Web Ring
The Lord Himself flows
To touch those who are hurting
Who have been abused
Who are in depression
Or any kind of bondage
That is robbing them from truly living
And enjoying life
We are called to be happy
To have fun
To be Free

In Jesus Name

Should you be here to join
Or just visit
We sure are glad you're here
And we love you

And you know
Sometimes we just need someone
To take us by the hand
And lead us to the water
So we can drink


"The River of water and life
proceeds out of the throne of God
and of the Lamb
And in the midst
And on either side of the river
The tree of life
And the leaves of the tree
Were for the healing of the nations

Revelations 22:1-2.....paraphrased

"Blessed be God
The Father of the Lord Jesus Christ
The Father of mercies
And the God of all comfort
Who comforts us
In all our tribulation
That we may be able to comfort them
Which are in trouble
By the comfort wherewith
We ourselves are comforted of God"

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (King James Version of the Bible)

"Rejoice with them that do rejoice
and weep with them that weep."

Romans 12:15

In addition

As this site was being created
Within my heart also
Grew the awareness of what it really represents
The Heart of God
Which says
come as you are
and you will find the love you so desire.
don't be afraid
because here you can be safe
vulnerable, open, trusting (and trusted)

You can find here understanding
and an acknowleging of your pain
your struggle

The focus is on becoming whole
Not labelling our condition
And then staying in it
It is to enable hurting souls
To move through and on out
Of hurts and brokeness
Through the power of the Truth
That can and will
Set victims free!
And live in abundance
lacking in nothing

The site is not exclusively Christian
it is for those who want to be whole
Free and live in that freedom
as a lifestyle!
All truth comes from God
And has the ability to set us free
So it represents Jesus Christ
"The Truth"

Jesus was void of religion
Harsh judgement and criticism
He is all accepting
All loving
And full of compassion
As he is so are we

:) MaryAnne.(vibee)


More about the Web Ring on Next Page

"I will give you a new heart
And put a new spirit in you
I will remove from you
Your heart of stone
And give you a heart of flesh"

Ezekiel 36: 26 (From the Bible)

Visions Unlimited

Associated with
Unity International Inc.
Perth. Western Australia
Now based In Pensacola. Florida

Home Page of MaryAnne
Directory of Visions Unlimited

Prophetic words

Bob's Testimony

Bruce and MaryAnne Stevenson Thompson
Unity International Inc.
Affiliated with Flames of Fire Inc. Australia.
And New Day Ministries, Western Australia.


Grace and Truth
Love and Forgiveness
Compassion For All

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