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Welcome To My Personal Favorite Wisecracks,Comebacks, Etc An all time favorite-Bite Me Baby Not so fun suggestion-Kiss Off Fido! You see, I want to help those who are: Frustrated, Considered "Geeky", Have had no luck, especially romantically!! I personally, am "one of these people" & know all to well the problems you are experiencing & want to help you. Is it a snappy comeback that you need? Or maybe a good come-on line-ie-you have a face like an angel;can I marry you? Bully's pestering you? How about-"You got more rolls than a bakery"!! a-hahaha (Of coarse they gotta fit the "look") Let me know whatcha need & I'll be glad to help!! Noone should have to be treated this repulsive way! Show em your not gonna take their crap!! Put an end to "The Geek Syndrome" once & for all!! Don't hesitate to write & ask for help! It can only help.....

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
WhoWhere? - The Best Communications Guide on the Web
Future Possibilities
Matt's Script Archive - Awesome Web Server Scripts

Email: mariahlover@hotmail.com