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The DEP says NO!
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The "West Virginia Corridor"  will take 950 acres of   environmentally sensitive lands, many bought with P2000 funds, and split them down the middle with a giant, walled toll road. It will divide neighborhoods, limit access and direct out of town traffic across Port St. Lucie and toward the proposed Walton Road Bridge without providing real relief to the citizens of St. Lucie County.

In 1990 and 1991 Port St. Lucie studied various routes for a new east-west corridor through the city.
The St. Lucie County Audubon studied the process and reported: "...of the recommendations of the U.S. Department of the Interior, the DER, the U.S. Department of the Army (Corps of Engineers), the State of Florida DNR  (now DEP), and the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. These agencies and others contacted, we understand, either had no preference or recommended the Walters Terrace or southern site as this location is far less environmentally sensitive. Of all the agencies contacted by your engineers, none recommended the 'West Virginia' site."
The route was chosen because the officials of Port St. Lucie have less regard for  environmentally sensitive lands than they do for trailer parks and vacant lots.

Read what they had to say

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